The following documents form part of the WCRP Science and Implementation Plan development.
WCRP Core Activity Science Plans (as of 2020)
- CliC Action Plan
- CLIVAR Science and Implementation Strategy
- GEWEX Science Plan
- SPARC Science Plan
Workshop and Event Reports
42nd Session of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee (JSC-42, June/July 2021)
- WCRP Implementation and Transition Meeting Report (PDF)
- Participant List (1 May 2019)
- Concept Note: Implementation and Transition Meeting (27 February 2019)
- WCRP Implementation and Transition Meeting Agenda (18 March 2019)
- Responses to Implementation and Transition Meeting Preparatory Questionaire (1 May 2019)
Task Teams on Data, Modelling, and Regional Information
- Reports:
- Final Report of the Task Team on Modeling and Computing Infrastructure (Slides produced for the 41st Session of the Joint Scientific Committee (JSC-41))
- Final Report of the Task Team on Seamless Data and Data Management (Slides produced for JSC-41)
- Interim Report of the Task Team on Regional Activities (Slides produced for JSC-41)
- Teleconference minutes - Task Teams and next steps (16-17 September 2019)