15-26 June 2018 | Davos, Switzerland

Polar2018 Conference SCAR IASC Abstract

Abstract submission for the POLAR2018 conference will close on 12 November (extended from 1 November). To register your contribution in time, see the POLAR2018 abstract submission page.

POLAR2018 will feature several sessions with WCRP involvement, including:

  • Session TE-1 "Observing with autonomous vehicles in Polar Regions" has thematic links with the WCRP Polar Challenge and invites contributions from all aspects of autonomous high latitude observations, such as science, engineering, policy, and the private sector. Details are available in the respective session description document.  The session is co-convened by Gijs de Boer, Henry Burgess, Michel Rixen, Alice Bradley, Thomas Curtin and David Scott.

  • The Mini-Symposium on "The Legacy and Future of the International Polar Year" has thematic links with WCRP polar activities and takes a look back at the intended outcomes of the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008 in terms of Observing Systems, Data Access, Scientific Cooperation, the next generation of scientists and Education and Outreach, as well as future developments in these areas. Details for this mini-symposium will soon be available on the POLAR2018 program site. The symposium is co-convened by Mike Sparrow, Paolo Ruti, Volker Rachold and Gerlis Fugmann. (Note that abstract submission to the symposium is not possible.)

General information on POLAR2018:

POLAR2018 is a joint meeting for the international polar and high altitude community, convened by the International Arctic Science Committee IASC and the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research SCAR and hosted by WSL and SLF in Davos, Switzerland.

The goal of POLAR2018 is to bring together excellent research from both poles, as well as from high altitude areas, focusing on the similar challenges those regions face. The POLAR2018 program features 65 different sessions, structured into 12 categories.