S2D conference banner 2

Second International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction (S2S) and
Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction (S2D)

Agenda and oral presentations

  • For a .pdf version of the draft programme, click here
  • For a .pdf version of the abstract book for oral presentations, click here
  • For a .pdf version of the abstract book for poster presentations, click here




Plenary Sessions - Main auditorium at Center Green (CG)

Chair: Gokhan Danabasoglu

8.30–8.45 Welcome and Opening Remarks - Gokhan Danabasoglu & Antonio J. Busalacchi
8.45–8.55 Current and future plans for S22D in CGD (NCAR) - Vanda Grubisic & Jean-Francois Lamarque
8.55–9.05 WMO/WCRP - Guy Brasseur
9.05- 9.15 WWRP - Catalizing Innovation in Weather, Climate and Environmental Sciences Estelle De Coning
9.15- 9.25 Subseasonal to seasonal science and predictions initiatives of the NOAA MAPP Program - Annarita Mariotti
9.25-9.40 S2S – Project achievements and future plans - Frédéric Vitart and Andrew Robertson
9.40-9.55 WGSIP/DCPP – Project achievements and future plans - Bill Merryfield and Doug Smith
9.55-10.00 Early Career Scientists' Activities - Matthias Tuma
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-11.00 Subseasonal to decadal prediction: Looking back on 40 years of progress - and projecting forward another 40 years - Tim Palmer
11.00-11.30 Research Needs for advancing operational S2D Forecasting Infrastructure - Arun Kumar
11.30-12.00 Connecting Prediction Information and Products to Application - Lisa Goddard
12.00-13.15 Lunch
13.15-17.45 Parallel Sessions: Themes A and B

S2S session Theme A1:
Mechanisms of S2S predictability
North and Center CG

S2D session Theme B1:
Mechanisms of S2D predictability
FL auditorium (streaming South CG)

13:15-14.45 S2S session Theme A1: Mechanisms of S2S predictability
Chair: Andrew Roberston
Rapporteurs: Alex Gonzalez & Kirsten Mayer
13.15-13.45 Brunet, Gilbert (Keynote): Identifying wave processes associated with predictability across subseasonal to seasonal time scales (A1-01)
13.45-14.00 Toth, Zoltan: Predictive signal and noise in sub-seasonal to decadal forecasts (A1-02)
14.00-14.15 Newman, Matt: How important are ENSO and the MJO to tropical subseasonal predictability (A1-03)
14.15-14.30 Perlwitz, Judith: Characteristics of the QBO-stratospheric polar Vortex connection on multi-decadal time scales (A1-04)
14.30-14.45 Kim, Ha-Rim: Impact of statistically forecasted sea-ice boundary condition on the sub-seasonal prediction using atmospheric general circulation model (A1-05)
14.45-16.15 Coffee Break and Poster Session A1
16:15-17.45 S2S session Theme A1 (cont.)
Chair: Frédéric Vitart
Rapporteur: Simon Peatman
16.15-16.30 Cheng, Yuan-Ming: Intraseasonal Variability of African Easterly Wave (A1-06)
16:30-16.45 Dias, Juliana: Diagnosing sources of operational forecast model errors in tropical-extratropical interactions (A1-07)
16.45-17.00 Lee, Robert: ENSO modulation of MJO teleconnection to the North Atlantic & Europe and implications for subseasonal predictability (A1-08)
17.00-17.15 Stan, Cristiana: The impact of Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude variability on tropical teleconnections (Part1 ; Part2) (A1-09)
17.15-17.30 Lin, Hai: Predicting the dominant patterns of subseasonal variability of wintertime surface air temperature in extratropical Northern Hemisphere (A1-10)
17.30-17.45 Grams, Christian: The role of cloud diabatic processes in the life cycle of Atlantic-European weather regimes (A1-011)
13:15-14.45 S2D session Theme B1: Mechanisms of S2D predictability
Chair: Doug Smith
Rapporteurs: Roberto Bilbao & Leandro Baltasar Diaz
13.15-13.45 Robson, Jon (Keynote): On the mechanisms that give rise to predictability on Seasonal-to-decadal time-scales (Part1; Part2; Part3) (B1-01)
13.45-14.00 Meehl, Gerald: Initialized decadal prediction for transition to positive phase of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation: What"s the mechanism? (B1-02)
14.00-14.15 Mochizuki, Takashi: Tropical Atlantic impacts on subdecadal variability in the Pacific (B1-03)
14.15-14.30 Lee, June-Yi: Multi-year predictability of total soil water, drought, and wildfire over the Globe (B1-04)
14.30-14.45 Anderson, Bruce: The Pacific Decadal Precession: Our current understanding of its dynamics, regional climate effects, and predictability (Pat1; Part2) (B1-05)
14.45-16.15 Coffee Break and Poster Session B1
16:15-17.45 S2D session Theme B1 (cont.)
Chair: Stephen Yeager
Rapporteur: Annika Reintges
16.15-16.30 Delworth, Thomas: Decadal variability and predictability in the Southern Ocean - implications for interpreting recent observed trends (B1-06)
16.30-16.45 Chapman, Christopher: Subsurface Variability and teleconnections in the Indian Ocean (Part1; Part2) (B1-07)
16.45-17.00 Msadek, Rym: Dynamical and thermodynamical impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the European climate (Part1; Part2; Part3) (B1-08)
17:00-17.15 Engelbrecht, François: Antarctic stratospheric ozone and seasonal predictability over southern Africa (B1-09)
17.15-17.30 Ruprich-Robert, Yohan: Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on the tropical climate and tropical cyclone activity (B1-10)
17.30-17.45 Patricola, Christina: Oceanic and atmospheric sources of seasonal tropical cyclone predictability (B1-11)
18.00-20:00 Conference Reception at Center Green sponsored by UCAR, NCAR, and the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory


