DCMIP2016The Dynamical Core Model Intercomparison Project (DCMIP) organizing committee is happy to announce that applications are now being accepted for students and postdoctoral scholars to participate in the 2016 workshop and summer school, to be hosted at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado from 6-17 June 2016.

The DCMIP workshop and summer school is a unique and intensive educational experience for future climate scientists and atmospheric model developers. Special attention will be paid to simplified physical parameterizations, physics-dynamics coupling, non-hydrostatic atmospheric modeling and variable-resolution global modeling.

The summer school and model intercomparison project promotes active learning, innovation, discovery, mentorship and the integration of science and education.  A morning lecture series will bring together some of the top experts in the field, followed by an afternoon workshop where participants will be given hands on experience with atmospheric models from centers around the world.  Participating dynamical cores include FV3, HOMME, MPAS-A, DYNAMICO, IFS-FV, CSU, NICAM, NEPTUNE, ICON, GEM, OLAM, TEMPEST and CHOMBO. Funding is available to fully support participation by students and postdocs over the two week period covering the workshop.

The application form for students and postdoctoral scholars, along with additional information about the workshop can be found here.

Applications will be accepted until 14 March 2016. Following closure of the application process, the organizing committee anticipates to announce the selection of funded participants by 31 March 2016.