Second International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction (S2S) and
Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction (S2D)
Poster presentations by session
- A1 - Mechanisms of S2S predictability
- A2 - Modelling issues in S2S prediction
- A3 - S2S ensemble predictions and forecast information
- A4 - S2S forecasts for decision making
- A5 -Land initialization and processes
- A6 - Ocean initialization and processes
- A7 -Aerosols
- A8 - Stratosphere
- B1 - Mechanisms of S2D predictability
- B2 - Modelling issues in S2D prediction
- B3 - S2D ensemble predictions and forecast information
- B4 - S2D forecasts for decision making
- B5 - Hindcast and forecast quality assessment
- B6 - Frontiers in earth system prediction
- C1 - Initialization initialization shock and model error (includes data assimilation)
- C2 - Research to operation (includes seamless prediction)
- C3 - Time scale interaction (includes teleconnections)
List of poster presentations by alphabetical order
Name | Abstract Title | Poster Numbers |
Abid, Muhammad Adnan | Enhancement of the late boreal winter Lead Time Predictability over the Extratropical Region | P-A1-01 |
Achuthavarier, Deepthi | Mechanisms and predictability of the MJO teleconnection signals in the NASA GEOS-5 subseasonal reforecasts | P-A1-02 |
Albers, John | Isolating stratospheric versus tropical diabatic heating based sources of subseasonal predictive skill | P-A1-03 |
Alessandri, Andrea | Grand European and Asian-Pacific Multi-model Seasonal Forecasts: Maximization of Skill and of Potential Economical Value to End-users | P-B3-01 |
Alessandri, Andrea | Proposal for an international project aimed at quantifying the impact of land Earth system processes and feedbacks on seasonal climate forecasts (GLACE-ESM) | P-B6-01 |
Alvarez, Mariano | Validation of the leading pattern of intraseasonal variability in South America in CFSv2 and its predictability in subseasonal predictions | P-A3-01 |
Anderson, Bruce | A seamless verification framework to estimate the predictability of climate means and extremes across timescales | P-C2-01 |
Andrade, Felipe | Global precipitation hindcast quality assessment of the Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) prediction project models | P-A3-02 |
Ardilouze, Constantin | Reduction of model precipitation bias and impact on summer prediction skill | P-A5-01 |
Attard, Hannah | The Relationship Between Tropospheric Synoptic-Scale Events and Vertical Wave Activity Flux Near the Tropopause | P-A8-01 |
Baehr, Johanna | Should initial conditions for decadal predictions be as close as possible to observations? | P-C1-01 |
Baggett, Cory | Skillful five week forecasts of tornado and hail activity | P-A2-01 |
Baggett, Cory | Extending Atmospheric River and Precipitation Forecasts along the U.S. West Coast into Subseasonal Lead Times using Consistency-based Forecasts derived from Numerical Models | P-A3-03 |
Barreiro, Marcelo | Air-sea interaction in the impact of the MJO on South American climate | P-A1-04 |
Batté, Lauriane | Assessment of the forecast skill of precipitation over New Caledonia (SW Pacific) at the subseasonal time scaleAssessment of the forecast skill of precipitation over New Caledonia (SW Pacific) at the subseasonal time scale | P-A3-04 |
Batté, Lauriane | A multi-system evaluation of predictive capacity over the Arctic and mid-latitudes at the seasonal time scale | P-B1-01 |
Benedict, James | MJO-atmospheric river connections and their sensitivity to air-sea coupling across a CESM2 hierarchy | P-A1-05 |
Beraki, Asmerom | Examining the role SH sea-ice forcing on southern Africa rainfall extreme variability: Model sensitivity experiment | P-C3-01 |
Bernardello, Raffaele | Impact of different inizialization procedures on the decadal predictability of ocean carbon uptake. | P-B6-02 |
Berner, Judith | Improved ENSO predictability in CCSM4 simulations with stochastic parameterization | P-C3-02 |
Bethke, Ingo | A minimalistic damped harmonic oscillator framework for assessing decadal climate predictability in the Subpolar North Atlantic | P-B1-02 |
