Monday, 7 May 2012 |
Status and Plans |
Atmospheric Reanalyses | |
Tuesday, 8 May 2012 | ||
Integrated Earth System Analysis | Ocean and Sea Ice Reanalyses | |
Wednesday, 9 May 2012 | ||
Land Reanalysis | Data Assimilation | |
Thursday, 10 May 2012 | ||
User Applications | In Situ Observations | Remotely Sensed Observations | ||
Friday, 11 May 2012 | ||
Advancing Reanalyses | Agency Priorities Panel Discussion |
Poster Presentations | ||
Monday, 7 May 2012 |
0730 - 0830 | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
0830 - 0845 | Welcome and Practical Information | Michael Bosilovich, NASA/GMAO |
0845 - 0900 | Welcome Address | Ghassem Asrar, WCRP |
Status and Plans | Chair: Katzutoshi Onogi, JMA | |
0900 - 0945 | Keynote Address: Challenges of Reanalysis: Past, Present, and Future [Abstract | PPT] |
Adrian Simmons, ECMWF |
0945 - 1015 | MERRA and Beyond - Towards the Development of Integrated Earth System Analysis at the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office [Abstract | PPT] | Michael Bosilovich, NASA/GMAO |
1015 - 1045 | Break | |
Status and Plans (continued) | Chair: Michael Bosilovich, NASA/GMAO | |
1045 - 1115 | Reanalysis at the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction [Abstract | PPT] | Robert Kistler, NOAA/NCEP |
1115 - 1145 | Developing the Sparse Input Reanalysis for Climate Applications (SIRCA), 1850-2013 [Abstract | PPT] | Gil Compo, CIRES/CDC and NOAA ESRL/PSD |
1145 - 1215 | The Japanese 55-Year Reanalysis (JRA-55): Progress and Status [Abstract | PPT] | Katzutoshi Onogi, JMA |
1215 - 1330 | Lunch | |
Status and Plans (continued) | Chair: Suru Saha, NOAA/NCEP | |
1330 - 1400 | ECMWF Status and Plans [Abstract | PPT] | Dick Dee, ECMWF |
1400 - 1430 | Ocean Reanalysis: status and plans [Abstract | PPT] | Detlef Stammer, University of Hamburg |
Atmospheric Reanalyses | Chairs: Gil Compo, CIRES/CDC and NOAA ESRL/PSD; Ana Nunes, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro | |
1430 - 1500 | Regional Reanalyses: Why Bother? [Abstract | PPT] | Invited Talk: Dale Barker, UK Met Office |
1500 - 1530 | CORDEX and NARCCAP: Foundation in Reanalyses [Abstract | PPT] | Invited Talk: William Gutowski, Iowa State University |
1530 - 1600 | Break and Poster Display | |
1600 - 1615 | Evaluating the Tropospheric Variability in NECP's Climate Forecast System Reanalysis [Abstract | PPT] |
Muthuvel Chelliah, CPC/NCEP/NWS |
1615 - 1645 | Assessing Changes in Climate Extremes over the 20th and 21st Century [Abstract | PPT] | Invited Talk: Prashant Sardesmukh, CIRES, NOAA/ESRL |
1645 - 1700 | Recent Changes in Tropospheric Water Vapor Over the Arctic as Assessed from Radiosondes and Atmospheric Reanalyses [Abstract | PPT] | Mark Serreze, NSIDC/CIRES |
1700 - 1715 | Use of Reanalyses to Examine Climate Model Errors in Short Forecasts [Abstract | PPT] | Dave Williamson, NCAR |
1715 - 1730 | Using "Replay" to MERRA for AGCM Model Development [Abstract | PPT] | Andrea Molod, NASA/GMAO |
1730 | Adjourn | |
1800 | Reception and Poster Viewing | |
0730 - 0830 | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
Integrated Earth System Analysis | Chair: Michael Bosilovich, NASA/GMAO | |
0830 - 0900 | MERRAero: The MERRA Aerosol Reanalysis [Abstract | PPT] |