8.30-17.45 Parallel Sessions: Themes A and B

S2S session Theme A2:
Modelling issues in S2S prediction
North and Center CG

S2D session Theme B1 (cont.)/
B2 Modelling issues in S2D prediction
FL auditorium (streaming South CG)

8.30-10.30 S2S session Theme A2: Modelling issues in S2S prediction
Chair: Anca Brookshaw
Rapporteur: Benjamin Green

8.30-9.00 Takaya, Yuhei (Keynote): The art and science in sub-seasonal forecast system design and modelling (A2-01)
9.00-9.15 Buizza, Roberto: Initialisation and model error simulation in the ECMWF coupled ensembles (A2-02)
9.15-9.30 Saha, Suranjana: Development of a Unified Global Coupled System for sub seasonal to seasonal prediction system (A2-03)
9.30-9.45 Sardeshmukh, Prashant: Sufficient resolution for S2S predictions (A2-04)
9.45-10.00 Hong, Song-You: Seasonal prediction experiments in a global coupled system based on a non-hydrostatic global atmospheric model (Part1; Part2) (A2-05)
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-12.00 S2S session Theme A2 (cont.) / Theme A3:  S2S ensemble predictions and forecast information
Chair: Cécile Penland
Rapporteur: Roseanna McKay
10.30-10.45 Benjamin, Stan: Toward reducing cloud-radiation errors from Day 1 to Week 4 Prediction (Part1; Part2; Part3) (A2-06)
10.45-11.00 Kim, Daehyun: Mean state bias, cloud-radiation feedbacks, and MJO prediction skill in the S2S models (A2-07)
11.00-11.15 Kim, Hyemi: Process-based MJO hindcast evaluation in SubX (A2-08)
11.15-11.30 DeMott, Charlotte: The ocean-atmosphere dialog in the MJO: Physical processes vs. systematic biases in forecast models (Part1; Part2) ( A2-09)
11.30-12.00 Ferranti, Laura (Keynote): How far in advance can we predict changes in large-scale flow leading to severe cold conditions over Europe? (Part1; Part2) (A3-01)
8.30-10.30 S2D session Theme B1 (cont.)
Chair: June-Yi Lee
Rapporteurs: Jennifer Mecking & Ching Ho Justin Ng
8.30-8.45 Maroon, Elizabeth:Sources of skill in Sahel precipitation hindcasts in the CESM Decadal Prediction Large EnsembleSources of skill in Sahel precipitation hindcasts in the CESM Decadal Prediction Large Ensemble (B1-12)
8.45-9.00 Dewes, Candida: Projected Changes in S2D Hydroclimate Predictability in North America in CESM-LE (B1-13)
9:00-9.15 Webster, Peter: Is there a "BEYOND" on the other side of the ENSO Spring Predictability Barrier?(B1-14)
9.15-9.30 Alessandri, Andrea: Multiscale enhancement of climate prediction over land by increasing the model sensitivity to vegetation variability in EC-Earth (B1-15)

