- The Special Issue Focus on Bottom-up Construction of Climate Risk Information in now live: IOPscience - Focus on Bottom-up Construction of Climate Risk Information
- The report from My Climate Risk Fifth General Assembly held online in October and November 2024, has now been published.
The My Climate Risk Lighthouse Activity aims to develop and mainstream a ‘bottom-up’ approach to regional climate risk, which starts with the requirements of decision-makers. By ‘risk’ we mean the combination of hazard, vulnerability, and exposure that is particular to a given regional context. By developing a new framework for assessing and explaining regional climate risk using all the available sources of climate information (observations, reanalyses, model simulations, better understanding, etc.), climate information will be made meaningful at the local scale. Whilst any application of the framework will inevitably be specific and tailored to local concerns, the framework itself will be generic, hence flexible and applicable across a number of region types (large scale, urban, typical SREX region, etc.) and intended to become much-needed support for the development of climate services. At the same time, the Activity can identify needs to be addressed by the WCRP Core Projects and other Lighthouse Activities (e.g., implications of model biases).
My Climate Risk will primarily use a case-study approach, in the form of labs (communities of practice) that provide dynamic, exploratory, transdisciplinary environments. These communities of practice could take a variety of forms depending on local needs and interests. A canonical activity would be to discuss current risk in a given situation, with proximate explanations, and then develop storylines of future climate-related risk based on those explanations. In this way, the past can be related to the future within a risk framing.
To facilitate the desired ‘bottom-up’ approach, My Climate Risk will be implemented in a non-hierarchical way through an informal ecosystem of regional hubs (see image below). Together, the regional hubs will support a ‘mycorrhizal network’ of communities of practice, sharing knowledge and resources. Regional hubs need to be anchored in an existing locally-based institution with a commitment to the principles of My Climate Risk, to ensure long-term continuity and local engagement. Representatives of the hubs, together with a Scientific Steering Group (who are responsible for reporting to the WCRP) and Ex-Officio members (who are responsible for liaison with international partners, both within and outside WCRP) will together constitute a General Assembly, providing connection points between the hubs and the relevant expertise that exists in the wider climate science community (see figure).
Frequently asked questions
Is My Climate Risk where WCRP deals with climate risk?
No. Both the Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change (EPESC) and Safe Landing Climates (SLC) Lighthouse Activities also deal with climate risk, but at larger spatial scales (continental to global). The most important word in 'My Climate Risk' is arguably 'My'. Other parts of WCRP also address climate risk. My Climate Risk aims to provide added value where it can be effective, and to draw on all parts of WCRP.
How is My Climate Risk different from the Regional Information for Society (RIfS) Core Project?
Many of the goals are similar, but the main difference is in the modality. As a Core Project, Regional Information for Society (RIfS) is about building long-term capability and standardized methodologies. As a Lighthouse Activity, My Climate Risk is about exploring the frontiers. Moreover, My Climate Risk needs to have strong connections with all parts of WCRP.
More information on the hubs and on when and how they will launch will follow. Please join the MCR mailing list to stay up to date.
If you are interested in helping advance the agenda of My Climate Risk, for example, through establishing a regional hub, please fill out the Indication of Interest form and email it to