Invited Talk: Arlindo da Silva, NASA GSFC |
0900 - 0920 | 20th Century Isotope Reanalysis [Abstract | PPT] | Kei Yoshimura, University of Tokyo |
0920 - 0940 | Surface Water and Energy Budgets over the Northern Hemisphere in Three Data Assimilation Systems [Abstract | PPT] |
Rongqian Yang, EMC/NCEP/NWS/NOAA |
0940 - 1000 | Very High Resolution Arctic System Reanalysis for 2000-2011 [Abstract | PPT] | David Bromwich, Ohio State University |
1000 - 1030 | Break | |
1030 - 1200 | Poster Session | |
1200 - 1330 | Early Career Scientists/Students Luncheon | Antonio J. Busalacchi, ESSIC Bill Corso, USRA Aschok Kaveeshwar, STC Michele Rienecker, NASA |
Ocean and Sea Ice Reanalyses | Chair: Detlef Stammer, University of Hamburg | |
1330 - 1400 | Assessing the Robustness of Climate Signals in the New ECMWF Ocean Reanalysis System 4 (ORAS4) [Abstract | PPT] |
Invited Talk: Magdalena Balmaseda, ECMWF |
1400 - 1415 | Reanaylzed Ocean-Atmosphere Characteristics of Tropical Instability Waves Simulated in the NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis [Abstract | PPT] | Caihong Wen, NOAA NCEP/Wyle IS/CPC |
1415 - 1430 | Reanalyzed Oceanic Variability from GFDL Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation [Abstract | PPT] | Shaoqing Zhang, GFDL/NOAA |
1430 - 1445 | An Eddy-Resolving Ocean Reanalysis Using the 1/12° Global HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model and the Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation Scheme [Abstract | PPT] | E. Joseph Metzger, NRL |
1445 - 1500 | An Ensemble Estimation of the Variability of Upper-ocean Heat Content over the Tropical Atlantic Ocean with Multi-Ocean Reanalysis Products [Abstract | PPT] | Jieshun Zhu, COLA/IGES |
1500 - 1515 | Historical Ocean Ensemble Reanalyses [Abstract | PPT] | Benjamin Giese, Texas A&M University |
1515 - 1530 | Detecting Historical Ocean Climate Variability [Abstract | PPT] | James Carton, University of Maryland |
1530 - 1600 | Break and Poster Display | |
1600 - 1630 | What Data Assimilation Increments of an Eddy-Permitting Global Ocean Reanalysis Tell Us about Deep Convection in the Labrador Sea [Abstract | PPT] | Bernard Barnier, CNRS |
1630 - 1645 | The CMCC Eddy-Permitting Global Ocean Reanalysis (1991-2010) [Abstract | PPT] | Andrea Storto, CMCC |
1645 - 1700 | Heat and Freshwater Budgets Estimated from Global Eddy-Permitting Reanalyses over 1989-2010 [Abstract] | Bernard Barnier, CNRS, for Maria Valdivieso, ESSC |
1700 - 1715 | GLORYS ¼° Global Ocean Reanalysis and Simulations of the Period 1992-Present [Abstract | PPT] | Laurent Parent, Mercator Océan |
1715 - 1730 | Discussion | |
1730 | Adjourn | |
Wednesday, 9 May 2012 | ||
0730 - 0830 | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
Land Reanalysis | Chair: Michael Ek, NOAA/NCEP | |
0830 - 0900 | Land Surface Analysis and Reanalysis at the NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office [Abstract | PPT] |
Invited Talk: Rolf Reichle, NASA/GSFC |
0900 - 0920 | Land Evapotranspiration in Reanalyses: Comparisons to Observations-Based Data Sets, Land-Surface Models, and IPCC AR4 Simulations [Abstract | PPT] | EGU Young Ambassador: Brigitte Mueller, ETH Zurich |
