Atmospheric Reanalyses (AT) Data Assimilation (DA) Integrated Earth Analyses (IE)
Land Reanalyses (LA) Observations (OB) Ocean Reanalyses (OC)
User Applications (UA)    



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Atmospheric Reanalyses Posters
Primary Author Title Poster Number
Ambrizzi, Tercio Certainties and Uncertainties in Observational and Reanalyses Data in the Studies of Extreme Precipitation Events over the La Plata Basin AT-1
Bosilovich, Michael Regional Climate and Variability of the Summertime Continental United States in Reanalyses AT-2
Brunke, Michael The Climatology of Tropospheric Specific Humidity Inversions in Three Reanalyses AT-3
Capps, Shannon First Steps Towards Incorporating Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Reanalyses AT-4
Chelliah, Muthuvel Evaluating the Tropospheric Variability in NCEP’s Climate Forecast System Reanalysis
Will also be presented on Monday at 1600
Chen, Junye The Character of Discontinuities in MERRA Reanalysis and Some Preliminary Homogenization Results AT-6
Cullather, Richard A Comparison of Atmospheric Moisture Transports from Reanalyses for the North Polar Cap AT-8
Dai, Xingang Comparison of Zonal-Mean Temperature and Precipitation Trends in Multi-Reanalysis and Analysis Sources AT-9
Ebisuzaki, Wesley A Comparison of the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) to an Ensemble of Analyses Including the CFSR AT-10
Ebisuzaki, Wesley An Examination of the Radiative Fluxes in Various Reanalyses with an Emphasis on the Global Budget AT-11
Feng, Xia Regional and Global Evaluation of Reanalysis for Estimating Potential Seasonal Predictability AT-12
Ferguson, Craig Detecting Inhomogeneities in the Twentieth Century Reanalysis over the Central United States AT-13
Gauthier, Pierre Using Short-Term Physical Tendencies to Study the Dynamical Balance of Atmospheric Models AT-14
Greybush, Steven A Reanalysis of the Martian Atmosphere Using Ensemble Data Assimilation AT-15
Gu, Guojun Exploring Global Precipitation Variability on the Interannual-To-Interdecadal Time Scales Using Reanalysis Products (MERRA and 20CR) AT-16
Harada, Yayoi Verification of the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis “JRA-55” Quality Focused on the Various Time Scale Variability of the Stratospheric Temperature and the Atmospheric Flow on the Isentropic Surface in the Troposphere AT-18
Hearty, Thomas Intercomparison of Temperature, Water Vapor, and Clouds from AIRS and MERRA AT-19
Hughes, Mimi Atmospheric Rivers in Reanalysis Products: A Six-Event Comparison with Aircraft Observations of Water Vapor Transport AT-20
Hughes, Mimi Representation of the Sierra Barrier Jet in 11 Years of a High-Resolution Dynamical Reanalysis Downscaling AT-21
Hurley, Allison Arctic Precipitation as Represented in MERRA, CFSR, and ERA-Interim AT-22
Jakobson, Erko Validation of Atmospheric Reanalyses against Tethersonde Data from the Central Arctic Ocean in Spring And Summer 2007 AT-23
Kållberg, Per Regional Downscaling of ERA-Interim for EURO4M AT-25
Kamahori, Hirotaka Tropical Cyclones Represented in JRA-55 AT-26
Kennedy, Aaron Feasibility of Reanalysis Derived Forcing for SCM/CRM Studies in the Mid-Latitudes AT-28
Keller, Jan High Resolution Regional Reanalysis for Europe and Germany AT-29
Kobayashi, Chiaki Introduction and Early Results of JRA-55C: Subset of JRA-55 AT-30
Liberato, Margarida Extreme Extratropical Storms in the Euro-Atlantic Region in the Ensemble of 20th Century Reanalysis (20CRv2) AT-32
Lindsay, Ron Evaluation of Seven Different Atmospheric Reanalysis Products in the Arctic AT-33
Liu, Yunyun A Comparison of the Western Pacific Subtropical High Indices Described by Four Reanalysis Data Sets AT-34
Long, Craig An Intercomparison of Stratospheric Variables from the Recent Reanalyses AT-35
Long, Lindsey Tropical Storm Evaluation in the NCEP CFS Reanalysis AT-36
Mayer, Michael Zonal Structure of Anomalies in Tropical Atmospheric Energy Budgets AT-37
Mishra, Vimal Evaluation of Reanalysis Simulations of U.S. Precipitation Extremes AT-38