Bhattacharjee, Partha Sarathi | Study of Sub-Seasonal Predictability using the Unified Forecast System at NCEP | P-A3-25 |
Bilbao, Roberto | Forecasting the climate response to volcanic eruptions | P-B1-03 |
Borchert, Leonard | Variable Decadal Temperature Prediction Skill in the North Atlantic: The Role of Ocean Heat Transport | P-B1-04 |
Bosart, Lance | Clustered and Quasi-Simultaneous Extreme Weather Events on Subseasonal Time Scales | P-A1-06 |
Byrne, Nick | Seasonal persistence of circulation anomalies in the Southern Hemisphere stratosphere, and its implications for the troposphere | P-A8-02 |
Caron, Julie | Fully Coupled SubSeasonal to Seasonal Forecasts in CESM |
P-A2-02 |
Caron, Louis-Philippe | The Barcelona Supercomputing Center's contribution to the EUCP project | P-B3-02 |
Castro, Christopher | The Skill of Statistically Forecasting the Early Monsoon Onset in the Southwestern United States at a Subseasonal to Seasonal Time Scale | P-A4-01 |
Castro, Christopher | Toward Improvement in Seasonal Forecasting in the Southwest United States Using Regional Climate Product at Convective-Permitting Scale | P-B2-01 |
Chandra, Arunchandra | Predictability of Heat Waves Over South Asia in the participated models of Subseasonal Experiment | P-A1-07 |
Chikamoto, Megumi | Mechanisms and predictability of multiyear ecosystem variability in the North Pacific | P-B6-03 |
Chikamoto, Yoshimitsu | Multi-year prediction of climate, drought, and wildfire in southwestern North America using CESM | P-B1-05 |
Christensen, Hannah | Predictability, information, and probabilistic skill in the CESM Decadal Prediction Large Ensemble | P-B3-03 |
Cionni, Irene | Analysing the uncertainty of reanalyses to assess the predictability at S2S time-scales of key climate and energy variables for the energy sector. | P-A4-02 |
Corti, Susanna | Decadal variability in weather regimes and teleconnections in reanalysis datasets and century long hindcasts | P-C3-03 |
Counillon, François | Assimilation of sea ice in an Earth system model and its impacts for climate prediction | P-A2-03 |
Curry, Judith | Predictability of phase shifts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation | P-B1-06 |
Curry, Judith | Seasonal to interannual predictability and prediction of Atlantic hurricane activity | P-B4-01 |
Dai, Ying | Initialized decadal predictions of the rapid warming of the North Pacific SSTs around 1990 and the persistent warm period in the 1990s | P-B3-04 |
DeFlorio, Michael | Global multi-model evaluation of atmospheric river subseasonal prediction skill | P-A3-05 |
Díaz, Leandro Baltasar | Co-variability between summer southeastern South America rainfall anomalies and tropical sea surface temperatures anomalies in CMIP5 decadal predictions | P-B1-07 |
Ding, Hui | Skillful climate forecasts of the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean using model-analogs | P-C1-02 |
Diouf, Ibrahima | The predictability of malaria: Case of Senegal, West Africa | P-A2-04 |
Dirmeyer, Paul | Seamless transition from weather to climate – A method for forecast definition and validation | P-A3-06 |
Doi, Takeshi | Merits of one hundred parallel simulations in seasonal prediction | P-A3-07 |
Doss-Gollin, James | Heavy rainfall in Paraguay during the 2015-2016 austral summer: causes and sub-seasonal-to-seasonal predictive skill | P-C3-04 |
Dubois, Clotilde | The Copernicus Marine Service Global Reanalysis Ensemble Product GREPV1: Validation of the ocean variability over the 1993-2016 period | P-A6-02 |
Dubois, Clotilde | Sensitivity of the oceanic conditions for the seasonal forecast of Météo France | P-C1-03 |
Düsterhus, André | The sub-sampling approach applied to the Summer North Atlantic Oscillation | P-B1-08 |
Düsterhus, André | Another view on ensemble subsampling: Are more ensemble members always better? | P-B3-05 |
Ehsan, Muhammad Azhar | Interannual variability and predictability assessment of JJA surface air temperature over the Arabian Peninsula in North American Multimodel Ensemble. | P-B5-01 |
Ehsan, Muhammad Azhar | On the decreasing Arabian Peninsula Winter Precipitation and its teleconnections | P-C3-05 |
