DAY 1 - Thursday 29 July
- Action Items and Recommendations from 12th Session of WGSIP 2009 and key topics of discussion for this meeting (B. Kirtman) - WCRP/CLIVAR Issues - CLIVAR Imperatives, WCRP restructuring, WCC3 climate services (B. Kirtman)
Climate-system Historical Forecast Project (CHFP)
- Overview (B. Kirtman) - Archive at CIMA (C. Vera) - Data Dissimination for CHFP and CMIP5 related developments (F. Doblas-Reyes)
- Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Project Overview (C. Hulbe) - Stratospheric Extension to the CHFP - "S-CHFP" and links to WCRP-SPARC (A. Scaife) - GLACE-2: Overview, Status and Follow-up initiatives (R. Koster and S. Seneviratne)
Links to TIGGE, Extended Range Forecast and Verification
- Discussion of WWRP development of operational 1-90 prediction capability and interactio with TIGGE (P. Silva Dias) - Monthly Prediction and Verification (A. Kumar) - Global Producing Centers (GPCs) and Extended Forecasts (A. Kumar) - Long Range Forecast Verification (F. Doblas-Reyes)
- Action Items - Meeting Report - Report on activities at Meteo France (M. Deque and H. Douville) - Report on activities at the Japan Meteorological Agency (T. Ose) - Update on IRI Seasonal Forecasting Activities for WGSIP (D. DeWitt) - Subseasonal to Decadal Prediction at CCCma (W. Merryfield et al.)

13th session of the WGSIP