Atmospheric Reanalyses Posters |
Primary Author |
Title |
Poster Number |
Ambrizzi, Tercio |
Certainties and Uncertainties in Observational and Reanalyses Data in the Studies of Extreme Precipitation Events over the La Plata Basin |
AT-1 |
Bosilovich, Michael |
Regional Climate and Variability of the Summertime Continental United States in Reanalyses |
AT-2 |
Brunke, Michael |
The Climatology of Tropospheric Specific Humidity Inversions in Three Reanalyses |
AT-3 |
Capps, Shannon |
First Steps Towards Incorporating Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Reanalyses |
AT-4 |
Chelliah, Muthuvel |
Evaluating the Tropospheric Variability in NCEP’s Climate Forecast System Reanalysis
Will also be presented on Monday at 1600
AT-5 |
Chen, Junye |
The Character of Discontinuities in MERRA Reanalysis and Some Preliminary Homogenization Results |
AT-6 |
Cullather, Richard |
A Comparison of Atmospheric Moisture Transports from Reanalyses for the North Polar Cap |
AT-8 |
Dai, Xingang |
Comparison of Zonal-Mean Temperature and Precipitation Trends in Multi-Reanalysis and Analysis Sources |
AT-9 |
Ebisuzaki, Wesley |
A Comparison of the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) to an Ensemble of Analyses Including the CFSR |
AT-10 |
Ebisuzaki, Wesley |
An Examination of the Radiative Fluxes in Various Reanalyses with an Emphasis on the Global Budget |
AT-11 |
Feng, Xia |
Regional and Global Evaluation of Reanalysis for Estimating Potential Seasonal Predictability |
AT-12 |
Ferguson, Craig |
Detecting Inhomogeneities in the Twentieth Century Reanalysis over the Central United States |
AT-13 |
Gauthier, Pierre |
Using Short-Term Physical Tendencies to Study the Dynamical Balance of Atmospheric Models |
AT-14 |
Greybush, Steven |
A Reanalysis of the Martian Atmosphere Using Ensemble Data Assimilation |
AT-15 |
Gu, Guojun |
Exploring Global Precipitation Variability on the Interannual-To-Interdecadal Time Scales Using Reanalysis Products (MERRA and 20CR) |
AT-16 |
Harada, Yayoi |
Verification of the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis “JRA-55” Quality Focused on the Various Time Scale Variability of the Stratospheric Temperature and the Atmospheric Flow on the Isentropic Surface in the Troposphere |
AT-18 |
Hearty, Thomas |
Intercomparison of Temperature, Water Vapor, and Clouds from AIRS and MERRA |
AT-19 |
Hughes, Mimi |
Atmospheric Rivers in Reanalysis Products: A Six-Event Comparison with Aircraft Observations of Water Vapor Transport |
AT-20 |
Hughes, Mimi |
Representation of the Sierra Barrier Jet in 11 Years of a High-Resolution Dynamical Reanalysis Downscaling |
AT-21 |
Hurley, Allison |
Arctic Precipitation as Represented in MERRA, CFSR, and ERA-Interim |
AT-22 |
Jakobson, Erko |
Validation of Atmospheric Reanalyses against Tethersonde Data from the Central Arctic Ocean in Spring And Summer 2007 |
AT-23 |
Kållberg, Per |
Regional Downscaling of ERA-Interim for EURO4M |
AT-25 |
Kamahori, Hirotaka |
Tropical Cyclones Represented in JRA-55 |
AT-26 |
Kennedy, Aaron |
Feasibility of Reanalysis Derived Forcing for SCM/CRM Studies in the Mid-Latitudes |
AT-28 |
Keller, Jan |
High Resolution Regional Reanalysis for Europe and Germany |
AT-29 |
Kobayashi, Chiaki |
Introduction and Early Results of JRA-55C: Subset of JRA-55 |
AT-30 |
Liberato, Margarida |
Extreme Extratropical Storms in the Euro-Atlantic Region in the Ensemble of 20th Century Reanalysis (20CRv2) |
