The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Lighthouse Activities are designed to be ambitious and transdisciplinary (integrating across WCRP and collaborating with partners) so that they can rapidly advance some of the new science, technologies, and institutional frameworks that are needed to more effectively manage climate risk and meet society’s urgent need for robust and actionable climate information.

This open call is an invitation for the community to directly take part in the activities of the Safe Landing Climates (SLC) Lighthouse Activity. SLC is an exploration of the routes to “safe landing” spaces for human and natural systems. It will explore future pathways that avoid dangerous climate change while at the same time contributing to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Current activties of SLC can be found here:

We invite interested researchers to nominate themselves for the SLC Scientific Steering Group (SSG). SSG members are responsible for the overall scientific direction of the activity, moving the activity forward with concrete actions, funding/resource allocations, and reporting to the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee (JSC). We especially welcome new members with expertise in climate change adaptation and mitigation measures, carbon cycle processes, urban heat, climate and health, or severe and cascading extreme events. Researchers working in the Global South are strongly encouraged to apply.

Time commitment

The majority of SSG meetings will be online. SSG members will also have an opportunity to be involved in SLC activities. Some out-of-hours work may be required due to time zone coordination. SSG members are expected to help grow SLC activities by contributing their scientific expertise to organize workshops and seasonal schools, developing and writing publications or reports, and/or other research and dissemination activites.


These are not paid roles.

Safe Landing Climates Structure and Membership

SLC has an SSG that oversees the work of five working groups, which correspond to five research themes: Perturbed Carbon Cycle, Safe Landing Pathways, Sea Level Rise, Understanding High-Risk Events and Water Resources. These Working Groups are working on a number of activities, some within the specific working groups and some that are more overarching. The current membership and activities are listed on the website:

Initial terms are for four years, starting January 2026.

How to apply

We accept self-nominations for membership of the SSG via the following online form:

The deadline for self-nominations is 17 March 2025.

Please contact Narelle (WCRP Secretariat) should you have any questions (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

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