The IPCC invites nominations for Expert Reviewers for the First Order Draft of its "Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate" (SROCC).
Scheduled for publication in September 2019, the SROCC is one of three Special Reports (SRs) within the IPCC's AR6 cycle. Its outline was agreed at the IPCC's 45th session in 2017, and the first order draft is currently being finalized. Like all SR drafts, it will then undergo review by further independent experts from around the world with a comprehensive range of scientific, technical and socioeconomic expertise on the respective subject areas. For this review phase, the IPCC is currently inviting (self-)nominations.
The SROCC is assessing the latest scientific knowledge about the physical science basis and impacts of climate change on ocean, coastal, polar and mountain ecosystems, and the human communities that depend on them. It evaluates both their vulnerabilities as well as adaptation capacities, and presents options for achieving climate-resilient development pathways.
The review phase will last from 4 May to 29 June 2018. Registrations are possible as of now and until 22 June 2018. Two further review phases are foreseen, one by experts and governments toward the end of 2018, and a final government review in mid-2019.
For further information, please consult the official announcement around the review and invitation for expert registrations; as well as the SROCC homepage together with its agreed outline and timeline.
Expert reviewer nominations for IPCC SR on Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
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