Oslo, Norway, 5-7 October 2015


An article on the outcome of the Workshop is published in the Weather and Climate Extremes, Volume 18, December 2017. Find the article here.

A summary report of the Workshop (WCRP Report No.10/2016) is available here.



Understanding, modelling and predicting weather and climate extremes is one of the key challenges in climate research and thus has been selected as one of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Grand Challenges. This workshop will bring together experts and early career scientists from weather, climate and statistical sciences with the goal to discuss some of the scientific challenges as emphasized in the WCRP Grand Challenges on Weather and Climate Extremes white paper.

In particular, the workshop will address: (i) dynamical and physical processes (e.g., large-scale modes of variability, atmospheric blocking, land-atmosphere and snow feedbacks, etc.) that affect the occurrence and amplitude of weather and climate extremes, (ii) the representation of these processes in models and their usefulness and potential for prediction of extremes, and (iii) the development of statistical methods and tools to incorporate this information into model performance metrics. The workshop participants will have ample opportunity to present and discuss their latest research related to these challenges. Substantial time will be spent to evaluate current state of knowledge, to identify opportunities for cross-community collaborations to address the challenges (e.g., modeling experiments, data needs, storylines for model evaluation, scale issues) and to coordinate future research and communication of results.