AT-32 |
Lindsay, Ron |
Evaluation of Seven Different Atmospheric Reanalysis Products in the Arctic |
AT-33 |
Liu, Yunyun |
A Comparison of the Western Pacific Subtropical High Indices Described by Four Reanalysis Data Sets |
AT-34 |
Long, Craig |
An Intercomparison of Stratospheric Variables from the Recent Reanalyses |
AT-35 |
Long, Lindsey |
Tropical Storm Evaluation in the NCEP CFS Reanalysis |
AT-36 |
Mayer, Michael |
Zonal Structure of Anomalies in Tropical Atmospheric Energy Budgets |
AT-37 |
Mishra, Vimal |
Evaluation of Reanalysis Simulations of U.S. Precipitation Extremes |
AT-38 |
Mocko, David |
Water Vapor Tracers in MERRA Replay Mode Using the NASA/GSFC GEOS-5 GCM |
AT-39 |
Molod, Andrea |
Single Column Model Driving Data Sets from MERRA and GEOS-5 DAS |
AT-40 |
Nunes, Ana |
The Antarctic Oscillation from Global Reanalyses |
AT-41 |
Oshima, Kazuhiro |
Estimation of Net Precipitation over the Three Great Siberian River Basins Using Atmospheric Reanalyses |
AT-42 |
Paek, Houk |
An Intercomparison of Interdecadal Variability and Climate Shifts in Reanalysis Data Sets and Climate Model Simulations |
AT-43 |
Pawson, Steven |
What Have We Learned from MERRA about Reanalyses of the Stratosphere? |
AT-44 |
Pena, Malaquias |
Application of the CFSR to Calibrate and Enhance GEFS Anomaly Forecast Products |
AT-45 |
Pfahl, Stephan |
Quantifying the Relevance Of Cyclones for Precipitation Extremes Based on ERA-Interim Reanalyses |
AT-46 |
Polavarapu, Saroja |
The Proposed "SPARC Reanalysis/Analysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP)" |
AT-47 |
Schroeder, Martin |
Depiction of the Trend and Variability of Pineapple Express Events by Eight Global Reanalysis Data Sets |
AT-48 |
Thiaw, Wassila |
Climate Dynamics of Africa in the NCEP Reanalysis and Climate Forecast Reanalysis |
AT-49 |
Truchelut, Ryan |
Global Identification of Previously Undetected Tropical Cyclone Candidates in NOAA/CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis Data |
AT-50 |
Zhao, Deming |
Regional Climate Simulation with RIEMS over East Asia |
AT-52 |
Zhao, Tianbao |
Can Artificial Climate Trends in Global Reanalysis Be Reduced by Dynamical Downscaling? A Case Study of China |
AT-53 |
Blessing, Simon |
Variational Assimilation of Atmospheric Observations into an Earth System Model |
AT-54 |
Data Assimilation Posters |
Axell, Lars |
Implementation of Ensemble 3D-Var Data Assimilation for Sea Ice, Salinity, and Temperature |
DA-1 |
Dubinkina, Svetlana |
Reconstructions of the Climate States over Last Centuries Using Particle Filtering |
DA-2 |
Kang, Ji-Sun |
Estimation of Surface Fluxes with an Advanced Data Assimilation Methodology: Carbon, Heat, and Moisture |
DA-3 |
Komori, Nobumasa |
Development of CFES–LETKF Ensemble Data Assimilation System |
DA-4 |
Matei, Ion |
Toward a Coupled Adjoint Assimilation Environment for Climate Model Initialization |
DA-5 |
Miyoshi, Takemasa |
Experimental Regional Reanalysis with the WRF-Based Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) Using Two-Way-Nested Heterogeneous Grids |
DA-6 |
Montabone, Luca |
Mars Analysis Correction Data Assimilation: A Multi-Annual Reanalysis of Atmospheric Observations for the Red Planet |
DA-7 |
Poli, Paul |
Data Assimilation System for ECMWF Surface Observations-Only Reanalysis of the 20th Century (ERA-20C) |
DA-8 |
Prive, Nikki |
