WMO, Geneva, Switzerland, 26-27 March 2018
The seventh session of the WCRP Data Advisory Council (WDAC) will be hosted at WMO, Geneva, Switzerland on 26-27 March 2018, in conjunction with the CEOS/CGMS WG Climate session the same week.
The Council will review progress on important activities such as, but not limited to, data infrastructures, climate data set assessment, fluxes, reanalysis, impact of observations, and seek updates on observational and data requirements from WCRP core projects, modeling activities and sister programs. The session will also consider major upcoming meetings, wider observations and data strategic questions, and linkages to climate services and associated key players in the context of the development of the new WCRP Strategic Plan.
The Venue
The meeting will be held at the WMO Headquarters
7bis Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva - Switzerland