0920 - 0940 | Development of Global 0.5-Degree Hourly Land Surface Air Temperature Data from 1948-2009 Based on the CRU In Situ Data as well as MERRA, ERA-40, ERA-Interim, and NCEP Reanalysis Data [Abstract | PPT] |
Xubin Zeng, University of Arizona |
0940 - 1000 | Land Surface Climatology in the NCEP Climate Forecast System Reanalysis [Abstract | PPT] | Jesse Meng, NOAA/NCEP/EMC |
1000 - 1030 | Break | |
1030 - 1200 | Poster Session | |
1200 - 1330 | Lunch | |
Data Assimilation | Chairs: Dick Dee, ECMWF; Robert Kistler, NOAA/NCEP | |
1330 - 1400 | Data Assimilation for Reanalysis [Abstract | PPT] | Invited Talk: Dick Dee, ECMWF |
1400 - 1420 | Diagnosis of Data Assimilation Systems: Observation Impact Estimation, Error Covariance Matrix Optimization, and Analysis Error Estimation [Abstract | PPT] |
Toshiyuki Ishibashi, JMA MRI |
1420 - 1440 | A Fast Flow Adaptive Error Covariance Estimation Technique and Application [Abstract | PPT] |
Christian Keppenne, NASA/GSFC |
1440 - 1500 | WRF Atmospheric Data Assimilation: Lessons Learned from Arctic System Reanalysis [Abstract | PPT] |
Zhiquan Liu, NCAR |
1500 - 1520 | Problems Found in CFSR and Solutions Tested for CFSRL [Abstract | PPT] | Jack Woollen, IMSG/NOAA/NCEP |
1520 - 1550 | Break and Poster Display | |
1550 - 1610 | Variational Bias Correction for Radiosonde Data [Abstract | PPT] |
Marco Milan, University of Vienna |
1610 - 1640 | The Unique Challenges of Middle Atmosphere Data Assimilation [Abstract | PPT] |
Invited Talk: Saroja Polavarapu, Environment Canada |
1640 - 1725 | Keynote Address: Global Ocean Reanalyses at Eddy-Permitting Resolution: Insights from the European Project MyOcean [Abstract | PPT] | Bernard Barnier, CNRS |
1725 | Adjourn | |
Thursday, 10 May 2012 | ||
0730 - 0830 | Registration and Continental Breakfast | |
User Applications | Chair: Siegfried Schubert, NASA GSFC | |
0830 - 0845 | Diabatic Heating Profiles in GFSR, MERRA, and ERA-Interim [Abstract | Chidong Zhang, University of Miami | |
0845 - 0900 | A Water Cycle Perspective on the Connection Between Precipitation Extremes and Circulation Anomaly [Abstract | PPT] |
Paul Dirmeyer, George Mason University and COLA/IGES |
0900 - 0915 | Drought Monitoring and Prediction Based on the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis and Reforecasts [Abstract | PPT] |
Kingste Mo, NOAA/NWS/CPC |
0915 - 0930 | An Evaluation and Application of Tropical Cyclones within Reanalysis Data Sets [Abstract | PPT] |
Ben Schenkel, Florida State University |
0930 - 0945 | Using Ocean Reanalysis to Validate CMIP5 Historical Experiments in the Tropical Pacific Ocean [Abstract | PPT] |
Chunxue Yang, Texas A&M University |
0945 - 1000 | How Reanalysis Can Reduce Wind Resource Long-Term Assessment Uncertainty [Abstract | PPT] |
Gil Lizcano, Vortex |
1000 - 1030 | Break | |
1030 - 1200 | Poster Session | |
1200 - 1330 | Lunch | |
1330 - 1400 | An Evaluation of Reanalysis Energy Transports between Ocean and Land [Abstract | PPT] |
Invited Talk: Kevin Trenberth, NCAR |
In Situ Observations | Chair: Russell Vose, NOAA/NCDC | |
1400 - 1430 | Bias Corrections for the Global In Situ Upper Air Temperature and Wind Data Set [Abstract | PPT] |
Invited Talk: Leopold Haimberger, University of Vienna |