The Characteristics of Analysis Error Estimated Using an OSSE |
DA-9 |
Routray, Ashish |
Simulation of Monsoon Depressions Using WRF-VAR with Different Background Error Statistics |
DA-10 |
Yang, Runhua |
Temporal and Spatial Variation of Trace Gases and Their Impact on Satellite Radiance Data Assimilation |
DA-12 |
Integrated Earth Analyses Posters |
Chaudhuri, Ayan |
A Comparison of Atmospheric Reanalysis Surface Products over the Ocean and Implications for Uncertainties in Air-Sea Boundary Forcing |
IE-2 |
Chen, Linling |
Accumulation over the Greenland Ice Sheet as Represented in Reanalysis Data |
IE-3 |
Santanello, Joseph |
Diagnosing the Land-Atmosphere Coupling in Reanalysis Products During Dry/Wet Extremes in the U.S. Southern Great Plains |
IE-8 |
Zhang, Yongfei |
Assimilation of the MODIS Snow Cover Fraction Data Set through the Coupled Data Assimilation Research Testbed and the Community Land Model |
IE-10 |
Land Reanalyses Posters |
Barlage, Michael |
Arctic System Reanalysis: Land Surface Parameter Assimilation and Model Updates |
LA-1 |
Chen, Li-Chuan |
Runoff Outputs from NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis and Reforecasts |
LA-2 |
Kumar, Sanjiv |
Evaluation of NARR and CLM3.5 Outputs for Surface Water and Energy Fluxes in the Mississippi River Basin |
LA-3 |
Rui, Hualan |
New and Improved GLDAS Data and Data Services at NASA GES DISC |
LA-5 |
Observations Posters |
Barrucand, Mariana |
Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperature Analysis at the Southern Region of South America Using Different Reanalysis Data Sets and Station Data |
OB-1 |
Bedka, Kristopher |
A CERES-Consistent Cloud Climate Record from AVHRR Data |
OB-2 |
Diamond, Howard |
The U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) System – The Gold Standard for Surface Climate Observations |
OB-4 |
Ganske, Anette |
ERA40-Data for Range Tests in Marine-Meteorological Data Quality Check Programs |
OB-6 |
Huckle, Roger |
Generating a Polar Wind Vector Data Set from METOP-AVHRR Observations |
OB-7 |
Ishibashi, Toshiyuki |
Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval Algorithm for AMSR2 Using JMA Reanalysis Data |
OB-8 |
Jasinski, Michael |
A Global, Dynamic Vegetation Roughness Length Time Series for Improved Meteorological and Climate Modeling of Land-Atmosphere Exchanges |
OB-9 |
Kramarova, Natalya |
The Re-Analysis of Ozone Profile Data from a 41-Year Series of SBUV Instruments |
OB-10 |
Ma, Yingtao |
Use of Satellite Observation for the Evaluation of Reanalysis Products at Global and Climatic Time Scales |
OB-11 |
Pinker, Rachel |
Consistent Earth System Data Records for Climate Research: Focus on Shortwave and Longwave Radiative Fluxes |
OB-13 |
Ramella Pralungo, Lorenzo |
Global Historic In Situ Upper Air Data for Climate Change Research |
OB-14 |
Rose, Fred |
Simulation of Nadir Longwave Spectral Radiance Using PCRTM with MERRA Reanalysis Data Sampled for a 90deg CLARREO-like Polar Orbit |
OB-15 |
Saunders, Roger |
The Development of the New Hadley Centre Sea Ice and Sea-Surface Temperature Analysis, HadISST2; Exploring Uncertainty in Boundary Forcing for Reanalyses |
OB-16 |
Schade, Nils |
Evaluation of ERA-40 Reanalysis Data on a Regional Scale: Cloud Fraction and Solar Radiation in the North Sea Area |
OB-17 |
Schneider, Udo |
Gridded Analysis Products Provided by the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) and Its Quality Control |