Engelbrecht, Christien | Accuracy and skill of subseasonal prediction of heat waves over southern Africa and associated atmospheric circulation characteristics | P-A1-09 |
Faggiani Dias, Daniela | Statistical prediction of minimum and maximum air temperature in the Western North America | P-B4-02 |
Faggiani Dias, Daniela | Remote and Local Influences in Forecasting Pacific SST: a Linear Inverse Model and the NMME Multimodel Ensemble Study | P-C3-06 |
Fragkoulidis, Georgios | Linking Northern Hemisphere temperature extremes to Rossby wave packets | P-A1-10 |
Fujii, Yosuke | Development of a global ocean and coupled data assimilation system for subseasonal to seasonal forecasts in Japan Meteorological Agency. | P-A6-03 |
Furtado, Jason | The Combined Influence of the MJO and the Stratospheric Polar Vortex on Northern Hemisphere Winter Weather Patterns | P-A8-03 |
Furtado, Jason | The South Pacific Meridional Mode and Its Role in Pacific Seasonal-to-Decadal Variability | P-B1-09 |
Furtado, Jason | PRES2iP: Prediction of Rainfall Extremes at Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Periods | P-C2-02 |
Gao, Miaoni | Are Peak Summer Sultry Heat Wave Days over the Yangtze–Huaihe River Basin Predictable? | P-A1-11 |
Ghosh, Soumik | Aspect of GCM downscaled Regional Climate Modeling in simulating Spatiotemporal monsoon variability during ENSO and normal conditions and dependencies on boundary conditions | P-C1-04 |
Gonzalez, Alex | The Modulation of Equatorial Wave Activity by the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation: Assessing S2S Model Prediction Skill | P-A1-12 |
Grainger, Sam | Characterising seasonal climate predictability and uncertainty through expert elicitation | P-B1-10 |
Grainger, Sam | On the use of seasonal climate forecasts in the Chinese energy sector | P-B4-03 |
Grams, Christian M. | Balancing Europe’s wind power output through spatial deployment informed by weather regimes | P-A4-03 |
Green, Benjamin | FIM-iHYCOM in SubX: Evaluation of Model Errors and MJO Index Skill | P-A2-05 |
Grieger, Jens | Model selection for DeFoReSt: a strategy for recalibrating decadal predictions | P-B3-06 |
Gritsun, Andrey | Potential predictability of the INMCM4 and INMCM5 climate models on decadal timescales | P-B5-02 |
Guo, Zhichang | Improving S2S forecast skill of precipitation and surface air temperature using multi-model strategy | P-A3-08 |
Hamill, Thomas M. | NOAA's Reanalysis and Reforecast Project for Subseasonal Forecasting | P-A3-09 |
Hell, Momme | Atmospheric Circulation Response to Episodic Arctic Warming in an Idealized Model | P-A1-13 |
Hirahara, Shoji | Developing the next-generation operational seasonal forecast system at JMA | P-B2-02 |
Hoell, Andrew | Exploring Nonstationarities in East Africa Seasonal Precipitation Predictability | P-B1-11 |
Huang, Anning | Skill of the BCC S2S Forecast System in Predicting the Subseasonal Rainfall over China in Summer and Model Bias Correction | P-A2-06 |
Inatsu, Masaru | An alternative estimate of potential predictability on the Madden-Julian Oscillation phase space using S2S models | P-A3-10 |
Inatsu, Masaru | Predictability of wintertime stratospheric circulation examined by non-stationary fluctuation dissipation relation. | P-A8-04 |
Infanti, Johnna | A comparison of CCSM4 high-resolution and low-resolution predictions for south Florida drought | P-B2-03 |
Isensee, Katharina | The post-processing chain of GCFS seasonal forecast data for C3S | P-B2-04 |
Johnson, Bradford | National Earth System Prediction Capability: Metrics, Post-processing, and Products for Seasonal to Subseasonal Workshop | P-B5-03 |
Joshi, Sneh | Simulations of the Asian summer monsoon in the subseasonal to seasonal scale | P-A1-14 |
Jung, Euihyun | Influence of Arctic Predictability on Mid-latitudes Seasonal Forecasts | P-A3-11 |
Kadow, Christopher | Assessing the Impact of a Future Volcanic Eruption on Decadal Predictions | P-B1-12 |
Kadow, Christopher | A skill assessment of the extratropical circulation in the high-res and low-res MiKlip decadal prediction system | P-B2-05 |