Ardilouze, Constantin: Investigating the impact of soil moisture on European summer climate predictions (B1-16)

9.45-10.00 Beverley, Jonathan: The Circumglobal Teleconnection in the ECMWF seasonal Forecast Model (B1-17)
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-12.00 S2D session Theme B2 Modelling issues in S2D prediction
Chair: Johanna Baehr
Rapporteur: Douglas Miller
10.30-11.00 Mueller, Wolfgang (Keynote): Climate predictions with MPI-ESM: Recent achievements and challenges (B2-01)
11.00-11.15 Barrie, Daniel: Process-Oriented Model Diagnosis to Improve Modeling Systems (B2-02)
11.15-11.30 Siongco, Angela Cheska: Diagnosing the sources of systematic SST biases in CESM using ensemble seasonal hindcasts (B2-03)
11.30-11.45 Molteni, Franco: Estimating errors in model variability: a comparison between seasonal re-forecasts and continuous multi-decadal simulations with the ECMWF coupled model (B2-04)
11.45-12.00  Keenlyside, Noel: Approaches to reduce model biases to improve in climate prediction (B2-05)
12.00-13.15 Lunch

S2S session Theme A3:
S2S ensemble predictions and forecast information
North and Center CG

S2D session Theme B2 (cont.)/
B3 S2D ensemble predictions and forecast information
FL auditorium (streaming South CG)

13.15-14.45 S2S session Theme A3 (cont.)
Chair: Thomas M. Hamill
Rapporteurs: Felipe Andrade & Christoph Renkl

13.15-13.30 Coelho, Caio: A verification framework for South American sub-seasonal precipitation predictions (A3-02)
13:30-13:45 Munoz, Angel G: How much can Model Output Statistics improve sub-seasonal predictive skill? (A3-03)
13.45-14.00 Berner, Judith: Regime-dependent predictability and forecast error spectra of initialized forecasts (A3-04)
14.00-14.15 Barnes, Elizabeth: Advancing atmospheric river and blocking forecasts into subseasonal-to-seasonal timescales (A3-05)
14.15-14.30 Collins, Dan: Identifying the capacity of dynamical models to forecast subseasonal extremes: Multi-model ensembles (A3-06)
14.30-14.45 Pegion, Kathy: The Subseasonal Experiment (SubX) (A3-07)
14.45-16.15 Coffee Break and Poster Session A2, A3
 16.15-17.45 S2S session Theme A3 (cont.)
Chair: Cristiana Stan
Rapporteurs: Michael DeFlorio & Mariano Alvarez
16.15-16.30 Yoo, Changhyun: Subseasonal prediction of wintertime East Asian temperature based on atmospheric teleconnections (A3-08)
16.30-16.45 Batté, Lauriane: Forecasting springtime Sahelian heat waves at seasonal and sub-seasonal time scales (A3-09)
16.45-17.00 Toma, Violeta: Advances in operational sub seasonal prediction of heat and cold waves for U.S. cities (A3-10)
17.00-17.15 Plans for Phase 2 R2O and database
17.15-17:45 Discussion (30 min)
13.15-14.45  S2D session Theme B2 (cont.)
Chair: Asmerom Beraki
Rapporteur: Katharina Isensee