OB-18 |
Stickler, Alexander |
Digitization of Historical Observations for ERA-CLIM |
OB-19 |
Willett, Kate |
The International Surface Temperature Initiative – Building a Land Surface Temperature Data Program for the 21st Century |
OB-20 |
Wu, Dong |
MISR Stereo Products And Cloud Motion Vectors for Reanalyses |
OB-21 |
Zou, Cheng-Zhi |
Cross-Calibrated MSU/AMSU Radiance Observations to Improve Long-Term Temperature Trends in Future Reanalyses |
OB-22 |
Ocean Reanalyses Posters |
Colasacco-Thumm, Nicole |
Evaluation of Surface Heat Fluxes throughout El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Evolution in Reanalysis Data Sets |
OC-1 |
Escobar, Maria |
Validation of Numerical Model (ROMS) in Equatorial Region between Ecuadorian Coast and Galapagos Islands |
OC-2 |
Kumar, Arun |
Uncertainty in the Ocean-Atmosphere Feedbacks Associated with ENSO in the Reanalysis Products |
OC-4 |
Koehl, Armin |
Global Ocean Heat Content and Freshwater Content Changes 1948-2011 from the GECCO2 Ocean Synthesis |
OC-5 |
Kubota, Masahisa |
Intercomparisons of Turbulent Heat Fluxes at High-Latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere |
OC-6 |
Liu, Ye |
Reanalyzing Temperatures and Salinities on Long Time Scales Using a 3D Ocean Circulation Model of the Baltic Sea |
OC-8 |
Meinvielle, Marion |
Optimal Adjustment of the Atmospheric Forcing Parameters of Ocean Models Derived from ERAinterim Reanalysis Using Sea Surface Temperature Data Assimilation in Long Term (1989-2007) Simulations of Global Ocean Circulation |
OC-9 |
Storto, Andrea |
The CMCC Eddy-Permitting Global Ocean Reanalysis (1991-2010) |
OC-10 |
Zachariah, Johnson |
Westward Propagation, Intensification, and Reflection of Lakshadweep Low and Its Variability in Propagation Along the Indian Equatorial Wave Guide |
OC-11 |
Zhang, Shaoqing |
Reanalyzed Oceanic Variability from GFDL Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation |
OC-12 |
User Applications Posters |
Ackerman, Thomas |
Global and Regional Radiation Budgets of the NCEP CFS Reanalysis |
UA-2 |
Ashouri, Hamed |
Trend Analysis of Annual Maximum Daily Precipitation over North America Using MERAA and NCEP NARR Products |
UA-4 |
Badger, Jake |
Application of Reanalysis Data Sets for Calculating Extreme Wind Climate |
UA-5 |
Badger, Jake |
Global Wind Atlas |
UA-6 |
Bauer, Michael |
A New Climatology for Investigating Storminess Influences on the Extratropics |
UA-7 |
Berg, Alexis |
Evaporation-Precipitation Feedback in Reanalysis and Model Data: North America and Beyond |
UA-8 |
Bhuiyan, Tanvir |
Forecasting Seasonal Hydrologic Response in Major River Basins under Climate Variations |
UA-9 |
Dee, Dick |
On the Applicability of ERA-Interim Data for Climate Monitoring of the Surface Radiation Budget |
UA-12 |
Endo, Hirokazu |
Long-Term Variations of Circulation in East Asian Summer during the Past Half Century |
UA-13 |
Fan, Lijun |
Statistical Downscaling of Indices of Temperature Extremes Based on Percentiles in North China |
UA-14 |
Feng, Juan |
Different Impacts of Two Types of Pacific Ocean Warming on the Southeast Asian Rainfall during Boreal Winter |
UA-15 |
Ganske, Anette |
Validation of Wind Fields in ERA-40 and ERA-Interim Reanalyses for the North Sea Area |
UA-16 |
Gong, Jie |
Is ECMWF Resolved Gravity Wave Correct? |
UA-17 |
Lader, Richard |
