19-21 October 2011, NCAR, Mesa Lab, Boulder CO, USA
For the report of the 15th Session of the WGCM, click here
DAY 1 - Wednesday, October 19 - Joint Session with the WCRP/CAS Working Group on Numerical Experimentation (WGNE)0830 - 1030 Welcome (10 min) - G. Meehl, S. Bony, C. Jakob, A. Brown Overview of WGCM activities, potential WGCM-WGNE collaboration (10 min) - G. Meehl, S. Bony 1030 - 1100 - Coffee break 1100 - 1230 Climate Model Metrics Panel (30 min) - P. Gleckler 1230 - 1330 - Lunch 1330 - 1500 WGSIP report (30 min) - B. Kirtman 1500 - 1530 - Coffee break 1530 - 1700 Model development and the prospect of international CPTs (30 min) - Discussion introduced by S. Bony and C. Jakob 1730 - 2000 Reception hosted by NCAR at the Mesa Lab
Meeting Venue NCAR Mesa Lab1 Local Contact Our local organizer is Stephanie Shearer, who can help participants with any local queries: Phone: 303-497-1624
DAY 2 - Thursday, October 200900 - 0915 - Welcome, logistics and Meeting objectives (G. Meehl, S. Bony) 0915 - 0945 (10 minutes each) WCRP update and WCRP Open Science Conference (M. Rixen) 0945 - 1030 - CMIP5 status and analysis CMIP5 update (R. Stouffer, K. Taylor) 1030-1100 - Coffee break 1100-1115 - RCP update (B. O'Neill) 1115 - 1235 Working groups closely associated with CMIP5 (20 minutes each, including questions) Suggest that each presentation addresses the following issues: status of the MIP; what science have we learned so far?; need for cross-MIPs analyses? plans for an introduction paper; plans for worshops and articulation with the CMIP5 workshop; Dedadal prediction (B. Kirtman) 1235 - 1400 - Lunch 1400 - 1445 Working groups associated with CMIP5 (15 minutes each) WGOMD (G. Danabasoglu) 1445 - 1500 Discussion on CMIP5 Analysis : workshop planning + how to maximize the scientific benefit and impact of CMIP5 on climate research, e.g. encouraging people (or WCRP groups and panels) to synthesize CMIP5 results on different topics 1500 - 1530 - Model evaluation and development (15 minutes each) 1530 - 1600 - Coffee break CIRC Radiation code evaluation and intercomparison (E. Mlawer) 1615 - 1630 Observations for model evaluation (15 minutes each) NASA data initiative status (D. Waliser) 1635 - 1700 Synthesis discussion on observations for CMIP5 and other projects of model evaluation Session ends for the day ~1700 1700-1930 Poster Session and Reception |
DAY 3 - Friday, October 210900 - 0915 Review previous day and outline agenda for the day (G. Meehl and S. Bony) 0915 - 1030 Reports on status of CMIP5 national activities (12 minutes each, 3 minutes for questions) USA, GFDL (R. Stouffer) 1030 - 1100 - Coffee break Australia, ACCESS (T. Hirst) 1230 - 1400 - Lunch 1400 - 1530 Discussion topics GeoMIP (A. Robock) 1530 - 1600 - Coffee break 1600-1730 WGCM business Adjourn ~1730 |