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We are delighted to announce that Dr Addis Alaminie, an exceptional hydrologist and climate scientist from Ethiopia, has been named the first recipient of the WCRP 2024 Global South Fellowship. This Fellowship program aims to empower early to mid-career researchers from the Global South to develop and foster climate research in the regions. In 2024, the Fellowship call focused on Africa, inviting proposals from African researchers to address critical gaps in climate research highlighted by WCRP, enhance climate action for and in Africa, and build a strong legacy for the continent’s scientific community. 

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Professor Tim Naish (New Zealand) and Professor Cristiana Stan (USA) have been elected as the Chair and Vice-chair of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Joint Scientific Committee (JSC).  

The elections for the two positions concluded on 27 January 2025.

The Digital Earths lighthouse activity is organizing two webinars - one each under the land modelling webinar series and the Global Hackathon - next week.

    1. Groundwater representation in High-Resolution Land Modeling (Digital Earths - Land Modeling webinar series) - 3 Feb 2025; 15:00 UTC (Register here). 
    2. A Global Pan-Hackathon for Km-Scale Models (Digital Earths) - 4 Feb 2025; 16:00 UTC (Register here). 

Perspective on Regional Sea-level Change and Coastal Impacts

The United Nations declared 2025 as the International Year of Glaciers' Preservation, accompanied by the proclamation of the 21st March of each year as the World Day for Glaciers starting in 2025. This is an opportunity to raise global awareness about the critical role of glaciers, snow and ice in the climate system and the hydrological cycle, and the economic, social and environmental impacts of the impending changes in the Earth’s cryosphere.

Perspective on Regional Sea-level Change and Coastal Impacts

Rising sea levels are a major concern for low-lying coastal communities and ecosystems across the globe, yet planning for future sea-level rise is hampered by uncertainties in future greenhouse gas emissions, how ice sheets will respond and other potential climate tipping points that lead to a wide range of possible future projections. The World Climate Research Programme’s Grand Challenge on 'Regional Sea-Level Change and Coastal Impacts’ was implemented to further advance understanding of natural and human contributions to sea level rise, promote advances in observations and foster the development of sea-level information that assists coastal practitioners in planning for the future.

We invite you to read the review paper "Perspective on Regional Sea-level Change and Coastal Impacts” based on the Grand Challenge on Regional Sea Level Change and Coastal Impacts.

Atlantic ocean with strong swell beating against the walls of a rocky cliff, blue rough sea with big waves with foam crashing against the rocks, south of Tenerife, Canary island

The 10 New Insights in Climate Science (10NICS) has opened call for expert input in preparation for its upcoming edition. To know more about the process and to apply, please click here.

Deadline to apply is 31 January 2025. 

Scales social media

We are delighted to announce the upcoming webinar in the Tipping Points Discussion Series to be held on 22 January 2025, 15:30 CET. Click here to register for this event. 

WCRP my climate risk general assembly report

The report from My Climate Risk Fifth General Assembly held online in October and November 2024, has now been published. This report includes summaries of the pre-recorded presentations, together with a synthesis across the three sessions of the main points arising from the discussion.

JSC Members 2025

The new Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) of 2025 has been announced, with six new members joining: Krishna Achutarao (India), Kendra Gonzales (Philippines), Pang-Chi Hsu (China), Josephine Ngaira (Kenya), Anna Sörensson (Argentina), and Masa Watanabe (Japan). See for details. 
Note that the co-sponsors will consider including a seventh new member to bring the JSC up to its full compliment of 18 members. A new Chair and Vice Chair will be voted on in January 2025.

Clivar released

WCRP Climate and Ocean Variability, Predictability and Change (CLIVAR)  is excited to announce the publication of a new paper "A Global Overview of Marine Heatwaves in a Changing Climate" by the Marine Heatwaves in the Global Ocean Research Foci Group. This comprehensive article provides a review of advances in understanding marine heatwaves (MHWs) and their increasing impacts on marine ecosystems worldwide. Marine heatwaves have become a major concern due to their profound effects on ocean ecosystems, fisheries, and coastal communities. The paper explores the three-dimensional structure and evolution of these extremes, their drivers, their connection with other extremes in the ocean and over land, future projections, and assessment of their predictability and current prediction skill.

The paper, published in Communications Earth & Environment, is available here.


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The WGCM Infrastructure Panel (WIP) is a Working Group on Climate Modelling (WGCM) subcommittee charged with coordinating infrastructure support for CMIP. It works with projects funded to develop software and supporting infrastructure that facilitates access to and analysis of the CMIP model output. It defines specifications and standards that ensure model output is written in a common structure and format, and that it is archived and made accessible worldwide in a common way. More generally, the WIP provides guidance and oversees infrastructure development so that it will be fit for its purpose and meet the scientific needs of CMIP and other MIP projects.  

This call invites the community to nominate candidates (including self-nomination) to join the WIP. Application deadline: 08:00 UTC, Friday 10th January 2025

For more information and to apply, click here.

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Around 40 scientists working on a range of impacts due to climate change gathered at the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to inform, brainstorm, and exchange ideas. The Workshop on High-Risk Cascading Shocks, organized by members of the Safe Landing Climates Lighthouse Activity of WCRP, took place from 18 to 20 November, 2024. The enthusiasm among the participants was palpable as they worked together on forming a forward-looking agenda for their work in the coming years. 

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More than a dozen organizations have signed an open letter to leaders at COP29, emphasizing that exceeding the 1.5°C threshold risks will trigger irreversible and uncontrollable shifts in the Earth’s climate system, with catastrophic consequences for both current and future generations. Tune in to the media event, which will take place at the Cryosphere Pavilion at COP29 on Friday, 22 November, at 10:00 AM local time in Baku (7:00 AM CET) The event will be streamed live and made available later on the International Cryosphere Climate Initiative (ICCI) YouTube channel.

