5-7 March 2018 | Edmonton, Canada

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and Future Earth offer support for early career researchers and professionals (ECRs/ECPs*) to get involved in the “2018 Cities and Climate Change Science Conference: Fostering new scientific knowledge for cities based on science, practice and policy”. The conference aims to inspire the next frontier of research focusing on the science of cities and climate change. It is an excellent opportunity for ECRs/ECPs to actively participate in this important conference, in order to gain an understanding of the state-of-the art knowledge on cities and climate change, to connect to scientists, practitioners and policymakers, and to showcase their research.

To apply for this support, please submit your conference abstract on the conference website (http://citiesipcc.org/), and then forward your abstract application confirmation together with a short motivation letter (<500 words) and your CV to (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by October 15, 2017 (extended). The application should have the email title: ‘ECR/ECP Application – CitiesIPCC’. For detailed information, please refer to the full call for ECR/ECP applications.

*ECRs are considered to be early career researchers who have completed or are currently I the course of obtaining a Master or PhD degree, and/or who are working in academia in the first six years after obtaining their highest degree.
*ECPs are considered to be early career practitioners who have completed a Master or PhD and are in the first six years after obtaining their highest professional degree.

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