The planning for the 5th International Polar Year in 2032-33 is currently underway. Planning discussions have been underway between 17 organisations since 2021 and an initial IPY concept note and planning timeline was published in October 2023. An interim Secretariat for the IPY planning process is currently being operated by the Secretariats of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR).
IASC and SCAR are inviting other regional or international organisations / unions / associations (scientific, Indigenous, educational etc.) to join the IPY Planning Group. Organisations interested to join should be:
- working on / in the polar regions, including organisations working to deliver/enable science in the polar regions (e.g. logistics)
- committed to contributing directly and long-term to the planning of the IPY 2032-33
Organisations wishing to join the Interim IPY Planning Group should email the interim IPY Secretariat at
For further details, click here.