Mocko, David Water Vapor Tracers in MERRA Replay Mode Using the NASA/GSFC GEOS-5 GCM AT-39
Molod, Andrea Single Column Model Driving Data Sets from MERRA and GEOS-5 DAS AT-40
Nunes, Ana The Antarctic Oscillation from Global Reanalyses AT-41
Oshima, Kazuhiro Estimation of Net Precipitation over the Three Great Siberian River Basins Using Atmospheric Reanalyses AT-42
Paek, Houk An Intercomparison of Interdecadal Variability and Climate Shifts in Reanalysis Data Sets and Climate Model Simulations AT-43
Pawson, Steven What Have We Learned from MERRA about Reanalyses of the Stratosphere? AT-44
Pena, Malaquias Application of the CFSR to Calibrate and Enhance GEFS Anomaly Forecast Products AT-45
Pfahl, Stephan Quantifying the Relevance Of Cyclones for Precipitation Extremes Based on ERA-Interim Reanalyses AT-46
Polavarapu, Saroja The Proposed "SPARC Reanalysis/Analysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP)" AT-47
Schroeder, Martin Depiction of the Trend and Variability of Pineapple Express Events by Eight Global Reanalysis Data Sets AT-48
Thiaw, Wassila Climate Dynamics of Africa in the NCEP Reanalysis and Climate Forecast Reanalysis AT-49
Truchelut, Ryan Global Identification of Previously Undetected Tropical Cyclone Candidates in NOAA/CIRES 20th Century Reanalysis Data AT-50
Zhao, Deming Regional Climate Simulation with RIEMS over East Asia AT-52
Zhao, Tianbao Can Artificial Climate Trends in Global Reanalysis Be Reduced by Dynamical Downscaling? A Case Study of China AT-53
Blessing, Simon Variational Assimilation of Atmospheric Observations into an Earth System Model AT-54
Data Assimilation Posters
Axell, Lars Implementation of Ensemble 3D-Var Data Assimilation for Sea Ice, Salinity, and Temperature DA-1
Dubinkina, Svetlana Reconstructions of the Climate States over Last Centuries Using Particle Filtering DA-2
Kang, Ji-Sun Estimation of Surface Fluxes with an Advanced Data Assimilation Methodology: Carbon, Heat, and Moisture DA-3
Komori, Nobumasa Development of CFES–LETKF Ensemble Data Assimilation System DA-4
Matei, Ion Toward a Coupled Adjoint Assimilation Environment for Climate Model Initialization DA-5
Miyoshi, Takemasa Experimental Regional Reanalysis with the WRF-Based Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) Using Two-Way-Nested Heterogeneous Grids DA-6
Montabone, Luca Mars Analysis Correction Data Assimilation: A Multi-Annual Reanalysis of Atmospheric Observations for the Red Planet DA-7
Poli, Paul Data Assimilation System for ECMWF Surface Observations-Only Reanalysis of the 20th Century (ERA-20C) DA-8
Prive, Nikki The Characteristics of Analysis Error Estimated Using an OSSE DA-9
Routray, Ashish Simulation of Monsoon Depressions Using WRF-VAR with Different Background Error Statistics DA-10
Yang, Runhua Temporal and Spatial Variation of Trace Gases and Their Impact on Satellite Radiance Data Assimilation DA-12
Integrated Earth Analyses Posters
Chaudhuri, Ayan A Comparison of Atmospheric Reanalysis Surface Products over the Ocean and Implications for Uncertainties in Air-Sea Boundary Forcing IE-2
Chen, Linling Accumulation over the Greenland Ice Sheet as Represented in Reanalysis Data IE-3
Santanello, Joseph Diagnosing the Land-Atmosphere Coupling in Reanalysis Products During Dry/Wet Extremes in the U.S. Southern Great Plains IE-8
Zhang, Yongfei Assimilation of the MODIS Snow Cover Fraction Data Set through the Coupled Data Assimilation Research Testbed and the Community Land Model IE-10
Land Reanalyses Posters
Barlage, Michael Arctic System Reanalysis: Land Surface Parameter Assimilation and Model Updates LA-1
Chen, Li-Chuan Runoff Outputs from NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis and Reforecasts LA-2
Kumar, Sanjiv Evaluation of NARR and CLM3.5 Outputs for Surface Water and Energy Fluxes in the Mississippi River Basin LA-3
Rui, Hualan New and Improved GLDAS Data and Data Services at NASA GES DISC LA-5
Observations Posters
Barrucand, Mariana Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperature Analysis at the Southern Region of South America Using Different Reanalysis Data Sets and Station Data OB-1
