WCRP logo original ext arcThe World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) has issued a call for expressions of interest from national, regional and international institutions to host a coordinator for WCRP regional activities. This may consist of offers either to provide financial support to employ a full-time coordinator within the WCRP Secretariat in Geneva, or to host an office of the Regional Coordinator of WCRP within an institution and support the activities on behalf of WCRP. To find out more about the criteria and selection process, please refer to the full Call for Letters of Intent below.


to Host a Coordinator for WCRP Regional Activities

Letters of Intent are solicited from institutions interested in hosting or supporting a coordinator for regional activities of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). The incumbent, with and through the identified support provided by the hosting institution and partners, will lead coordination of WCRP scientific activities for regions under the guidance of the Joint Scientific Committee (JSC), and working closely with all WCRP groups, international project offices and the WCRP Joint Planning Staff (JPS).

WCRP Framework for “climate information for regions

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) leads the major coordinating mechanism for climate science with global and regional impacts. In the regional context, the focus of WCRP remains on enhancing the scientific basis to understand regional climate and its changes; identifying, quantifying and delivering high quality, reliable and accessible regional climate information, for which needs are identified by regional stakeholders.

Climate information for regions is the primary issue and need for climate services. WCRP promotes information that builds messages of relevance to the concerned users, backed by clear and robust physical scientific analyses. A 'region' in this context is not necessarily defined as a specific geographic area, but as an area covering respective scientific and socio-ecological interests. WCRP emphasizes substantial existing gaps in climate data that constrains the ability to produce the climate information needed, particularly in some regions.

A coordinator for WCRP regional activities

WCRP’s supporting mechanism for regional activities shall be based on existing infrastructure, leveraged by new resources to empower integration and synergetic coordination for the regionally-focused activities within and across WCRP. Also it shall offer a gateway for a wide extend of climate community to participate in WCRP’s effort in addressing key scientific issues identified by regional needs.

To this end, a newly introduced role of “coordinator for WCRP regional activities” will be the keystone of successful coordination and revitalization of scientific activities for regions. The main objectives to establish this role are:

  • To support developing clear WCRP messages on regional climate science, and to communicate them in support of strategic planning and other efforts of relevant fields;
  • To communicate WCRP messages on regional climate science in support of various strategic directions and plans of relevant fields;
  • To stimulate, support and seek synergies among different regional initiatives conducted under Legs 1, 2 and 3 (see the detailed description at https://www.wcrp-climate.org/climate-information-for-regions, as well as at the WCRP Report 23/2016).

Toward this great opportunity to connect science to societal requirements in regions, WCRP seeks a partnership with an institution, in the form of hosting or providing support for a dedicated coordination office for WCRP Regional Activities. Such an office is not dedicated to a specific region of its geographic location, but is to provide coordinated support for the regional aspects in different regions of the world.

A high degree of motivation, as well as proven skills for complex coordination, are sought for this role; the coordinator should work closely with all existing WCRP groups and projects, to synthesize and synergize on-going activities of common objectives. The Coordinator should report directly to JSC.

It is anticipated that the designation of the Coordinator will last for an initial period of three years, with a possible extension upon the review of achievement and the mutual agreement between WCRP and the hosting institution.

Letters of Intent

Interested institutions are invited to note the Terms of Reference outlined in Annex 1 and to send a Letter of Intent (LoI) with desired information listed in Annex 2, to the JPS of WCRP. A LoI may consist of offers either to provide financial support to the WCRP Joint Climate Research Funds (JCRF) to employ and support activities of a full-time Coordinator within the JPS office, or to host an office of Coordinator within an institution and support the activities on behalf of WCRP.

The LoI will be reviewed by a Committee established by the JSC, which will include participation from JPS, WCRP Core Projects / Working Groups and key activities that will work closely with the Coordinator once selected. The review will take into account the degree to which the desired specifications (Annex 2) are met, as well as the institution’s ability/willingness to provide in-kind contributions to help support and facilitate the overall implementation of WCRP regional activities. Based on the successful outcome of this review, the JSC chair with assistance by JPS will further communicate with the institution(s) to seek the final decision and agreement.

Eligibility and Submission of Letters of Intent

All interested national, regional and international institutions are eligible to submit a LoI. Institutional knowledge and experience are welcome regarding WCRP-related activities such as WCRP Core Projects, Grand Challenges and Working Groups.

