**The deadline for proposals to host the CORDEX IPO has been extended until 31 March 2025**
CORDEX is the focal point for advancing and coordinating the science and application of regional climate downscaling through global partnerships within WCRP. This fosters and grows research focused on advancing and coordinating the science and application of regional climate downscaling, to effectively link global climate research and the regional information needs of society.
The Host Institution will significantly benefit from hosting the CORDEX IPO by having a close interaction with this critical domain of research in support of regional downscaling experiments. It will serve as a great opportunity for the host to help deliver the exciting new goals of CORDEX to the international community.
- Download the open call application package
- The deadline for proposals has been extended until 31 March 2025
All communications and enquiries regarding this call should be directed in English to Maureen Wanzala (
The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) is delighted to open a call for proposals to host a dedicated project office in support of one of WCRP’s core activities: the COordinated Regional climate Downscaling EXperiment (CORDEX).
CORDEX is the focal point for advancing and coordinating the science and application of regional climate downscaling through global partnerships within WCRP. Downscaling activities have improved the understanding of regional scale processes and phenomena and evaluation and comparison of a range of dynamical and statistical Regional Coordinated Downscaling (RCD) techniques in use around the world. RCD provides projections with much greater detail and more accurate representation of localized extreme events. This fosters and grows research focused on advancing and coordinating the science and application of regional climate downscaling, to effectively link global climate research and the regional information needs of society. In its 15-year (2009-2024) history, CORDEX’s activities have generated a wealth of cutting-edge research. CORDEX has a major role in in key international scientific assessment reports, including WMO Global Framework for Climate Services, and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), by providing climate projections at the regional and local scale and through increasing science capacity in the Global South.
Benefits to the Host Institution
The Host Institution will significantly benefit from hosting the CORDEX IPO by having a close interaction with this critical domain of research in support of regional downscaling experiments. It will serve as a great opportunity for the host to help deliver the exciting new goals of CORDEX to the international community. In addition, the host institution will have the benefit of:
- Enhancing their international profile through clear identification with the WCRP international community,
- Association and participation with a range of international meetings, workshops, and regional activities,
- Underscoring the commitment of the national research community for international cooperation,
- Collaboration with other networks including those of early career scientists.
- Contributing to the well-established links that the engagement of scientists from the host institute has already established through international research projects to the global community of climate researchers.
- Career development for early career scientists in connecting them with the international research community and involvement in CORDEX activities and outreach panel,
- Playing an important role in implementing WCRP's new strategy.
Further, the development of an active scientific partnership between CORDEX activities and scientists at the Host Institution is encouraged, with the aim of increased international exposure and scientific publications.
The CORDEX IPO’s role will be to support this work on all related levels in close cooperation with the CORDEX co-chairs and Scientific Steering Group, the WCRP leadership and the WCRP Secretariat in Geneva.
- Download the open call application package
- The deadline for proposals has been extended until 31 March 2025
All communications and enquiries regarding this call should be directed in English to Maureen Wanzala (