The Grand Challenges ended at the end of 2022
The WCRP Grand Challenges represent areas of emphasis in scientific research, modelling, analysis and observations for WCRP and its affiliate projects in the coming decade. They were developed by the WCRP Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) through consultation with WCRP sponsors, stakeholders and affiliate networks of scientists. WCRP promotes the Grand Challenges through community-organized workshops, conferences and strategic planning meetings to identify exciting and high-priority research that requires international partnership and coordination, and that yields “actionable information” for decision makers.
The Grand Challenges:
The current Grand Challenges are:
Limited understanding of clouds is the major source of uncertainty in climate sensitivity, but it also contributes substantially to persistent biases in modelled circulation systems.
As one of the main modulators of heating in the atmosphere, clouds control many other aspects of the climate system. Read more in the white paper.
The WCRP Grand Challenge on Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity is articulated around five main initiatives, complementary and coupled to each other: