At the seventeenth session of the WMO Commission for Climatology (CCl-17, 2018), it was decided that the group activities of ETCCDI would discontinue. The CCl Expert Team on Sector-specific Climate Indices (ET-SCI) would be responsible for operational aspects of enhancing software tool for sector-specific climate indices.
The WCRP Grand Challenge on Weather and Climate Extremes has integrated much of the research aspects of ETCCDI, global dataset development and detection and attribution. Particular emphasis is being made to ensure contributions to the development of extremes-related climate services.
Albert Klein-Tank (Co-Chair), is a Senior Scientist at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) in De Bilt, The Netherlands.
Xuebin Zhang (Co-Chair), is a Senior Scientist at the Climate Research Division of Environment Canada in Toronto, Canada. His work focuses on the understanding changes in climate extremes. He has an interest in statistical climatology and has been involved in the development of extreme indices. He has published on detection and attribution, and projection of climate extremes. Xuebin was also involved in the recent IPCC assessment reports.
Lisa Alexander is an Associate Professor in the Climate Change Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia and leader of the Extremes Research Program in the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Systems Science. Her work mainly focuses on understanding trends and variability of extreme climatic events through observations and climate models.
Ali Behrangi is a Research Scientist in the Earth Science Section, University of Arizona and NASA JPL-Caltech, Pasadena, USA. He is a principal investigator for research projects related to extreme weather, global water and energy cycle, and high latitude precipitation. His work mainly focuses on remote sensing of precipitation, hydrologic applications, and the analysis of extreme weather and climatic events using observation and models.
Lukas Gudmundsson, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Gabriele Hegerl is a Professor of climate system science at the University of Edinburgh, UK. Her work focuses on the causes of change in mean and extreme temperature and precipitation. Gabi has been publishing on causes of observed changes in the frequency and intensity of temperature and precipitation extremes, and on properties of indices of extremes, and was involved in several of the recent IPCC assessment reports. Gabi is a member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and supported by a Royal Society Wolfson fellowship.
Kevin Horsburgh, National Oceanography Centre, UK.
Kathy McInnes is a Research Scientist at CSIRO in Melbourne, Australia.
Moukouba Moutoumounkata is a Meteorologist, Data Scientist, specialized in operational seasonal and interannual climate forecasting at the National Meteorological Department of the Agence Nationale d'Aviation Civile (ANAC Congo) in Brazzaville, Congo.
James Renwick is a Professor at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. His work focuses on the large-scale circulation of the Southern Hemisphere climate, particularly the mid-latitude storm track and westerly winds, and teleconnections to the tropics. He is interested in the relationship between extreme events, storm activity and atmospheric blocking, and how the circulation changes as the climate warms.
Ying Sun, China.
Jorge Vazquez-Aguirre is in charge of the climatology working group at the National Meteorological Service of Mexico with operational duties related to climatic data, seasonal prediction, drought monitoring and climate services. He is interested in climate variability and changes in extremes for adaptation and applications.
Xiaolan Wang is a Research Scientist at the Climate Research Division of Environment Canada in Toronto, Canada.
Scott Woodruff, NOAA, USA