SPARC General Assembly 2018 Flyer The WCRP SPARC Core Project will hold its General Assembly 2018 from 1-5 October in Kyoto, Japan. Abstract submission for the SPARC General Assembly 2018 is open until 1 April. Click the headline above for all details.
WCRP Logo WCRP is calling for (self-)nominations for membership in the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee (JSC), for a four-year term from January 2019 to December 2022. Nominations should be submitted via an online nomination form by 6 April 2018. To read more, click the headline above.
Cities IPCC conference banner More than 750 climate scientists, urban practitioners and policymakers will meet in Edmonton, Canada, from 5 to 7 March 2018 to foster new scientific knowledge around climate change impacts on cities. Click the headline above to read all about the conference, live stream options, and WCRP involvement in CitiesIPCC.
A new study examines climate risks and extremes for 571 European cities under the CMIP5 RCP8.5 scenario. Analyses for extreme weather by 2050-2100 include risks of heat-waves, droughts and floods. Find out more by clicking the headline above.

S2D conference banner

The "International Conferences on Subseasonal to Decadal Prediction" will bring together at one event researchers from both the subseasonal-to-seasonal prediction community as well as from seasonal-to-decadal predictions. The week-long event comprises both the "Second International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction (S2S)", the "Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction (S2D)" as well as a joint segment addressing mutual and emerging topics.

The meeting will be held Sept. 17-21 in Boulder, CO, USA. It is being jointly initiated by a range of activities within and close to the WCRP community, including the DCPP, GC-NTCP, WGSIP, S2S, and CLIVAR's DCVP panel. Abstract submission and applications for travel support are open until 16 March 2018. For full details, see the conference home page.

PIXABAY image, phuket thailand, tropical monsoon

WCRP's Grand Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity is calling for abstracts for its "2nd Meeting on Monsoons and Tropical Rain Belts", to be held from 2-5 July 2018 at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy.

The workshop will bring together expertise on large-scale atmospheric and oceanic dynamics, small scale cloud and precipitation processes, as well as hierarchical climate modeling and observation. It aims to identify opportunities for progress given existing and emerging modelling tools and theoretical frameworks.

The meeting is organized and co-sponsored jointly by the GC-Clouds, ICTP, CLIVAR, EGU and IUGG and preceded by an ICTP Summer School on Climate Dynamics. Application deadline for both is 1 March 2018. For details see the ICTP homepages.

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The International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy, and in collaboration with CLIVAR, EGU and IUGG is calling for applications to the "ICTP Summer School on Theory, Mechanisms and Hierarchical Modelling of Climate Dynamics: Multiple Equilibria in the Climate System", to be held from 25 June to 2 July 2018 at ICTP in Trieste.

The school includes lectures on theoretical aspects of atmosphere, ocean and climate dynamics, with a focus on latest knowledge, relevant mechanisms and hypotheses around multiple equilibrium states. Afternoons will include practical sessions. The school will be followed by the "2nd Meeting on Monsoons and Tropical Rain Belts", 2-5 July 2018 likewise in Trieste, and organized through the WCRP Grand Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity. Application deadline for both is 1 March 2018. For details see the ICTP homepages.

travel awards polar 2018 In June 2018, Polar scientists and stakeholders will assemble in Davos, Switzerland, for the POLAR2018 conference jointly organized by SCAR and IASC, which includes several high-level meetings and conferences. Travel awards for early career and indigenous researchers to present their work at this event have now been announced by IASC, SCAR and APECS. For full information, see the official travel award page.

WCRP will be represented at several of POLAR2018's meetings, including the "Mini-Symposium IV - Legacy and Future of IPY" and the Session TE-1 on "Observing with autonomous vehicles in polar regions". Full information can be found on the POLAR2018 program pages.

Photos of Sylt and Helgoland, the training locations

The Nippon Foundation POGO Centre of Excellence (NF-POGO CofE) is calling for applications for the 2018 edition of its 10-month training programme on observational oceanography. Prospective candidates from developing and emerging countries who have at least a first degree in science are invited to consult the programme's information and application page.

The training programme will take place on the offshore island of Helgoland and the UNESCO reserve Wadden Sea island of Sylt, Germany. Deadline for applications is 9 March 2018.

In evaluating applications, the organizers will give preference to applicants who currently hold an academic position in a developing country and plan to return after completion of the training. The scholarships provided by NF-POGO through the CofE cover travel, room, board, tuition, and a modest allowance.