Kamal, Samy | The Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A tool to produce improved S2S to S2D Arctic sea ice forecasts | P-A3-12 |
Karmakar, Nirupam | Multidecadal variability in the Indian summer monsoon and its connection with global sea surface temperature | P-B1-13 |
Kataoka, Takahito | New Ocean-Atmosphere Coupled Feedback in the Tropical Atlantic: Wind-Mixed Layer-SST Modes | P-B1-14 |
Kataoka, Takahito | Seasonal to Multi-Year Climate Hindcast Experiments by MIROC models | P-B5-04 |
Kelley, Colin | Differences in timescales of rainfall predictability for six countries, within agricultural context | P-A4-04 |
Kessler, James | Using Seasonal Forecasts to Drive a Great Lakes Hydrodynamic/Ice Model | P-A2-07 |
Kitsios, Vassili | Parameterisation of the fundamental subgrid turbulence interactions | P-B2-06 |
Klemm, Toni | Assessing User Needs and Model Accuracy of Seasonal Climate Forecasts for Winter Wheat Producers in the South-Central United States | P-A4-05 |
Klingaman, Nicholas | Subseasonal and seasonal predictions of West Pacific tropical cyclones | P-A3-13 |
Kolstad, Erik | Time scales and sources of European temperature variability | P-B1-15 |
Kolstad, Erik | Seasonal Prediction of Temperatures in Europe from Arctic Sea Surface Temperatures | P-B1-16 |
Kovach, Robin | Impact of Satellite Sea Surface Salinity Observations on ENSO Predictions from the GMAO S2S Forecast System | P-A6-04 |
Kretschmer, Marlene | Using causal discovery algorithms to evaluate Troposphere-Stratosphere linkages in the ECMWF forecast model | P-A8-05 |
Kröger, Jürgen | Full-field initialized decadal predictions with the MPI earth system model: an initial shock in the North Atlantic | P-C1-05 |
Kumar, Sanjiv | Potential reemergence of seasonal soil moisture anomalies in North America | P-B1-17 |
Kumi, Naomi | Evaluation of ECMWF S2S models in Predicting Rainfall Onset over West Africa | P-A4-06 |
Lang, Andrea | Winter 2017/18 Sudden Stratospheric Warming Hits and False Alarms in S2S Forecasts | P-A8-06 |
Lee, Chia-Ying | Tropical cyclone prediction skills - MJO dependence in S2S dataset | P-A3-14 |
Lee, Hyun-Ju |
Skill assessment of Seasonal forecast for temperature and precipitation extremes based on APCC Multimodel Ensemble | P-A3-15 |
Lee, Yun-Young | Representation of NAO/PNA activity reliant on ENSO phase in dynamical seasonal prediction models | P-B2-07 |
Lefort, Thierry | Experimenting a sub-seasonal prediction bulletin as part of the CREWS-Burkina Faso project | P-A4-07 |
Li, Fei | Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Forecasts with the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model | P-A5-02 |
Li, Qian | A mechanism of mixed-layer formation in the Indo-western Pacific Southern Ocean: preconditioning by an eddy-driven jet-scale overturning circulation | P-A2-08 |
Li, Qian | Response of Southern Ocean Mixed Layer Depth to the Southern Annular Mode on seasonal to interannual timescales from an eddy-resolving ocean model | P-B1-18 |
Liu, Maofeng | Towards Dynamical Seasonal Forecasting of Extratropical Transition in the North Atlantic | P-B3-07 |
Liu, Yiling | A framework for decadal prediction assessment | P-B5-05 |
Liu,Zhenchen | A conceptual prediction model for seasonal drought processes using atmospheric and oceanic standardized anomalies: application to regional drought processes in China | P-B3-08 |
Lledó, Llorenç | Wind drought episodes in the US and Europe: the power of case studies | P-B4-04 |
Luo, Jing-Jia | Inter-basin source for two-year predictability of the prolonged La Niña event in 2010-2012 | P-B1-19 |
Mastrangelo, Daniele | Verification of 2 years of CNR-ISAC subseasonal forecasts | P-A3-17 |
Matear, Richard | Potential Predictability of the Tropical Pacific Ocean | P-B6-04 |
Materia, Stefano | A multi-model approach for cold spell sub-seasonal prediction in Northern Turkey | P-A4-08 |
Matsueda, Mio | Predictability of winter Pacific weather regimes and its connections with MJO on medium-range timescales | P-A1-15 |
Matsueda, Mio | The S2S Museum – a website of ensemble forecast products – | P-A3-18 |
