WCRP SBSTA 2017In Brief: WCRP Director David Carlson gave a keynote presentation "Urgent Climate Challenges - Research and Modeling" at the Research Dialogue of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) meeting in Bonn last week. The WCRP Community also presented five posters, informing SBSTA of relevant research activities by the science community. 

The Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is currently meeting for its 46th session in Bonn, Germany. For the 9th time, a dedicated Research Dialogue was held on Wednesday last week, with the ongoing goal of informing SBSTA of relevant research activities by the science community. This year's Research Dialogue centered around the two themes of "Regional Climate Research Data and Information, and Gaps" as well as "Science to Take Stock and Assess Progress on Mitigation".

WCRP presented several of its relevant science activities: A keynote talk by WCRP Director David Carlson reported on "Urgent Climate Challenges - Research and Modeling". Five WCRP poster presentations summarized relevant activities of WCRP initiatives, including regional CORDEX efforts, the Grand Challenge on Weather and Climate Extremes, the CMIP6 timeline and scenarios, as well as decadal activities.

WCRP also highlighted the 2018 Cities and Climate Change Science Conference, which is endorsed and co-sponsored by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and co-organized in collaboration with several other partner organizations.

Presentations by the wider science community included a keynote talk by Chris Rapley from University College London on Climate Change Communication, around 40 poster presentations aligned with the two themes of this year's Research Dialogue, as well as the main interactive dialogue between SBSTA and the presenting scientists.

The 9th Research Dialogue's homepage features all submissions, posters and presentations and is accessible on the Ninth Meeting of the Research Dialogue - SBSTA 46 - web page.

WCRP highly values the Research Dialogue as an important and helpful forum to facilitate and enhance exchange between SBSTA and the science community, is looking forward to all subsequent activities, and thanks all organizers and contributors for the successful 9th meeting. WCRP's Joint Planning Staff further thanks all of its community members who directly or indirectly contributed to the WCRP presentations at this year's SBSTA Research Dialogue.

WCRP Presentations:


WCRP Action on Urgent Climate Challenges: Research and Modeling (David Carlson, Director of WCRP)
