Institute of Advanced Studies in Climate Extremes and Risk Management
Nanjing, China, 21 October - 1 November 2019
Reading Material
- National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Attribution of Extreme Weather Events in the Context of Climate Change. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. (Download free PDF)
- American Meteorological Society. Explaining Extreme Events from a Climate Perspective (American Meteorological Society: download thematic papers on the web page.
- Zscheischler J., Westra S., van den Hurk Bart J. J. M., Seneviratne S.I., Ward P.J., Pitman A., AghaKouchak A., Bresch D.N., Leonard M., Wahl T. and Zhang X.: Future climate risk from compound events. Nat. Clim. Chang. 8, 469–477 (2018), and Author Correction.
- Li C, Zwiers F, Zhang X, Li G (2019) How much information is required to well constrain local estimates of future precipitation extremes? Earth’s Future 7:11–24
- Kharin, V. V., Flato, G. M., Zhang, X., Gillett, N. P., Zwiers, F., and Anderson, K. J.: Risks from Climate Extremes Change Differently from 1.5 C to 2.0 C Depending on Rarity, Earth’s Future, 6, 704–715
- Sillmann, J., Thorarinsdottir T., Keenlyside N., Schaller N., Alexander L.V., Hegerl G., Seneviratne S.I., Vautard R., Zhang X. and Zwiers F.W., Understanding, modeling and predicting weather and climate extremes: Challenges and opportunities. Weather and climate extremes 18, 65–74, (2017)
- Sippel, S., Meinshausen N., Merrifield A., Lehner F., Pendergrass A., Fischer E. and Knutti R.: Uncovering the Forced Climate Response from a Single Ensemble Member Using Statistical Learning, Journal of Climate 32(17), DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0882.1
- Mitchell D.M., Heaviside C., Schaller N., Allen M., Ebi K.L., Fischer E.M., Gasparrini A., Harrington L., Kharin V., Shiogama H., Sillmann J., Sippel S. and Vardoulakis S.: Extreme heat-related mortality avoided under Paris Agreement goals. Nat. Clim. Chang. 8, 551–553 (2018).
- Bischiniotis K., van den Hurk B., Coughlan de Perez E., Veldkamp T., Nobre G.G., Aerts J., Assessing time, cost and quality trade-offs in forecast-based action for floods, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 40 (2019) 101252
- Khanal, S., Lutz, A. F., Immerzeel, W. W., de Vries, H., Wanders, N., and van den Hurk, B. (2019). The impact of meteorological and hydrological memory on compound peak flows in the Rhine River basin. Atmosphere 10, 1–19. doi: 10.3390/atmos10040171
- Shepherd, T. G., Boyd, E., Calel, R. A., Chapman, S. C., Dessai, S., Dima-West, I. M., and Zenghelis, D. A. (2018). Storylines: An alternative approach to representing uncertainty in physical aspects of climate change. Climatic Change, 151(3–4), 555–571
- Sieg T., Schinko T., Vogel K., Mechler R., Merz B., Kreibich H.: Integrated assessment of short-term direct and indirect economic flood impacts including uncertainty quantification, 2019, PLoS ONE 14(4):e0212932, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0212932
- R. Mechler, L. M. Bouwer, T. Schinko, S. Surminski, & J. Linnerooth-Bayer, Loss and damage from climate change: Concepts, methods and policy options: Springer International.
van den Hurk, Bart, Erik van Meijgaard, Paul de Valk, Klaas-Jan van Heeringen, and Jan Gooijer. "Analysis of a compounding surge and precipitation event in the Netherlands.", Environmental Research Letters 10, no. 3 (2015): 035001
- Salvadori, Gianfausto, and Carlo De Michele. "On the use of copulas in hydrology: theory and practice", Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 12, no. 4 (2007): 369-380
- Giuntoli, I., Villarini, G., Prudhomme, C., & Hannah, D. M. (2018). Uncertainties in projected runoff over the conterminous United States. Climatic Change, 150(3‐4), 149–162.‐018‐2280‐5
- Asadieh, B. and Krakauer, N. Y. (2017). Global change in streamflow extremes under climate change over the 21st century, Hydrol. EarthSyst. Sci., 21, 5863–5874,, 2017
- Krysanova V., C. Donnelly, A. Gelfan, D. Gerten, B. Arheimer, F. Hattermann and Z. W. Kundzewicz (2018) How the performance of hydrological models relates to credibility of projections under climate change, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 63:5, 696-720, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2018.1446214
Bevacqua, E., D. Maraun, M. I. Vousdoukas, E. Voukouvalas, M. Vrac, L. Mentaschi, and M. Widmann. ‘Higher Probability of Compound Flooding from Precipitation and Storm Surge in Europe under Anthropogenic Climate Change’. Science Advances 5, no. 9 (1 September 2019): eaaw5531.
- Barriopedro, David, et al. "The hot summer of 2010: redrawing the temperature record map of Europe." Science 332.6026 (2011): 220-224
- Horton, Radley M., et al. "A review of recent advances in research on extreme heat events." Current Climate Change Reports 2.4 (2016): 242-259
- Fischer, Erich M., Urs Beyerle, and Reto Knutti. "Robust spatially aggregated projections of climate extremes." Nature Climate Change 3.12 (2013): 1033
- Giuntoli, I., Villarini, G., Prudhomme, C., & Hannah, D. M. (2018). Uncertainties in projected runoff over the conterminous United States. Climatic Change, 150(3‐4), 149–162.‐018‐2280‐5
- Asadieh, B. and Krakauer, N. Y. (2017). Global change in streamflow extremes under climate change over the 21st century, Hydrol. EarthSyst. Sci., 21, 5863–5874,, 2017
- Krysanova V., C. Donnelly, A. Gelfan, D. Gerten, B. Arheimer, F. Hattermann and Z. W. Kundzewicz (2018) How the performance of hydrological models relates to credibility of projections under climate change, Hydrological Sciences Journal, 63:5, 696-720, DOI: 10.1080/02626667.2018.1446214
- Zhang, Xuebin & Zwiers, Francis & Li, Guilong. (2004). Monte Carlo Experiments on the Detection of Trends in Extreme Values. Journal of Climate - J CLIMATE. 17. 1945-1952.
- News item: Should young researchers be paranoid about their ideas being stolen? - Raghu Murtugudde (added 9 February 2017)