Mayer, Kirsten | Additional Prediction Skill Provided by the MJO to Midlatitude Circulations on S2S Timescales | P-A1-16 |
McKay, Roseanna | Understanding the Role of the Indian Ocean in Recent Australian Heat Extremes | P-A1-17 |
Mecking, Jennifer | The Role of the Ocean in the 2015 European Summer Heat Wave | P-B1-20 |
Merryfield, William | Toward user-relevant monthly to seasonal forecasts of Arctic sea ice: The FRAMS project | P-B4-05 |
Merryfield, William | WGSIP’s Long-Range Forecast Transient Intercomparison Project (LRFTIP) | P-C1-07 |
Miller, Douglas | Assessing Seasonal Predictability Sources in the Climate Forecast System Version 2 | P-B2-08 |
Miyakawa, Tomoki | Ocean-coupled NICAM (NICOCO) and its application on MJO - El Niño interacting events. | P-A1-18 |
Mochizuki, Takashi | Multiyear climate prediction using 4D-Var coupled data assimilation system | P-C1-08 |
Molod, Andrea | GEOS S2S-2_1: The GMAO High Resolution Seasonal Prediction System | P-A2-09 |
Moore, Thomas | Building a set of ocean observations for the initialisation and validation of the Climate Analysis Forecast Ensemble (CAFE) system | P-B2-09 |
Morioka, Yushi | Decadal climate predictability in the southern Indian Ocean revealed by using SST-nudging initialization scheme | P-B1-21 |
Morioka, Yushi | Role of subsurface ocean initialization in decadal climate predictability over the South Atlantic | P-B1-22 |
Munoz, Angel G | A Seamless Process-based Model Evaluation Framework for Subseasonal-to-Decadal Timescales | P-C3-09 |
Murakami, Hiroyuki | Dominant effect of relative tropical Atlantic warming on major hurricane occurrence in the North Atlantic: 2017 and the future. | P-B4-06 |
Nakano, Masuo | Genesis of Super Cyclone Pam (2015): Modulation of Low-frequency Large-Scale Circulations and the Madden–Julian Oscillation by Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies | P-A1-19 |
Neale, Richard | Hindcast Simulations of the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) in CESM: Assessing the role of regional resolution variations and parameterized physics | P-A2-10 |
Neddermann, Nele-Charlotte | Seasonal predictability of European summer climate re-assessed | P-B1-23 |
Newman, Matt | Prospects for Year 2 climate forecasts with useful skill | P-B2-10 |
Ng, Ching Ho Justin | An Asymmetric Rainfall Response to ENSO in East Asia | P-B1-24 |
Ngarukiyimana, Jean-Paul | Seasonal rainfall Modulated by Topography and Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature in Rwanda. | P-C3-07 |
Ngarukiyimana, Jean-Paul | Dominant atmospheric circulation patterns associated | P-C3-08 |
Nowak, Kenneth | Sub-seasonal Climate Forecast Rodeo | P-A3-19 |
O'Reilly, Christopher | The impact of tropical precipitation on summertime Euro-Atlantic circulation via a circumglobal wave-train | P-B1-25 |
O'Reilly, Christopher | Interdecadal variability in seasonal forecast skill of Northern Hemisphere winters over the 20th century | P-B3-09 |
Oh, Ji-Hyun | Assessing multi-model subseasonal prediction of winter blocking in East Asia | P-A3-20 |
Osso, Albert | Observational evidence of European summer weather patterns predictable from spring | P-B1-26 |
Osso, Albert | Impact of air-sea interaction on the NH summertime atmospheric mean state, interannual variability and the monsoon-desert mechanism | P-C3-10 |
Pankatz, Klaus | MPI-ESM predictive skill of the PDO on decadal time scales | P-B5-07 |
Paxian, Andreas | User needs and user-oriented products for decadal predictions: the MiKlip forecast webpage and the GPCC-DI drought index | P-B4-07 |
Peatman, Simon | Impact of air-sea interactions on subseasonal prediction in the 2016 Indian summer monsoon | P-A1-20 |
Pegion, Kathy | Performance-based MJO Hindcast Evaluation in SubX | P-A1-21 |
Peña, Malaquias | S2S precipitation forecast for Ethiopia’s Water Management | P-A4-09 |
Penland, Cécile | On the Skewed Nature of Ensemble Forecasts | P-A3-21 |
Pieper, Patrick | Improved Seasonal Predictability of Droughts by Conditioning the Prediction on ENSO | P-B3-10 |