An intercomparison of Reanalysis Products for Alaska to Facilitate Impact Studies |
UA-18 |
Lorenz, Christof |
The Hydrological Cycle in Three State-of-the-Art Reanalyses: Intercomparison and Performance Analysis |
UA-19 |
Ostrenga, Dana |
Modeling and Assimilation Data and Information Services Center (MDISC) at the GES DISC |
UA-21 |
Parent, Laurent |
Optimisation of ERA-Interim Heat and Precipitations Surface Fluxes for Oceanic Reanalysis Purposes |
UA-22 |
Petrov, Leonid |
The Use of Atmospheric Reanalyses to Study Earth's Crust Deformations |
UA-23 |
Potter, Gerald |
Making Reanalysis Available through the Earth System Grid |
UA-25 |
Qian, Cheng |
Using NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data to Study the Potential Predictor for the Timing of Spring Onset in North and Northeastern China |
UA-26 |
Ren, Li |
Trends in Global Precipitation and Its Relationship to Sea Surface Salinity |
UA-28 |
Rodell, Matthew |
Two New Data Sets for Evaluating Simulated Water and Energy Cycle Fluxes |
UA-29 |
Roundy, Joshua |
The Temporal Variability of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Regimes in the Southeast United States |
UA-30 |
Seidel, Dian |
Representation of Mixing Height Climatology over Europe and U.S. in ERA-Interim |
UA-31 |
Sheffield, Justin |
Regional and Global Evaluation of CFS-R and 20th Century Reanalysis for the Terrestrial Water and Energy Cycles |
UA-32 |
Subramanian, Subashini |
Impact of Reanalysis Forcing Data – NCEP-FNL, NASA-MERRA, and ECMWF-ERA Interim on Tropical Cyclone Forecasts: An Analysis over the North Indian Ocean |
UA-36 |
Tilinina, Natalia |
Interannual Variability in Cyclone Activity in Different Reanalyses: Comparative Assessment |
UA-39 |
Van den Dool, Hugo |
Managing Big Reanalysis Data Sets: Use of EOFs for Data Compression |
UA-40 |
Vandenberghe, Francois |
Coupled Atmosphere-Wave High-Resolution Reanalyses for Regional Climate Services |
UA-41 |
Vernieres, Guillaume |
The GMAO Ocean Retrospective Analysis from the GEOS-5 Coupled System |
UA-42 |
Verver, Ge |
European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring (EURO4M) |
UA-43 |
Vose, Russell |
An Intercomparison of Temperature Trends in the U.S. Historical Climatology Network and Recent Atmospheric Reanalyses |
UA-44 |
Wang, Aihui |
Evaluation of Multi-Reanalysis Products with In Situ Observations over the Tibetan Plateau |
UA-45 |
Wang, Wanqiu |
An Assessment of the Surface Climate in CFSR |
UA-47 |
Wei, Jiangfeng |
Where Does the Irrigation Water Go? An Estimate of the Contribution of Irrigation to Precipitation Using MERRA |
UA-48 |
Xie, Pingping |
Seasonal, Interannual, Intraseasonal and Diurnal Variations of Global Precipitation Depicted in the Reanalyses and Observations |
UA-50 |
Yang, Bo |
Daily Climatological Mean and Standard Deviation in NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis |
UA-51 |
Zhang, Chen |
Comparison of ECMWF and NCEP Reanalyses Using Synoptic Classification |
UA-52 |
Zhang, Li |
Assess the Performance of the CFSR by an Ensemble of Analyses |
UA-53 |
Zhang, Xiangdong |
Detecting Regional Signature of Climate Variability and Change in the Beaufort-Chukchi Seas |
UA-54 |
Lennard, Christopher |
Changes in the Synoptic Drivers of Extreme Rainfall in South Africa |
UA-56 |
Dickey, Jean |
Insights via Space Geodesy: Changes in the Earth's Oblateness (J2)
and Length-of-day (LOD) as a New Metric for Hydrological Models |
UA-57 |