13.15-13.30 Johnson, Stephanie: SEAS5: The new ECMWF seasonal forecast system (B2-06)
13.30-13.45 Paxian, Andrea: The German Climate Forecast System GCFS2.0 (B2-07)
13.45-14.00 Wang, Yiguo: Development and current S2D prediction skill of the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model (NOrCPM) (B2-08)
14.00-14.15 O'Reilly, Christopher: The importance of stratospheric initial conditions on wintertime seasonal NAO predictability and implications for the signal-to-noise paradox (B2-09)
14.15-14.30 Bethke, Ingo: Subtropical North Atlantic preconditioning key to skillful subpolar gyre prediction (B2-10)
14.30-14.45 Kadow, Christopher: Can decadal climate predictions be improved by ocean ensemble dispersion filtering? Any impact on seasonal predictions? (Part1; Part2) (B2-11)
14.45-16.15 Coffee Break and Poster Session B2, B3
 16.15-17.45 S2D session Theme B2 (cont.) / Theme B3: S2D ensemble predictions and forecast information
Chair: Magdalena Alonso Balmaseda
Rapporteur: Johnna Infanti
16.15-16.30 Polkova, Iuliia: Climate-mode initialization for decadal predictions (B2-12)
16.30-16.45 Kitsios, Vassili: Application of normal mode functions for the improved balance in the CAFE data assimilation system and characterisation of modes of variability (B2-13)
16.45-17.15 Yeager, Steve (Keynote): Near-term hydroclimate outlooks based on the CESM Decadal Prediction Large Ensemble (Part1; Part2; Part3) (B3-01)
17.15-17.30 Deser, Clara: Predicting multi-year La Niña events (B3-02)
17.30-17.45 Luo, Jing-Jia: Multi-year ENSO prediction (B3-03)
19.00 Social Evening for Early Career Researchers (registration required - contact Matthias Tuma for details)


8.30-17:45 Parallel Sessions: Themes A and B

S2S session Theme A4:
S2S forecasts for decision making
North and Center CG

S2D Session Theme B3 (cont.)/
S2D forecasts for decision making
FL auditorium (streaming South CG)

8.30-10.30 S2S session Theme A4: S2S forecasts for decision making
Chair: Kathy Pegion
Corry Baggett
8.30-9.00 White, Chris (Keynote): Applications of sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) predictions (Part1; Part2; Part3; Part4) (A4-01)
9.00-9.15 Baker, Sarah: Sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) climate products for water management (A4-02)
9.15- 9.30 Bazile, Rachel: Improving the predictability of streamflow for hydropower production in Canada using S2S ensemble meteorological forecasts (A4-03)
9.30-9.45 Waliser, Duane: Experimental sub-seasonal forecasting of atmospheric river variations for the western U.S. during Winters 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 (A4-04)
9.45-10.00 Büeler, Dominik: Stratospheric influences on European month-ahead wind power generation and its predictability on subseasonal time scalestratospheric influences on European month-ahead wind power generation and its predictability on subseasonal time scales (A4-05)
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-12.00 S2S session Theme A4 (cont.)
Chair: Nicholas Klingaman
Rapporteur: Yongqiang Sun


Manrique Suñén, Andrea: Sub-seasonal to seasonal climate predictions for energy: the S2S4E project (A4-06)
10.45-11.00 Vintzileos, Augustin: Excessive heat events and health: Health-impact oriented subseasonal excessive heat outlook system(A4-07)
11.00-11.15 Wood, Andrew: Using hydrologic prediction skill elasticity to quantify the benefits of s2s climate information for hydrologic forecasting (A4-08)
11.15-11.30 Plans for S2S Phase 2 Applications
11.30-12.00 Discussion (30 min) Application in S2S Phase 2