Pohlmann, Holger | Influence of CMIP6 Forcing on Historical and Decadal Hindcast Simulations with MPI-ESM | P-B2-11 |
Quinting, Julian | On the role of midlatitude warm conveyor belts in shaping MJO-midlatitude teleconnections | P-A1-22 |
Quinting, Julian | Representation of synoptic-scale Rossby wave packets in the S2S prediction project database | P-A2-11 |
Raju Attada | Cloud Resolving Modeling for Improved S2S Predictability of Arabian Peninsula Winter Rainfall | P-A1-08 |
Recalde, Gloria | Evaluation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on rainfall over the Northwest of South America | P-A1-23 |
Reintges, Annika | Wind-Driven Hindcasts with the Kiel Climate Model: Variability and Teleconnections | P-B1-27 |
Renkl, Christoph | Downscaling Subseasonal Predictions of Ocean Extremes | P-A3-22 |
Risbey, James | Pathways to extratropical skill - Climate Analysis Forecast Ensemble System | P-B4-08 |
Robertson, Andrew | Subseasonal predictability of precipitation and temperature over North America and relationships with teleconnection patterns | P-A1-24 |
Robertson, Andrew | Subseasonal prediction of the Indian monsoon: Case study over Bihar | P-A3-23 |
Roundy, Paul | Demonstration of method of seasonally varying regression slope coefficients to prediction of Corn Belt Region Rainfall | P-A3-24 |
Ruprich-Robert, Yohan | Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on North American Summer Climate and Heat Waves | P-B1-28 |
Sandery, Paul | Coupled data assimilation in climate analysis and forecasting | P-B3-11 |
Sardeshmukh, Prashant | Tropical SSTs: The Boon and Bane of S2D predictions | P-B2-12 |
Sardeshmukh, Prashant | Lorenz and the nature of subseasonal to decadal predictability | P-B6-05 |
Schepen, Andrew | Progress towards fully-calibrated daily forecasts of rainfall and temperature from GCMs | P-A3-26 |
Schepen, Andrew | Harnessing dynamical seasonal climate forecasts for agricultural applications in Australia | P-A4-10 |
Solaraju Murali, Balakrishnan | Assessing the added value of near-term decadal climate change information for decision making in agricultural sector | P-B4-09 |
Spangehl, Thomas | Probabilistic evaluation of decadal predictions using a satellite simulator for SSM/I and SSMIS | P-B5-08 |
Spring, Aaron | Variability and predictability of land and ocean carbon sinks assessed in MPI-ESM CO2 emission-driven simulations | P-B6-06 |
Spring, Aaron | Impact of initial conditions perturbations on potential decadal predictability of ocean carbon fluxes assessed in MPI-ESM | P-B6-07 |
Strazzo, Sarah | Harnessing skill from statistical and dynamical models to improve subseasonal forecasts: A Bayesian approach | P-A3-27 |
Sukumarapillai, Abhilash | Role of Enhanced Synoptic Activity and its Interaction with Intra-seasonal oscillations on the lower extended range prediction skill | P-A1-25 |
Sukumarapillai, Abhilash | Cyclogenesis Prediction in the Extended Range in a Multi-Model Framework : Application of a New Signal Amplification Technique to Improve Track Prediction. | P-A3-28 |
Sukumarapillai, Abhilash | Towards the Development of the CFS based Grand Multi Model Ensemble prediction System and its Improved Skill Realized through Better Spread-Error Relationship | P-A3-29 |
Sun, Lantao | Contribution of stratospheric processes to tropospheric predictive skill on subseasonal time scale in NCAR's CESM1 | P-A1-26 |
Sun, Shan | Subseasonal Prediction Skill with an Icosahedral, Vertically Quasi-Lagrangian Coupled Model | P-A2-12 |
Sun, Shan | Aerosol Impact on Subseasonal Prediction using FIM-Chem-iHYCOM Coupled Model | P-A7-01 |
Sun, Yongqiang | Potential Sources for Extended Weather Predictability during NH Winter Season | P-A1-27 |
Takaya, Yuhei | Seasonal to multi-annual predictions of Asian summer monsoons using an atmosphere-ocean-sea ice-land coupled model | P-B3-12 |
Tietsche, Steffen | Atmospheric and oceanic sinks of Arctic predictability | P-B1-29 |
Tiwari, Pushp Raj | On the predictability of precipitation over North India in S2S framework | P-A4-11 |
Tjiputra, Jerry | Improved seasonal projection of regional ocean biogeochemical states through Ensemble data assimilation | P-B6-08 |
