
WCRP looks forward to participating in the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2023.

WCRP Union Session: Future prospects for climate science in the decade ahead: Lessons learned from the WCRP Kigali Open Science Conference

Tuesday, 12 December 2023

10:20 - 11:50 - 303-304 - South (Level 3, South, MC)

Conveners: Detlef Stammer (University of Hamburg), Helen Cleugh (Australian National University), Pascale Bracconot (LSCE Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement)

  1. Introductory: The Kigali Outcome - Detlef Stammer
  2. Climate Change, Resilient Cities and Societies - Negin Nazarian
  3. Regional Climate Change: Consensus, Discrepancies, and Ways Forward - Tiffany Shaw
  4. Weather and Climate Extremes and their Risks – Outcomes from WCRP in Kigali - Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick
  5. Future of Climate Modeling - Baylor Fox-Kemper
  6. Future of Climate Research - Guy P Brasseur
  7. EMCR Perspective on Climate in the Next Decade: Expectations and Opportunities - Temitope Samuel Egbebiyi and Rachael Isphording
  8. Discussion and Closing

WCRP Affiliated Sessions:

Please note that all WCRP co-sponsored sessions are identified as such by the Primary Convener as part of the submission process. WCRP has no part in the selection process but will help to promote accepted co-sponsored sessions leading up to the AGU Fall Meeting. If you wish to have your session listed as WCRP co-sponsored and didn't do so as part of the initial proposal process, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..