WCRP is soliciting offers to host the International Project Office (IPO) for its Core Project CliC ("Climate and Cryosphere") from July 2018 onward, for a period of at least three years.
Prospective host institutions and sponsoring organizations are invited to download the full call for hosting the CliC IPO. Letters of intent to host the CliC IPO should be sent to Dr Mike Sparrow (
Background information:
The CliC IPO provides management support to planning and implementation of CliC priorities. It ensures coordination between different CliC activities and scientists as well as collaboration with related WCRP and other international programmes.
Past host institutions of the CliC office, including its scientists and students, have consistently benefited from elevated international exposure as well as increased leverage in national and international funding and partnership opportunities.
WCRP's Climate and Cryosphere Core Project (CliC) serves as the focal point for climate science related to the cryosphere, its variability and change, and interaction with the broader climate system. CliC activities have resulted in a wealth of cutting-edge research, valuable data products, and innovative use of models to project changes in the Polar Regions and other frozen areas globally.