Tolstykh, Mikhail | New version of the long-range forecast system at the Hydrometcentre of Russia | P-B5-09 |
Tolstykh, Mikhail | Some results of studying initialization shock and drift in S2S database coupled models | P-C1-09 |
Tozer, Carly | Diagnosing the atmospheric mechanisms that influence forecast skill of rainfall extremes | P-A1-28 |
Tseng, Kai-Chih | Explaining the consistency of MJO teleconnection patterns with linear Rossby wave theory | P-A1-29 |
Tuinenburg, Obbe | Optimizing N:P:K ratios in agricultural fertilizers based on seasonal predictions | P-A4-12 |
Turkington, Thea | Use of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Predictions for Extreme Temperature Forecasts over Singapore and the Surrounding Region | P-A3-30 |
Turkington, Thea | S2S-SEA Workshop Series – lessons learnt and moving forward | P-A4-13 |
Vigaud, Nicolas | Wintertime weather regimes over North America and their predictability from submonthly reforecasts | P-A3-31 |
Vigaud, Nicolas | North American summer heat waves and modulations from the North Atlantic simulated by an AGCM | P-B3-13 |
Villarini, Gabriele | On the decadal predictions of flood events across the central United States | P-B3-14 |
Villarini, Gabriele | Extending the seasonal predictability of statistical dynamical streamflow forecasts | P-B3-15 |
Vitart, Frederic | Extended-range forecasting at ECMWF | P-A3-32 |
Vitart, Frederic | The ECMWF land surface scheme and its initialisation in S2S reforecast applications | P-A5-03 |
Vitart, Frederic | Sub-seasonal prediction of aerosols fields and impact on meteorology using the ECMWF’s coupled Ensemble Prediction System | P-A7-02 |
Wang, Shuguang | Seasonal Noise Versus Subseasonal Signal: Forecasts of California Precipitation During the Unusual Winters of 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 | P-A3-33 |
Wang, Shuguang | Prediction of MJO convection in the S2S hindcast dataset | P-A3-34 |
Wang, Xiaochun | Evaluating Northwestern Pacific Tropical Storm Density Forecast in the Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project Database | P-A3-35 |
Wang, Zhuo | Extratropical Impacts on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity and the Implications for S2S Prediction and Predictability | P-A1-30 |
Wayand, Nicholas | A new Sea Ice Prediction Portal: year-round S2S sea ice forecasting | P-B6-09 |
Weisheimer, Antje | Systematic errors in ECMWF’s monthly and seasonal forecasts: The impact of stochastic perturbations in the atmosphere | P-A2-13 |
Weisheimer, Antje | How confident are predictability estimates of the winter NAO? | P-B5-10 |
Widlansky, Matthew | How predictable are seasonal sea level anomalies? | P-B4-10 |
Wu, Bo | EnOI-IAU initialization scheme designed for decadal climate prediction system IAP-DecPreS | P-B2-13 |
Wu, Tongwen | Parameters optimization to improve MJO prediction using CMA S2S model | P-A2-14 |
Wulff, Ole | Subseasonal prediction of heat waves | P-A3-36 |
Xin, Xiaoge | Decadal Prediction Skill of BCC-CSM1.1 Climate Model in East Asia | P-B2-14 |
Xue, Yan | Operational Ocean Reanalysis for S2S at NCEP: Upgrading from 1 degree MOM3 GODAS to ¼ degree MOM6 Hybrid-GODAS | P-A6-05 |
Yadav, Ramesh Kumar | Relationship between Indian summer monsoon and Atlantic Nino | P-C3-11 |
Yang, Jing | Sub-seasonal prediction of extreme temperature over East China: a mid-to-late July prediction barrier | P-A3-37 |
Yang, Rongqian | Warm Season Forecast Experiments with Different Treatments on Ground Water and Evaporative Parameterizations in the NCEP Coupled Forecast System | P-B2-15 |
Yoon, Jin-Ho | How much surface soil moisture influence precipitation predictability? | P-B1-30 |
Zamora, Ryan | Evaluation of downscaled GEOS-5 seasonal forecasts used to improve hydrologic forecasting in the United States | P-B4-11 |
Zhang, Chidong | Connection between two S2S Predictability Sources: QBO and MJO | P-A1-32 |
Zhang, Yaocun | Sub-seasonal forecast of precipitation over Eastern China in summer monsoon season: Results from BCC_CSM hindcast experiments | P-A3-38 |