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Joint Science Meeting between the Lighthouse Activity on Explaining and Predicting Earth System Change (EPESC) & Large Ensembles for Attribution of Dynamically-driven ExtRemes (LEADER), an activity of the Core Project Atmospheric Processes And their Role in Climate (APARC)

15-18 July 2025 - APEC* Climate Center - Busan, Republic of Korea

*Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

This EPESC – LEADER Science Meeting will bring together the wider scientific community working on these two key WCRP activities to share and discuss emerging topics and issues on the design and delivery of an integrated capability for quantitative observation, explanation, early warning and prediction of Earth System Change on global and regional spatial scales and annual to decadal (A2D) timescales.  Both groups will share insights from analysis of large ensembles of climate model experiments to advance understanding and attribution of dynamically-driven extremes. One key goal is communication and enhanced collaboration across the three EPESC Working Groups. Sessions are being planned to share the work and address the needs of each of the Working Groups.


  • To bring together the full EPESC and LEADER communities for cross-working group coordination and pollination of ideas, approaches and results.
  • To share progress on understanding the role of external forcing and internal variability in different regions of the world, and exchange ideas on overcoming challenges in assessing and attributing natural and anthropogenic drivers of climate hazards.
  • To share research using the Large Ensemble Single Forcing Model Intercomparison Project (LESFMIP) to diagnose circulation responses to model forcing, the role of model error, and the predictability of large-scale circulations.
  • To advance the vision of operationalization of decadal forecasts, and build towards the vision of an integrated capability for attribution, early warning and prediction of Earth System Change on global and regional spatial scales and annual to decadal (A2D) timescales.


APEC Climate Center
12,Centum 7-ro,
Haeundae-gu Busan 48058 Korea

Registration and abstract submission

Please save the dates in your calendar and fill out our Google registration form to submit your abstract, and to express your preferences for how you plan to attend (in person or online) and what topics you would like to see discussed at the workshop. The abstract submission deadline is March 22, 2025

Due to limited space, attendance is primarily for members of EPESC, LEADER, and invited speakers. Other scientists interested in becoming involved in these activities are strongly encouraged to contact the conference organizers.



  • June-Yi Lee (Pusan National University)
  • James Risbey (CSIRO), 
  • Scott Osprey (University of Oxford)
  • Chaim Garfinkel (Hebrew University)
  • Kirsten Findell (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA)
  • Erich Fischer (ETH Zürich)
  • Andrea Dittus (University of Reading)
  • Maureen Wanzala (WCRP Secretariat)

Local Organizing Committee

  • June-Yi Lee (Pusan National University)
  • Alexia Karwat (Pusan National University)
  • Jin-Ho Yoo (APEC Climate Center)
  • Suyeon Moon  (APEC Climate Center)
  • Seung-Ki Min (POSTECH)
  • Seok-Woo Son (Seoul National University)

Accommodation and practical information

Links to online hotel reservation forms will be provided soon.

Centum Business Hotel ****
Distance from APCC: 1.4 km (within a 20-minute walk)
Distance from BEXCO: 558m (within a 9-minute walk)
Room rage/day (KRW): 110,000 ~
Phone: 051-731-6100
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Distance from APCC: 3.3 km (within a 13-minute drive)
Distance from BEXCO: 2.6m (within a 8-minute drive)
Room rage/day (KRW): 250,000 ~
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.