Terence O'KANE
- Position:
- Co-chair
Terry O’Kane is currently principal research scientist in the Climate Science Centre at CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Hobart and an adjunct professor in mathematics at the University of Tasmania. He is the team leader of the Climate Forecasting group, the National Environmental Science Program Earth System Climate Change Hub project “Towards an ACCESS Decadal Prediction System” and leads the data assimilation and modelling component of the CSIRO project to develop a capability in multi-year prediction. Previously he was ensemble prediction scientist at the Bureau of Meteorology where he implemented the Australian Global and Regional Ensemble Prediction System adapted from the UK Met Office MOGREPS system.
Terry's research interests span the dynamics, stability and predictability of the oceans and atmosphere, data assimilation and ensemble prediction. He has also published extensively on the statistical mechanics and statistical dynamics of strongly nonlinear geophysical flows, for which he was awarded the 2013 JH Michell Medal, of the Australian Mathematical Society. His recent work has also focussed on the methods and application of nonstationary time series analysis to climate data.
For more information, see Terry's web page.

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