S2D Session Theme B3 (cont.)
Chair: Lauriane Batté
Rapporteur: Nele-Charlottte Neddermann

8.30-8.45 Smith, Doug: How skilful are decadal climate predictions? (B3-04)
8.45-9.00 Grieger, Jens: Evaluation of re-calibrated decadal hindcast using a common verification framework (B3-05)
9.00-9.15 Squire, Dougal: Skill assessment of the CSIRO multi-year Climate Analysis Forecast Ensemble system (B3-06)
9.15-9.30 Becker, Emily: Prediction of short-term climate extremes using the North American Multi-Model Ensemble (B3-07)
9.30-9.45 Osman, Marisol: Calibration and Combination of NMME precipitation forecast over South America using Ensemble Regression (B3-08)
9.45-10.00 Acharya, Nachiketa: Evaluating a new calibration method for Seasonal Probabilistic Prediction for Indian Summer Monsoon (B3-09)
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-12.00 S2D Session Theme B3 (cont.) / Theme B4: S2D forecasts for decision making
Chair: Tatiana Ilyina
Rapporteurs Balakrishnan Solaraju Murali

10.30-10.45 Dobrynin, Mikhail: Potential of combined statistical-dynamical sub-sampling approach (B3-10)
10.45-11.00 Shin, Sang-Ik: Room for Improvement in Seasonal-to-Decadal Climate Prediction (B3-11)
11.00-11.30 Tommasi, Desiree (Keynote): Climate Predictions for Fisheries Applications (B4-01)
11.30-11.45 Tourigny, Etienne: Application of operational seasonal prediction systems for seasonal prediction of fire danger: a case study of the extreme wildfire events in California, Spain and Portugal of 2017 (B4-02)
11.45-12.00 Hoell, Andrew: Using Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecast Guidance to Support Famine Early Warning Systems Network International Food Security Assessments (B4-03)
12.00-13.15 Lunch

S2S Session Themes A7/A8:

North and Center CG

S2D session B4 (cont.)/
B5: Hindcast and forecast quality assessment

FL auditorium (streaming South CG)


S2S Session Themes A7/A8: Stratosphere/Chemistry
Chair: Judith Perlwitz
Rapporteur: Hannah Attard

13.15-13.45 Pawson, Steven (Keynote): Impacts of NASA’s Earth Observations on subseasonal and seasonal forecasts (A7-01)
13.45-14.15 Butler, Amy (Keynote): The role of the stratosphere in sub-seasonal to seasonal predictability (A8-01)
14.15-14.30 Alexander, M Joan: Effect of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings on Subseasonal Prediction Skill in the NASA S2S Forecast System (A8-02)
14.30-14.45 Karpechko, Alexey: Predictability of Sudden Stratospheric Warmings in sub-seasonal forecast models (A8-03)
14.45-16.15 Coffee Break and Poster Session A4, A7, A8
16.15-17.45 S2S Session Themes A8 (cont.)
Chair: Steven Woolnough
Rapporteur: Nick Byrne
16.15-16.30 Domeisen, Daniela: The role of stratosphere - troposphere coupling in sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction using the S2S database (Part1; Part2; Part3) (A8-04)
16.30-16.45 Charlton-Perez, Andrew: A signal and noise analysis of stratosphere-troposphere coupling in the S2S models A8-05)
16.45-17.45 Discussion (1 hr)
13.15-14.45  S2D Session Theme B4 (cont.)
Chair: William Merryfield
Rapporteur: Sam Grainger

