Applications are now invited by the CORDEX Science Advisory Team (SAT) for groups within regional communities across the globe to propose 'Flagship Pilot Studies' (FPS).
This FPS call consists of two parts:
- An open part where you suggest a topic of your choice as long as it follows the FPS Criteria & Guidelines
- A part dedicated to Climate Risks. We here encourage FPS proposals that target risk producing climatic hazards including assessing and improving simulations of the hazard, understanding the projected future changes, and quantifying the added-value that high-resolution/process resolving brings to the simulation of the hazards and their changes. CORDEX SAT would also highly appreciate proposals related to Small Islands challenges.
The deadline for applications is Wednesday 21 August 2024.
To read more about the call and to apply, click here
As indicated in the FPS Criteria & Guidelines the FPS proposals will be reviewed and endorsed by the CORDEX SAT, together with selected external reviewers. Further details on the FPS, together with instructions on how to submit your proposal and an application template, can be found under Experiment Guidelines/Flagship Pilote Studies at the CORDEX website