CLIVAR OSCThe CLIVAR Open Science Conference and Early Career Scientists Symposium (ECSS) will take place 18-25 September in Qingdao, China. The Conference is now open for abstract, poster cluster and town hall submissions, ECSS applications and travel grants.

Abstracts can be submitted online here until 15 March 2016. Abstracts must be submitted to one of the OSC sessions.

The Early Career Scientists Symposium is a 3-day programme designed by, and for, early career scientists. To apply for a place at the Symposium, participants must submit an abstract as first author to the main conference, and indicate that they would like to take part in the Symposium.

Limited resources are available to support attendance of researchers from developing countries and early career scientists. Financial assistance can be requested only via the conference website on submission of an abstract. Deadline for requests is 15 March 2016.

For more information click here.