1430 - 1445 | Enhanced Data Coverage in Version 2 of the Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive [Abstract | PPT] |
Imke Durre, NOAA NCDC |
1445 - 1500 | Uncertainty in Radiosonde Temperatures Trend in China Relating to Homogenization Using Reanalysis as Reference and Comparison with Satellite Data [Abstract | PPT] | Yanjun Guo, CMA National Climate Center |
1500 - 1515 | The Marine Surface Reference Data Set ICOADS: Status, Future, and IVAD [Abstract | PPT] | Steve Worley, NCAR |
1515 - 1530 | What Is the GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN) and How Can It Be Useful to Reanalysis Efforts? [Abstract | PPT] |
Dian Seidel, NOAA R/ARL |
1530 - 1600 | Break and Poster Display | |
Remotely Sensed Observations | Chair: Roger Saunders, Met Office | |
1600 - 1630 | Assimilation of Satellite Observations in Global Reanalysis: A Double-Edged Sword [Abstract | PPT] |
Invited Talk: Paul Poli, ECMWF |
1630 - 1645 | EUMETSAT Satellite Data Records for Reanalysis [Abstract | PPT] | Joerg Schulz, EUMETSAT |
1645 - 1700 | Climate Data Records from Microwave Satellite Data: A New High Quality Data Source for Reanalyses [Abstract | PPT] | Isaac Moradi, University of Maryland |
1700 - 1715 | Use of the Reprocessed GMS/MTSAT Data in JRA-55 [Abstract | PPT] | Shinya Kobayashi, JMA |
1715 - 1730 | Observations and Forcing Data for the ERA-CLIM Project [Abstract | PPT] | Hans Hersbach, ECMWF |
1730 | Adjourn | |
Friday, 11 May 2012 | ||
0730 - 0830 | Continental Breakfast | |
Advancing Reanalyses | Chair: Michael Bosilovich, NASA/GMAO | |
0830 - 0850 | The MACC Reanalysis: An 8-Year Data Set on Atmospheric Composition [Abstract | PPT] | Adrian Simmons, ECMWF |
0850 - 0910 | A Comparative Analysis of Upper Ocean Heat Content Variability from an Ensemble of Operational Ocean Reanalyses [Abstract | PPT] |
0910 - 0930 | Extending the Use of Satellite Data for Reanalyses [Abstract | PPT] |
Roger Saunders, Met Office |
0930 - 0950 | An Intercomparison of Temperature Trends in the U.S. Historical Climatology Network and Recent Atmospheric Reanalyses [Abstract | PPT] | Russell Vose, NOAA/NCDC |
0950 - 1010 | The Role of Reanalysis in Model Validation and Attribution Studies [Abstract | PPT] | Siegfried Schubert, NASA/GSFC |
1010 - 1040 | Break | |
Agency Priorities: An Open Panel Discussion with Conference Participants | Chair: Ghassem Asrar, Director of WCRP | |
1040 - 1340 | Agency Priorities: An Open Panel Discussion with Conference Participants Representatives from the DOE, EC, ECMWF, ESA, JMA, NASA, and NOAA (others TBA) discuss the following topics:
DOE: Joseph Renu EC: Claus Bruning (by videoconference) ECMWF: Dick Dee ESA: Michael Rast JMA: Kazutoshi Onogi NASA: David Considine NOAA: Don Anderson NSF: Anjuli Bamzai |
4th WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis: Wrap Up [PPT] | Michael Bosilovich, NASA/GMAO | |
Introduction and NCEO Presentation [PPT] | Ghassem Asrar, WCRP, on behalf of Alan O'Neill, NCEO | |
DOE’s Climate Modeling Efforts [PPT] | Joseph Renu, DOE | |
The ESA Earth Observation Programmes & Reanalysis [PPT] | Michael Rast, ESA | |
JMA’s Priority and Plans on Reanalysis [PPT] | Kazutoshi Onogi, JMA | |
NOAA Reanalysis [PPT] | Don Anderson, NOAA | |
1340 | Conference Adjourns | |