EEarth System Modelling and Observations (ESMO)

ESMO website

The ESMO Core Project was recently approved by the JSC in November 2020 and formed to coordinate all modelling, data and observations activities across WCRP and our key partners. ESMO will bring together existing modelling and data elements of the WCRP structure.

The three modelling and prediction groups below will develop their activities to contribute to ESMO’s science plan and develop the various components of modelling in WCRP:

ESMO will also work closely with the other Core Projects (CLIVAR, GEWEX, SPARC, CliC and RIfS) in relation to their modelling and data activities, as well as develop strategic connections to GCOS and Earth System reanalysis including recent activities (TIRA), Obs4MIPs, and joint activities with WMO partners such as the S2S project.

ESMO takes a seamless and value-chain model-data-observation approach across Earth system components, fundamental and applied disciplines, time and spatial scales and  infrastructures. It aims to optimise model development, establish new prediction systems, innovate observing systems, improve climate data eco-systems and connectivity, advance data assimilation and digital-twin frameworks. This framework will enable the formulation of WCRP modelling and observational requirements to observe, understand and predict the climate system.

ESMO is currently developing its science and implementation plans which will focus on four overarching themes: (a) Research; (b) Infrastructure; (c) Access and communication; and (d) Partnerships and organisation.

The Draft ESMO Strategic Plan has been approved by the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee with comments and feedback. The ESMO Scientific Steering Group will revise the document to guide all the activities that will be developed by the core project.

For more information about ESMO, its work and the team, kindly refer to its website here.