Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change Lighthouse Activity

The WCRP Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change Lighthouse Activity invites interested researchers to apply for positions in its Scientific Steering Group and their three Working Groups.

The overarching objective of this Lighthouse Activity is to “design, and take major steps toward delivery of, an integrated capability for quantitative observation, explanation, early warning, and prediction of Earth System change on global and regional scales, with a focus on multi-annual to decadal timescales.” This includes three main themes, which are developed by three Working Groups; the bullet points indicate specific topics of interest to each group:

  • WG1: Observing and modelling Earth system change
  • WG2: Integrated attribution, prediction, and projection
  • WG3: Assessment of current and future hazards

Check on the full call that contains the link for the application form:

Deadline for applications: 15th March 2022.