The schedule for the development of the WCRP Strategic Plan is given below.

Latest update of schedule: 17 June 2019

Draft Schedule
Schedule Item Start Date End Date Done
SWOT analysis and mini-survey 26/09/2017 16/11/2017 tick
WCRP Strategic Plan preparation meeting 21/10/2017 21/10/2017 tick
JSC to determine WCRP Strategic Plan structure 21/10/2017 08/12/2017 tick
SWOT analysis - report on mini-survey 11/11/2017 16/11/2017 tick
WCRP Strategic Plan outline with subheadings 13/11/2017 20/11/2017 tick
Zero-order draft of WCRP Strategic Plan prepared by JSC 13/11/2017 23/02/2018 tick
WCRP Strategic Plan Writing Retreat, Paris 26/02/2018 28/02/2018 tick
Outline of WCRP Implementation Plan 26/02/2018 28/02/2018 tick
Consultation with WCRP Co-sponsors 26/02/2018 31/08/2018 tick
WCRP Strategic Plan Community Consultation 09/03/2018 23/03/2018 tick
JSC-39, China 16/04/2018 20/04/2018 tick
Finalize draft of Strategic Plan for Public Consultation 23/04/2018 14/05/2018 tick
Public consultation on WCRP Strategic Plan 01/06/2018 31/08/2018 tick
WCRP Strategic Plan revised and refined 01/09/2018 09/11/2018 tick
WCRP Strategic Plan Public Event at AGU 2018 11/12/2018   tick
WCRP Strategic Plan approved by WCRP Co-sponsors 17/06/2019   tick
Print and distribute WCRP Strategic Plan 21/06/2019 28/06/2019 tick
Gantt Chart of WCRP Strategic Plan Development Schedule

Click the chart to generate a larger PDF version.

Gantt Chart of WCRP Strategic Plan