The following information should be included in each Letter of Intent:

  • Evidence of capability – please specify, for each of the specifications listed in Annex 2, what kind of infrastructure and facilities will be made available to the proposed coordinator. Some of the specifications are no-cost attributes, and some are infrastructure requirements that will have cost. This could also include support services such as Information Technology and administrative assistance.
  • Rationale and vision for WCRP regional activities – please include an explanation of how the regional coordinator, once identified, would contribute to the operations of the host institution and how the host institution’s operations would contribute to the work of the coordinator.
  • Other advantages, capabilities, and rationale for locating the coordinator at the proposed institution, in view of promoting relevance of WCRP’s fundamental climate research activities – please include other information about the host institution that may be relevant to this solicitation.

Institutions interested in hosting a coordinator should submit a Letter of Intent to the JPS at WMO (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) on or before 15 September 2017. Any inquiry can be made through the same contact email, during the preparation – please send any related email with a title starting with “[WCRP Regional Coordinator]…”.


  1. Terms of Reference: Coordinator for WCRP Regional Activities
  2. Supporting capabilities desired for a Coordinator for WCRP Regional Activities

Annex 1

Terms of Reference

Coordinator for WCRP Regional Activities

Under the guidance of JSC, the incumbent shall work closely with all WCRP Core Projects and their international project offices, Grand Challenges, Working Groups and JPS. The incumbent shall:

  1. Support JSC to develop clear WCRP messages on regional climate science (primarily through key messages on fundamental climate science), to be reviewed at the annual JSC sessions;
  2. Identify opportunities, resources and partners to promote WCRP messages on regional climate science, in collaboration with JPS;
  3. Assist in integrating and synergizing regional activities within WCRP in cooperation with Core Projects including CORDEX, Grand Challenges, Working Groups and other key activities;
  4. Support and coordinate planning and implementation of scientific workshops training and outreach activities that take place in regions, in close coordination with JSC, Core Project offices and JPS;
  5. Identify, review feasibilities, and engage regional activities for climate science that address key challenges and objectives of WCRP;
  6. Develop and promote outreach material and website contents to demonstrate WCRP leadership in regionally-relevant WCRP research activities, in close coordination with Core Project Offices and JPS;
  7. Report to the annual JSC sessions on the plans and progress in support of / integrated coordination of WCRP regional activities.

Annex 2

Supporting Capabilities desired for the Coordinator for WCRP Regional Activities

This document introduces types of information as well as an expected level of support as an indicator, to be considered within the selection process and related decisions by the selection committee (of JSC) regarding the arrangement for a Coordinator for WCRP Regional Activities.

Under any arrangement, the final decision on the appointment of the Coordinator will be made by the JSC through its designate committee of a small group, which include a representative of the selected institution.

Once selected, and for any type of arrangement upon agreement, the supporting institution will be duly acknowledge as WCRP partner in all related activities.

In case of expressing intent of financial support for an employment and activities of the Coordinator:

  1. Allocation for support
    • Positioning of the Coordinator: Level/grade, of which the salary at a full-time basis to be covered by the Institution’s financial contribution earmarked for this purpose
    • Allowances for activities (e.g. travel, hosting meetings, support for WCRP regional activities, etc. to be included in the Institution’s financial contribution earmarked for those purposes)
    • Vision and funding strategy
  2. Selection of the Coordinator
    • Expectation regarding the contributing institution’s participation in the selection process, or recommendation for an incumbent
    • Desired expertise to consider in the selection of the Coordinator
  3. Benefits for the host institution
    • Expectation on visibility
    • Expectation on Scientific added‐value
  4. Others

In case of expressing intent to host a Coordinator within your institution:

  1. Office
    • Full address
      (including information on transport and access for international and local travels)
    • Institutional assistance
      (office space, IT and logistical support, supporting staff, administrative support, etc.)
    • Vision and funding strategy (level, sponsors, etc.)
    • Other Facilities, such as:
      • Meeting rooms (area, capacity, teleconference)
      • Visitors’ support, if any (visa, travel and accommodations, catering service, help-desk, etc.)
      • Institutional fluency in English and other WMO languages (well, moderate, poor)
      • Others
  2. Allocation for support
    • Positioning of the Coordinator: Level/grade, of which the salary at a full-time basis to be covered by the Institution
    • Allowances for activities (e.g. travel, hosting meetings, support for WCRP regional activities, etc.)
  3. Selection of the Coordinator
    • Expectation regarding the contributing institution’s participation in the selection process, or recommendation for an incumbent
    • Desired expertise to consider in the selection of the Coordinator
  4. Relevance to WCRP
    • Current involvement in climate research in the concerned region
    • Experience in training and capacity building activities
  5. Benefits for the host institution
    • International exposure
    • Scientific added‐value
    • Financial leveraging potential
  6. Partnerships
    • Existing connection to or duties on climate information services
  7. Others