DWD Offenbach, Germany, 9-11 July 2018


 Theworkshop objectives are as follows:

  • Identify the form of a new IPWG/GEWEX Precipitation assessment chapter on extreme precipitation including identifying the chapter lead and other contributors
  • Finalise a best practice guidance document for the WCRP GC Extremes on data use for assessing precipitation extremes
  • Better integrate the remote sensing community in the extremes chapter of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)


This will be a small (< 30 people) invitation-only workshop with participants who have been identified that can contribute substantially to the workshop outcomes. Desirable outcomes are expected to include:

  • An identified ‘champion’ to lead and coordinate the IPWG/GEWEX Precipitation assessment chapter on extreme precipitation with a detailed outline of who will provide what contributions and the expectations associated with those contributions
  • A complete guidance document on the use and reliability of datasets for studying precipitation extremes (primarily targeted at modellers and the model evaluation community and that includes guidance on good practice). This document will be shared well in advance of the workshop for input by participants prior to the workshop
  • A Special Issue on precipitation extremes


  • Title of Workshop: The joint WCRP Grand Challenge on Weather and Climate Extremes/GEWEX Global Data and Analysis Panel workshop on “Precipitation Extremes”
  • Venue: DWD Offenbach, Germany
  • Dates: 9-11 July 2018