Bedka, Kristopher A CERES-Consistent Cloud Climate Record from AVHRR Data OB-2
Diamond, Howard The U.S. Climate Reference Network (USCRN) System – The Gold Standard for Surface Climate Observations OB-4
Ganske, Anette ERA40-Data for Range Tests in Marine-Meteorological Data Quality Check Programs OB-6
Huckle, Roger Generating a Polar Wind Vector Data Set from METOP-AVHRR Observations OB-7
Ishibashi, Toshiyuki Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval Algorithm for AMSR2 Using JMA Reanalysis Data OB-8
Jasinski, Michael A Global, Dynamic Vegetation Roughness Length Time Series for Improved Meteorological and Climate Modeling of Land-Atmosphere Exchanges OB-9
Kramarova, Natalya The Re-Analysis of Ozone Profile Data from a 41-Year Series of SBUV Instruments OB-10
Ma, Yingtao Use of Satellite Observation for the Evaluation of Reanalysis Products at Global and Climatic Time Scales OB-11
Pinker, Rachel Consistent Earth System Data Records for Climate Research: Focus on Shortwave and Longwave Radiative Fluxes OB-13
Ramella Pralungo, Lorenzo Global Historic In Situ Upper Air Data for Climate Change Research OB-14
Rose, Fred Simulation of Nadir Longwave Spectral Radiance Using PCRTM with MERRA Reanalysis Data Sampled for a 90deg CLARREO-like Polar Orbit OB-15
Saunders, Roger The Development of the New Hadley Centre Sea Ice and Sea-Surface Temperature Analysis, HadISST2; Exploring Uncertainty in Boundary Forcing for Reanalyses OB-16
Schade, Nils Evaluation of ERA-40 Reanalysis Data on a Regional Scale: Cloud Fraction and Solar Radiation in the North Sea Area OB-17
Schneider, Udo Gridded Analysis Products Provided by the Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) and Its Quality Control OB-18
Stickler, Alexander Digitization of Historical Observations for ERA-CLIM OB-19
Willett, Kate The International Surface Temperature Initiative – Building a Land Surface Temperature Data Program for the 21st Century OB-20
Wu, Dong MISR Stereo Products And Cloud Motion Vectors for Reanalyses OB-21
Zou, Cheng-Zhi Cross-Calibrated MSU/AMSU Radiance Observations to Improve Long-Term Temperature Trends in Future Reanalyses OB-22
Ocean Reanalyses Posters
Colasacco-Thumm, Nicole Evaluation of Surface Heat Fluxes throughout El-Nino Southern Oscillation  (ENSO) Evolution in Reanalysis Data Sets OC-1
Escobar, Maria Validation of Numerical Model (ROMS) in Equatorial Region between Ecuadorian Coast and Galapagos Islands OC-2
Kumar, Arun Uncertainty in the Ocean-Atmosphere Feedbacks Associated with ENSO in the Reanalysis Products OC-4
Koehl, Armin Global Ocean Heat Content and Freshwater Content Changes 1948-2011 from the GECCO2 Ocean Synthesis OC-5
Kubota, Masahisa Intercomparisons of Turbulent Heat Fluxes at High-Latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere OC-6
Liu, Ye Reanalyzing Temperatures and Salinities on Long Time Scales Using a 3D Ocean Circulation Model of the Baltic Sea OC-8
Meinvielle, Marion Optimal Adjustment of the Atmospheric Forcing Parameters of Ocean Models Derived from ERAinterim Reanalysis Using Sea Surface Temperature Data Assimilation in Long Term (1989-2007) Simulations of Global Ocean Circulation OC-9
Storto, Andrea The CMCC Eddy-Permitting Global Ocean Reanalysis (1991-2010) OC-10
Zachariah, Johnson Westward Propagation, Intensification, and Reflection of Lakshadweep Low and Its Variability in Propagation Along the Indian Equatorial Wave Guide OC-11
Zhang, Shaoqing Reanalyzed Oceanic Variability from GFDL Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation OC-12
User Applications Posters
Ackerman, Thomas Global and Regional Radiation Budgets of the NCEP CFS Reanalysis UA-2
Ashouri, Hamed Trend Analysis of Annual Maximum Daily Precipitation over North America Using MERAA and NCEP NARR Products UA-4
Badger, Jake Application of Reanalysis Data Sets for Calculating Extreme Wind Climate UA-5
Badger, Jake Global Wind Atlas UA-6
Bauer, Michael A New Climatology for Investigating Storminess Influences on the Extratropics UA-7