The Global Carbon Project (GCP) published the Global Carbon Budget 2024 yesterday at the 29th Conference of the Parties in Baku, Azerbaijan. You can find the key messages on the GCP website and the preprint on the Earth Systems Science Data website.

carbon emissions

Image: GCP website

We are delighted to invite you to two webinars on:
  1. Pan-Australia Kilometre-Scale Weather and Climate Modelling: Bridging the Tropics and Midlatitudes - 19 November 2024, 21:00-22:00 UTC. Register here. (Digital Earths Webinar series)
  2. The LIAISE Land Surface Model Inter-comparison: What Goes Wrong When These Models Are Run at km-Scale Resolutions? - 2 December 2024, 15:00 UTC. Register here for this webinar (Digital Earths webinar series on high-resolution land model and land-atmosphere coupling)

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Stéphane Hallegatte, Senior Climate Change Adviser at the World Bank Group, will be at the World Meteorological Organization to deliver a keynote on Climate and Economic Modeling: Lessons from 60 Country Climate and Development Reports and Key Knowledge Gaps.  

In his lecture, he will draw from his experience at the World Bank to highlight what works and what doesn't, in the climate and economic modeling realm. This lecture is part of a series of workshops (invite-only, in-person) organized by the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and S&P Global.  

Scan the QR code in the image to join the livestream.  

Click here to know more about the speaker and the event.  

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Reliable weather forecasts and future climate predictions for the polar regions are required by many users. The users in these regions are increasingly asking for more granulated, higher-resolution weather forecasts and climate predictions, which presents a major challenge for the current and next generation of atmospheric models. The World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) aims to address this challenge through the Polar Coupled Analysis Prediction for Services (PCAPS) project. Dr Andrew Orr - who is a climate scientist at the British Antarctic Survey, a member of the PCAPS steering group, one of the coordinators of the Polar Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (Polar CORDEX) project, and an investigator for the Polar Regions in the Earth System (PolarRES) project - reflects on how high-resolution regional atmospheric modelling is being used to address these challenges and help improve our understanding and decisions related to the polar regions. To find out more, read the blog.

Uncertainties in models webinar

5 November 2024, 15:00-16:30 CET

Join us for the next webinar in the Tipping Points Discussion Series, which will explore the origins of model uncertainties and shift the focus from asking when a model is "good enough" to considering when it becomes too unrealistic to be useful. The webinar will include two talks by Dave Stainforth (London School of Economics) and Thomas Stocker (University of Bern) and will be moderated by Gabi Hegerl (University of Edinburgh). Register now!

pierre morel

It is with sadness that we announce the passing away of Dr Pierre Morel. Pierre, as well as a distinguished scientist in his own right, was the first Director of WCRP as well as a founding member of WCRP's GEWEX Core Project.


We are delighted to announce the next webinar hosted by the Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change (EPESC) lighthouse activity on 12 November 2024. The details are as follows:

  • Topic: Approaches, Challenges, and Emerging Opportunities in Extreme Event Attribution
  • Date and time: 12 November 2024; 12:00 CEST.
  • Speakers: Dr Nicholas Leach (University of Oxford), Dr Yukiko Imada (University of Tokyo), Dr Yang Chen (Chinese Academy of Meteorological Science).

To register for this webinar, click here.
Past webinars of the EPESC webinar series, are available here.

**The deadline for proposals has been extended until 31 March 2025**

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) is delighted to open a call for proposals to host a dedicated project office in support of one of WCRP’s core activities: the COordinated Regional climate Downscaling EXperiment (CORDEX). 

CORDEX is the focal point for advancing and coordinating the science and application of regional climate downscaling through global partnerships within WCRP. This fosters and grows research focused on advancing and coordinating the science and application of regional climate downscaling, to effectively link global climate research and the regional information needs of society. In its 15-year (2009-2024) history, CORDEX’s activities have generated a wealth of cutting-edge research. CORDEX has a major role in in key international scientific assessment reports, including WMO Global Framework for Climate Services, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), by providing climate projections at the regional and local scale and through increasing science capacity in the Global South.

The Host Institution will significantly benefit from hosting the CORDEX IPO by having a close interaction with this critical domain of research in support of regional downscaling experiments. It will serve as a great opportunity for the host to help deliver the exciting new goals of CORDEX to the international community.

All communications and enquiries regarding this call should be directed in English to Maureen Wanzala (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) in the WCRP Secretariat. 

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Our planet is witnessing cascading and damaging effects due to surges in temperature driven primarily by anthropogenic climate change, reveals the latest 10 New Insights in Climate Science (10NICS) report. These impacts have ripple effects on maternal and reproductive health and on one of our most vital natural carbon sinks, the Amazon rainforest, to name a few. 

Launched on Monday 28 October 2024 by a consortium of globally renowned social, natural and climate scientists, the 10NICS report spans a vast range of climate research and is designed to equip policymakers with the latest and most pivotal climate research published over the past 18 months. The The latest research on the insight topics is synthesised to highlight the policy implications that can inform negotiations at COP29 and policy through 2025 and beyond.

Read the full press release here. 

Read the 10NICS report here. 

polar year

The International Polar Year 2032-2033 Updated Concept Note along with the IPY timeline graph, was released and is now available for download here.

For more information and to provide feedback please contact the IPY Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and visit the IPY website at

The WCRP Academy Support Unit was officially launched at the Manila Observatory on 7 October 2024, making history as the first of its kind within the Programnme and the first WCRP support office located in the Global South. To read more, click the heading above.

Academy Launch