January 19-21 | 21st Session of SPARC SSG |
February 17-20 | 10th Session of CliC SSG |
March 10-11 | 16th Session of the GCOS/GTOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC-XVI) |
March 10-12 | 16th Session of the Working Group on Seasonal Interannual Predictions |
March 14-15 | 2nd Session of WCRP Working Group on Regional Climate |
March 24-28 | Cloud, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity: A Grand Science Challenge |
April 9-11 | 19th Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC-XIX) |
May 6-7 | 3rd Session of the WCRP Data Advisory Council (WDAC) |
May 16-17 | 1st Session of the CORDEX Science Advisory Team (SAT) |
June 29 - July 4 | 35th Session of WCRP JSC |
July 2 | 3rd Session of the WCRP Modelling Advisory Council (WMAC) |
September 8-10 | Workshop IPCC AR5: Lesson Learnt for Climate Change and WCRP |
September 9-12 | 13th Session of the BSRN Scientific Review and Workshop |
October 8-10 | 18th Session of the Working Group on Coupled Modelling |
November 10-12 | 21st Session of the CLIVAR SSG |