CORA closed at the end of 2021
Under the guidance of the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee (JSC), CORA will work closely with all WCRP Core Projects and their International Project Offices (IPO), Grand Challenges, Working Groups as well as the Joint Planning Staff (JPS).
In detail, CORA will:
- Support the JSC to develop clear WCRP messages on regional climate science (primarily through key messages on fundamental climate science), to be reviewed at the annual JSC sessions;
- Identify opportunities, resources and partners to promote WCRP messages on regional climate science in collaboration with the JPS;
- Assist in integrating and synergizing regional activities within WCRP in cooperation with the Core Projects including CORDEX, the Grand Challenges, Working Groups and other key activities;
- Support and coordinate the planning and implementation of scientific workshops, training and outreach activities that take place in regions, in close coordination with the JSC, the Core Project offices and the JPS;
- Identify and review feasibilities, and engage regional activities for climate science that address key challenges and objectives of WCRP;
- Develop and promote outreach material and website contents to demonstrate WCRP leadership in regionally-relevant WCRP research activities, in close coordination with the Core Project Offices and the JPS;
- Report to the annual JSC sessions on the plans and progress of the integrated coordination of WCRP regional activities.