Model Hierarchies Workshop 35cm

The second Model Hierarchies workshop will be held 29 August - 1 September 2022, as a 3.5-day in-person (covid permitting) workshop at Stanford, CA (USA). As last time, we solicit talks on the design and use of modeling hierarchies in all aspects of Earth system science, covering the major climate system components -- atmosphere, ocean, land, cryosphere, biosphere -- but this time also underline our interest in exploring the ways in which such models are connected to the downstream uses of this data in the study of climate impacts. The workshop will be structured around talks in a single-session format, interspersed with poster sessions during the recesses. There will be plenty of time in between sessions for collaborative and social discussion.

  • Deadline for abstract submission and application for financial support is extended to 15 May 2022, don't miss the date!
  • To visit the workshop website and to register and submit your abstract, click here