January 12-14 | 12th Session of WGSIP |
January 19-23 | 21st Session GEWEX SSG |
January 26-27 | Arctic Surface-Based Sea-Ice Observations: Integrated Protocols and Coordinated data Acquisition |
February | Review of the WCRP |
February | CLIVAR/WGOMD Report: Sampling Physical Ocean Field in WCRP CMIP5 Sumulations |
February 11-13 | Workshop Report: Evaluating and Improving Regional Climate Projections |
February 16-18 | 5th Session of the CLIVAR/CliC/SCAR Southern Ocean Region Panel |
March 29-31 | CliC Workshop on Asian Cryospheric Data Products |
April 27-30 | 15th Session of the GCOS/WCRP AOPC |
April 30-May 1 | 8th Session of WGOMD |
May 22-19 | 16th Session of WCRP/CLIVAR SSG |
June 3-5 | 12th Session of the CLIVAR VAMOS Panel |
August | The World Climate Research Programme Achievements: Scientific Knowledge for Climate Adaptation, Mitigation and Risk |
September 28-30 | 13th Session of the WGCM |
November 2-6 | 25th Session of WGNE |
November 4-6 | Workshop Report: Earth System Initialization for Decadal Predictions |