The following meetings are/were either initiated by the Grand Challenge on Carbon Feedbacks in the Climate System or included Sessions organized by it or have other strong thematic links to it:
- A Side Event on Predictions and predictability of the carbon cycle took place on 21 September 2018, after the Second International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction (S2S)", the "Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction (S2D)Second International Conference on Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction (S2S)", the "Second International Conference on Seasonal to Decadal Prediction (S2D) , 17-21 September 2018, Boulder , USA
- Extending the Climate-Crabon Cycle Feedback Framework, 25-27 April 2018, Bern, Switzerland
- A session on carbon feedbacks in the climate cystem took place within the Fourth International Conference on Earth System Modelling (4ICESM), 28 August – 1 September 2017. Hamburg, Germany.
- A kick-off workshop for the WCRP Grand Challenge on Carbon Feedbacks in the Climate System was held in Hamburg, Germany on 21-22 November 2016. (Report)
Please see the C4MIP Website