13.15-13.30 Kapnick, Sarah: 8-Month Snowpack Prediction Potential (B4-04)
13.30-13.45 Lehner, Flavio: Harnessing NMME predictions to support seasonal hydrologic prediction (B4-05)
13.45-14.00 Done, James: UDECIDE: Understanding Decision-Climate Interactions on Decadal Scales (B4-06)
14.00-14.15 Towler, Erin: UDECIDE: Incorporating decadal predictions into water management (part1 ; part2) (B4-07)
14.15-14.30 Brookshaw, Anca: Seasonal and decadal prediction services of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) - current status and plans for the future (B4-08)
14.30-14.45 Kolstad, Erik: Co-production of seasonal forecasts: experiences from Norway (B4-09)
14.45-16.15 Coffee Break and Poster Session B4, B5, B6
16.15-17.45 S2D Session Theme B5: Hindcast and forecast quality assessment
Chair: Ben Kirtman
Rapporteur: Klaus Pankatz
16.15-16.45 DelSole, Timothy (Keynote): Recent Developments in Forecast Quality Assessment (B5-01)
16.45-17.00 Volpi, Danila: Robust evaluation of seasonal forecast quality using teleconnections (B5-02)
17.00 -17.15 Strommen, Kristian: Signal and noise in regime systems: A hypothesis on the predictability of the NAO (B5-03)
17.15-17:30 Sospedra-Alfonso, Reinel: Canonical skill analysis of tropical Pacific variability in the CCCma decadal hindcasts (B5-04)
17.30-17.45 Düsterhus, André: An advanced score for evaluating seasonal forecast skill (B5-05)


8.30-12.00 Parallel Sessions: Themes A and B

S2S Themes A5/A6:
Ocean and land Initialization and processes
North and Center CG

S2D Theme B5 (cont.)/
Frontiers in earth system prediction
FL auditorium (streaming South CG)

8.30-10.30 S2S Themes A5/A6: Ocean and land Initialization and processes
Chair: Suranjana Saha
Rapporteur: Constantin Ardilouze & Partha Bhattacharjee
8.30-9.00 Dirmeyer, Paul (Keynote): The Land Surface “Sweet Spot” Between Weather and Climate (A5-01)
9.00-9.30 Saravanan, Ramalingam (Keynote): The role of the midlatitude ocean in sub-seasonal prediction (A5-02)
9.30-9.45 Davis, Philip: An improved approach to land-surface initialization in the Met Office's Global Seasonal Forecasting System (GloSea) (A5-03)
9.45-10.00 Tuinenburg, Obbe: Land-surface initialisation affects Indian monsoon predictability (A5-04)
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-12.00 S2S Themes A5/A6: Ocean and land Initialization and processes
Chair: Duane Waliser
Rapporteur: Nicolas Vigaud
10.30-10.45 Subramanian, Aneesh: Impact of ocean observation systems on ocean analyses and subseasonal forecasts (A6-01)
10.45-11.00 Zhang, Chidong: Sea Ice and Filling Data Gaps for S2S Prediction (A6-02)
11.00-12.00 Discussion (1hr, including impact of observing system)
8.30-10.30 S2D Theme B5 (cont.) / B6 Frontiers in earth system prediction
Chair: Emily Becker
Rapporteurs: Aaron Spring & Takahito Kataoka

8.30-8.45 Caron, Louis-Philippe: How skillful are the multi-annual forecasts of Atlantic hurricane activity? (B5-06)
8.45-9:00 Tietsche, Steffen: Making sense of seasonal sea-ice forecasts (B5-07)
9.00-9.30 Li, Hongmei (Keynote): Decadal predictability of the ocean carbon uptake variation (B6-01)
9.30-9.45 Ilyina, Tatiana: Integration of carbon cycle components into ESM-based prediction systems (B6-02)
9.45-10.00 Park, Jong-yeon: Seasonal to multi-annual marine biogeochemical prediction using GFDL’s Earth System Model (B6-03)
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break
10.30-12.00 S2D Theme B6 (cont.)
Chair: Wolfgang Mueller
Rapporteur: Nicholas Wayand
10.30-10.45 Lovenduski, Nicole: A change in the forecast: Ocean biogeochemistry over the next decade (B6-04)
10.45-11.00 Long, Matthew: Predicting ocean oxygen: capabilities and potential (B6-05)
11.00-11.15 Rodgers, Keith: Application of Earth system modeling tools to explore predictability of marine ecosystem stressors (B6-06)
11.15-11.30 Bushuk, Mitch: Regional Arctic sea-ice prediction: Potential versus operational seasonal forecast skill (B6-07)
11.30-11.45 Sigmond, Michael: Skillful seasonal forecasts of Arctic sea ice retreat and advance dates in a dynamical forecast system (B6-08)
11.45-12.00 Imada, Yukiko: ENSO prediction using an earth system model incorporating a high-resolution tropical ocean nesting model (B6-09)
12.00-13.15 Lunch

