WCRP 40th Anniversary Symposium

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Hyatt Regency San Francisco Embarcadero, Bayview Room

WCRP is celebrating its 40th year of international climate science. We invite you to join us for a Symposium, which will showcase the many successes of our community over the last four decades and highlight some of the challenges and opportunities that climate science faces now and will face in the future. WCRP is entering a new phase of development to ensure that it is prepared for this future, recently launching its Strategic Plan 2019-2028. This Symposium will launch a series of sessions and events that will bring this future focus together in a “Climate Science Week”, a joint effort between WCRP and AGU’s 100th Anniversary Symposium.

   Symposium Program   with abstracts and biographies


A number of the participants of the WCRP 40th Anniversary Symposium. 8 December 2019.
Annotated by Hans Volkert. Click to download as a PDF.
Information for the not yet identified persons (#46, #49, #61).

Please see the following article published for the WCRP 40th Anniversary: The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) celebrates its 40th anniversary


Session A: Celebrating 40 years of WCRP in Service to Society (Chair: Pavel Kabat)

Opening remarks and expectations for the day and the week (Detlef Stammer)

Welcome by WCRP sponsors:

Welcome by the American Geophysical Union

  • Eric Davidson - AGU Past President
  • Denis-Didier Rousseau - AGU Fall Meeting Program Chair


WCRP Accomplishments

Session B: Understanding the Climate System Components and their Interactions (Chair: Helen Cleugh)

Session B: continued (Chair: Detlef Stammer)

Session C: The Launch of WCRP's Future (Chair: Pavel Kabat)

Awarding of:

Contact: Narelle van der Wel - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(Image credit: WMO, WMO/ICSU JSC, 1985)