Berg, Alexis Evaporation-Precipitation Feedback in Reanalysis and Model Data: North America and Beyond UA-8
Bhuiyan, Tanvir Forecasting Seasonal Hydrologic Response in Major River Basins under Climate Variations UA-9
Dee, Dick On the Applicability of ERA-Interim Data for Climate Monitoring of the Surface Radiation Budget UA-12
Endo, Hirokazu Long-Term Variations of Circulation in East Asian Summer during the Past Half Century UA-13
Fan, Lijun Statistical Downscaling of Indices of Temperature Extremes Based on Percentiles in North China UA-14
Feng, Juan Different Impacts of Two Types of Pacific Ocean Warming on the Southeast Asian Rainfall during Boreal Winter UA-15
Ganske, Anette Validation of Wind Fields in ERA-40 and ERA-Interim Reanalyses for the North Sea Area UA-16
Gong, Jie Is ECMWF Resolved Gravity Wave Correct? UA-17
Lader, Richard An intercomparison of Reanalysis Products for Alaska to Facilitate Impact Studies UA-18
Lorenz, Christof The Hydrological Cycle in Three State-of-the-Art Reanalyses: Intercomparison and Performance Analysis UA-19
Ostrenga, Dana Modeling and Assimilation Data and Information Services Center (MDISC) at the GES DISC UA-21
Parent, Laurent Optimisation of ERA-Interim Heat and Precipitations Surface Fluxes for Oceanic Reanalysis Purposes UA-22
Petrov, Leonid The Use of Atmospheric Reanalyses to Study Earth's Crust Deformations UA-23
Potter, Gerald Making Reanalysis Available through the Earth System Grid UA-25
Qian, Cheng Using NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Data to Study the Potential Predictor for the Timing of Spring Onset in North and Northeastern China UA-26
Ren, Li Trends in Global Precipitation and Its Relationship to Sea Surface Salinity UA-28
Rodell, Matthew Two New Data Sets for Evaluating Simulated Water and Energy Cycle Fluxes UA-29
Roundy, Joshua The Temporal Variability of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Regimes in the Southeast United States UA-30
Seidel, Dian Representation of Mixing Height Climatology over Europe and U.S. in ERA-Interim UA-31
Sheffield, Justin Regional and Global Evaluation of CFS-R and 20th Century Reanalysis for the Terrestrial Water and Energy Cycles UA-32
Subramanian, Subashini Impact of Reanalysis Forcing Data – NCEP-FNL, NASA-MERRA, and ECMWF-ERA Interim on Tropical Cyclone Forecasts: An Analysis over the North Indian Ocean UA-36
Tilinina, Natalia Interannual Variability in Cyclone Activity in Different Reanalyses: Comparative Assessment UA-39
Van den Dool, Hugo Managing Big Reanalysis Data Sets: Use of EOFs for Data Compression UA-40
Vandenberghe, Francois Coupled Atmosphere-Wave High-Resolution Reanalyses for Regional Climate Services UA-41
Vernieres, Guillaume The GMAO Ocean Retrospective Analysis from the GEOS-5 Coupled System UA-42
Verver, Ge European Reanalysis and Observations for Monitoring (EURO4M) UA-43
Vose, Russell An Intercomparison of Temperature Trends in the U.S. Historical Climatology Network and Recent Atmospheric Reanalyses UA-44
Wang, Aihui Evaluation of Multi-Reanalysis Products with In Situ Observations over the Tibetan Plateau UA-45
Wang, Wanqiu An Assessment of the Surface Climate in CFSR UA-47
Wei, Jiangfeng Where Does the Irrigation Water Go? An Estimate of the Contribution of Irrigation to Precipitation Using MERRA UA-48
Xie, Pingping Seasonal, Interannual, Intraseasonal and Diurnal Variations of Global Precipitation Depicted in the Reanalyses and Observations UA-50
Yang, Bo Daily Climatological Mean and Standard Deviation in NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis UA-51
Zhang, Chen Comparison of ECMWF and NCEP Reanalyses Using Synoptic Classification UA-52
Zhang, Li Assess the Performance of the CFSR by an Ensemble of Analyses UA-53
Zhang, Xiangdong Detecting Regional Signature of Climate Variability and Change in the Beaufort-Chukchi Seas UA-54
Lennard, Christopher Changes in the Synoptic Drivers of Extreme Rainfall in South Africa UA-56
Dickey, Jean Insights via Space Geodesy: Changes in the Earth's Oblateness (J2)
and Length-of-day (LOD) as a New Metric for Hydrological Models