Common S2S/S2D Sessions - CG auditorium

13.15-14.45 Chair: Francisco Doblas-Reyes
Rapporteurs: Cristina Recalde & Georgios Fragkoulidis
  Session C1: Initialization, initialization shock, model errors
13.15-13.45 Karspeck, Alicia (Keynote): Expert perspectives on the practice of decadal prediction from CMIP5 and beyond CMIP6 (C1-01)
13.45-14.00 Balmaseda, Magdalena: Non-linear and non-stationary forecast errors: Time to revise the forecast strategy? (C1-02)
14.00-14.15 O’Kane, Terence: Coupled data assimilation and ensemble initialization with application to multi-year ENSO prediction (Part1; Part2; Part3) (C1-03)
14.15-14.30 Kirtman, Ben: Sub-seasonal to Decadal Predictability and Prediction with an Ocean Eddy Resolving Global Coupled Model (C1-04)
  Session C2: Research to operations
14.30-14.45 Christensen, Hannah: From reliable initialised forecasts to skilful climate projection: a dynamical systems approach (C2-01)
14.45-16.15 Coffee Break and Poster Session A5, A6, C1, C2, C3
 16.15-17.45 Chair: Arun Kumar
Rapporteur: Momme Hell
16.15-16.45 Hudson, Debbie (Keynote): Climate Outlook service: What are they, how can you build one, how it takes time and effort, and what it is worth it! (C2-02)
16.45-17.00 Reynolds, Carolyn: US Navy’s Earth System Prediction Capability Effort (C2-03)
17.00-17.15 Crawford, Todd: Transferring Science to practice: nearly two decades of seasonal forecasting for weather-sensitive industry (C2-04)
  Session C3: Time Scale interactions
17.15-17.30 Koh, Tieh Yong: Multi-scale interactions in a high-resolution tropical-belt experiment using WRP model (C3-01)
17.30-17.45 Wang, Simon: North America winter circulation regime change and implications on S2S/S2D (C3-02)
Early Career Researcher Meet-and-Greet with senior scientists  (registration required - contact Matthias Tuma for details)"



Common S2S/S2D Sessions - CG auditorium

8.30-10.30 Chair: Roberto Buizza
Rapporteurs: Carly Tozer & Muhammad Azhar Ehsan
  Session C3 (cont.)
8.30-9.00 Kimoto, Masahide (Keynote): Predictability of blocking and tropical cyclone activities? An assessment with a large ensemble simulation (C3-03)
9.00-9.15 Woollings, Tim: Relating winter NAO skill to jet variability across timescales (C3-04)
9.15-9.30 Weisheimer, Antje: Seasonal Forecasts of the 20th Century: Multi-Decadal Variability in Predictive Skill of the Winter NAO (C3-05)
9.30-9.45 Henderson, Stephanie: The role of tropical-extratropical interactions on the optimal growth of Madden-Julian Oscillation events (C3-06)
9.45-10.00 Karmakar, Nirupam: Impact of intraseasonal oscillations on onset and demise of the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (C3-07)
10.00-10.30 Coffee Break

Wrap up discussions

Chair: Gokhan Danabasoglu & Frédéric Vitart
Rapporteur: Albert Osso