
The Regional Information for Society (RIfS) Core Project organized an expert meeting on the Robustness of Climate Change Information for Decisions in April 2024, hosted by the European Commission and co-sponsored by the Green Climate Fund. 

The workshop aimed to address the following issue: When sources of climate change information do not agree or are misaligned to decision contexts, there is a lack of consensus about how to overcome this barrier and inform local-to-regional decision making.  

Collectively the meeting sought to develop forward thinking on building new cross-community collaboration to advance and demonstrate the development of relevant information that is defensibly robust, aligned to context, in ways that are scalable and transferable, and thus broadly accepted and widely applicable. The meeting was explicitly designed to be a first step, a catalyst for new cross-community recognition of the challenge, and to stimulate new actions to address this. A new Interim Working Group is carrying on the work of organizing follow-on activities on these themes, including guidance and standards, global North/South partnerships, ethics and accountability, reducing epistemic uncertainties, and collaborations around responsible data use.  

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