45th Session of the Joint Scientific Committee (JSC)

27 - 30 May 2024

 Overview documents

 PowerPoint templates:

 *** Suggest an image for the WCRP Science and Implementation Plan:

 Reporting templates:

 Annual Budgeting Process


Download ZIP Folder with all JSC-45 Reports (as of 21 May 2024): JSC-45-All-Reports

 Reports and presentations
 Day 1: 27 May 2024 ReportsPresentations
 Joint JSC 45-ANDEX Opening Session
  • Welcome from local authorities, (likely reps from IRD, IGP, and UPCH (TBC), MINAM (TBC)
  • Welcome and comments from WCRP co-sponsors C. Saulo (WMO), S. Aricò (ISC), V. Helgesen – video message (IOC-UNESCO)
  • Opening and Goal of JSC-45 from JSC Chair and Vice-Chair (D. Stammer, P. Braconnot)
  • Opening and Goal of ANDEX SSC from ANDEX Co-Chair (J. Espinoza)
 1. JSC Opening Session
  • Welcome and approval of JSC Agenda
  • Welcome on behalf of WCRP Secretariat and guidelines for participants and logistics of JSC-45
 2. WCRP OSC Outcomes
 3. WCRP Science and Implementation Plan   
  • Plans and timeline with regards to finishing the WCRP Science and Implementation Plan
  • Status WCRP Branding
  • New approach to annual budgeting
 4. Strategic initiatives and Issues: Update and Discussion  
 4.1 Status of CMIP 7 and Scenarios  CMIP Report (1 May)  CMIP-7 incl Scenarios (27 May)
 4.2 WCRP Budget and Cycles Team    
 4.3 Monsoons activities   IMPO Report (14 May)  
 4.4 Outcome of CliC Review    
 5. Presentations and Discussion of WCRP core activities
 Part 1 : Lighthouse Activities  
 - My Climate Risk Lighthouse Activity  My Climate Risk report (21 May)  My Climate Risk (26 May)
 - GPEX  GPEX report (30 April)  GPEX (27 May)
 - Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change  EPESC report (7 May)  EPESC (27 May)
 - Digital Earths Lighthouse Activity  Digital Earths Report (2 May)  Digital Earths ( Draft, 2 May)
- Safe Landing Climates Lighthouse Activity  SLC report (6 May)  SLC (27 May)


 Reports and presentations
 Day 2:  28 May 2024 ReportsPresentations
 5. Presentations and Discussion of WCRP core activities (cont)
 - Climate Intervention  Research on Climate Intervention report (27 May)  Research on Climate Intervention (28 May)
 Discussion IPCC-WCRP collaborations  
  • AR7 agenda and organisation
  • Key topics for which new information is needed from WCRP, e.g., through assessment papers.
  • Interest for common expert workshop on some topics (e.g., tipping points, CI)
  Part 2 : Core projects
 - Atmopheric Processes and their Role in Climate (APARC)   APARC Report (14 May)  APARC (26 May)
 - Regional Information for Society (RIfS) (including CORDEX and Global Extremes Platform)   RIfS report (13 May), CORDEX report (2 May)  RIfS (24 May)
 - Earth System Modelling and Observations (ESMO)   ESMO report (5 May)  CMIP (27 May) ESMO (28 May)
 - Climate and Cryosphere (CliC)   CliC report (1 May)  CliC (28 May)
 - Climate and Ocean Variability, Predictability and Change (CLIVAR)   CLIVAR report (14 May)  CLIVAR (26 May)
 - Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX)  GEWEX report (13 May)  GEWEX (28 May)
 Part 3 : Discussion
 Improving connections between core activities    USGCRP (28 May) IPCC (28 May)


 Reports and presentations
Day 4:  30 May 2024 ReportsPresentations
 5. Presentations and Discussion of WCRP core activities (cont)
 - WCRP Academy  Academy Report (3 May)  WCRP Academy (30 May)
 6. Early and mid-career career researcher
  • Review of EMCR status and recommendations
  • ECS networks (YESS etc.) 

EMCR Tiger team (30 May) 

YESS (30 May)

 7. Global Fellowships
  • General Concept of Global Fellowships
  • Status of the 2024 call focussed on Africa
  • Preparation of the next calls

 Task team report (28 May)

Proposal-Process and ToR (28 May)

 Fellowships (30 May)

  8. Partner Interactions
 - Future Earth
  • Global collaborations
  • Collaborations between WCRP and Future Earth Projects


Future Earth (30 May)

  - WMO
  • Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)
    Mutual interests, ongoing or required collaborations, next steps
  • World Weather Research Programme
  • Global Atmosphere Watch

 GFCS (30 May)

 WWRP (30 May)

 GAW (29 May)

 - Partnerships: General discussion

 Including input from GCOS, GOOS, OOPC, Space agencies (NSF, NASA, EUMETSAT), USGCRP, Copernicus, APN, Belmont, GEO, SCOR, SCAR…


 SCOR (30 May)

 GCOS (30 May)

 APN (4 June)

 9. Final Session
 - JSC Task Team on Budgeting    
 - WCRP Secretariat    
 - Closing Remarks