Contact: Dan Mitchell
The Solar Model Inter-comparison Project (SolarMIP) is a SPARC initiative to compare the coupled ocean-atmosphere model response to variability in solar irradiance in the CMIP5 model simulations. The imposed solar variability recommended by SPARC followed Wang et al, 2005 and most modelling groups have used this. In this project we are examining the model responses to the 11-year solar cycle variations in irradiance and ozone. In particular we consider (a) the stratospheric response, which is dominated by ozone absorption of incoming UV-radiation, and (b) the surface response, which is believed to be a combination of direct heating of the tropical SSTs and indirect effects via the stratosphere. To date the modelling families we have involved are: HadGEM, CMCC, GFDL, IPSL, ECHAM, MIROC, MRI, GISS. If your model is not included in this list, and you would like it to be, all we require is the TSI used in the simulations, and information on this can be sent to Dann Mitchell (