CliC logo WCRP is soliciting offers to host the International Project Office for its Core Project CliC ("Climate and Cryosphere") from July 2018 onward, for a period of at least three years. Click the headline above for the full call.
WUF9The 9th session of the World Urban Forum (WUF9), taking place from 7 -13 February 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, will be the first global event to focus on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda adopted at Habitat III in Quito, Ecuador, in October 2016.
Haitian Village Tropical Storm Hanna: Illustrative Photo for WEF Global Risk Report 2018 The World Economic Forum (WEF) last week published its Global Risks Report 2018, to which both WMO and WCRP had provided input. The Global Risks Reports synthesize expert evaluations on risks threatening at a global scale society, economies, populations, and/or the environment, as well as interconnections and temporal trends. Representatives from WCRP and WMO had participated in a Global Risks Workshop (Geneva, 6 October 2017), the results of which fed into the report. Read more by clicking the headline above.

Cimate Model Dev School featurebox 01For all unable to attend the 2nd WCRP Summer School on Climate Model Development, held 22-31 January 2018 in Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil, the summer school's lectures will be live streamed through the YouTube account of the Centro de Previsão de Tempo e Estudos Climáticos, the numerical weather prediction agency of Brazil. See the Summer School's home page for the full program and additional information 

Surveys in Geophysics Cover PageA special issue of the journal "Surveys in Geophysics" summarizes the outcomes and findings of a workshop convened by WCRP's Grand Challenge on Clouds, Circulation, and Climate Sensitivity. Edited by Robert Pincus, David Winker, Sandrine Bony, and Bjorn Stevens, the overall 17 articles seek to summarize knowledge on, as well as bring together the topics of "Shallow Clouds, Water vapor, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity". Read the preface and all full articles on the special issue's home page at "Surveys in Geophysics".

13-15 March 2018 | Potomac, Maryland, USA

Flyer SOLAS Workshop Remote Sensing March 2018 The abstract submission deadline was extended for the Workshop on "Remote Sensing for Studying the Ocean-Atmosphere Interface", co-sponsored by the European Space Agency (ESA), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS). As a co-sponsor of SOLAS, WCRP encourages potential participants to consider submitting an abstract to by February 12 via the workshop homepage.

An article shows that grid point statistics grossly degrades available patterns of information present in multimodel climate projections and consequently inflates uncertainty estimates based on a multimodel ensemble. Find out more by clicking the headline above.
Kan pic1WCRP works closely with Future Earth and Integrated Research on Disaster Risk (IRDR) to address a newly-developed Knowledge-Action Network on Emergent Risks and Extreme Events. Have a glance at the discussion through a summary video.
Ocean Obs 2019 conference logoSubmission is now open for abstracts of  Community White Papers for the OceanObs'19 conference. Based on the initial Community White Paper abstracts, the OceanObs’19 Program Committee will solicit full Community White Papers to be submitted by end of September 2018. Click the headline for details.

8th GEWEX science conference flyer 2018 Abstract submission for the 8th GEWEX Science Conference (6-11 May 2018, Canmore, Canada) closes 18 December 2018. This year's conference is themed "Extremes and Water on the Edge". Head over to the conference webpage to read the full call and for submission instructions. Applications for the early career researcher workshop and travel support likewise close on Dec. 18.

2017 winners of modelling and data prizesThe 2017 WCRP/WWRP International Prize for Model Development has been awarded to Dr Martin Vancoppenolle (Laboratoire d'Océanographie et du Climat, Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, CNRS, France; left photo); and the WCRP/GCOS International Data Prize 2017 been awarded to Dr Markus Donat (right photo) from the University of New South Wales, Australia. Click the respective links for details.


metoffice marked small At the initiative of the WCRP Modeling Advisory Council (WMAC), a Pan-WCRP modelling meeting took place from 9–13 September at the UK MetOffice. The meeting brought together – for the first time in WCRP history – all its modelling working groups. To read the full summary, click here.
science summit photo collage From 20–22 October, the WMO’s Commission for Atmospheric Sciences held a “Science Summit” at WMO headquarters. It was attended by both Chair and Vice-Chair of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee. To read the full summary, click on the headline above.
ICR5 group photoFrom 13–17 November, 250 participants gathered at the Angelicum in Rome to present latest research on all aspects of reanalyses. For links to video recordings from ICR5 and a full conference report, click here.
Logos of the Arctic Council and Antarctic TreatyWCRP regularly provides scientific input to high-level policy fora. Through the World Meteorological Organization, WCRP science is considered in two major policy processes for the polar regions: the Antarctic Treaty and the Arctic Council. Read more by clicking on the headline above.
sparc wcrp newsletter highlightSPARC, one of WCRP's four core projects, provides intellectual leadership to address key issues in atmospheric dynamics and predictability, chemistry and climate, and long-term records for climate understanding. SPARC contributes significantly to international assessments, providing cutting-edge knowledge of direct relevance to decision-makers. Read the WCRP newsletter highlight on SPARC by clicking the headline above.