Venue & Travel Information
Joint Scientific Committee Thirty-Four Session
27-31 May 2013
Brasilia, BRAZIL
Opening Remarks
(A. Busalacchi)
Towards Implementation of the Global Framework For Climate Services
(J. Lengoasa)
Presentation of Future Earth
(S. Wilson)
IOC and WCRP: Dialogue with Sponsors
(F.A. Saraiva Nogueira)
WCRP Director's Report
(G. Asrar)
Achieving NOAA's Climate Goal Strategy
(R.D. Rosen)
CEOS Working Group on Climate
(J. Schulz)
Update from ECMWF
(A. Simmons)
EUMETSAT Climate Related Activities Update
(J. Schulz)
WCRP Working Group on Regional Climate
(G. Asrar)
Update on CORDEX
(F. Giorgi)
The WCRP Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean-2014
(C. Saulo)
Africa Climate Conference-2013
(F. Semazzi)
Asian-Pacific Network
(L. Stevenson)
Grand Challenge: Regional Climate Information
(L. Goddard)
Grand Challenge: Clouds, Circulation and Climate Sensitivity
(S. Bony)
Grand Challenge: Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
(V. Kattsov)
Grand Challenge: Climate Extremes
(K. Trenberth)
Grand Challenge: Changes in Water Availability
(K. Trenberth)
Grand Challenge: Sea-Level Rise and Regional Impacts
(M. Visbeck)
WMAC-2 Report
(J. Mitchell)
WDAC-2 Report
(M. Rixen)
CLIVAR Updates
(M. Visbeck)
CliC Progress and Plans
(J. Baeseman)
GEWEX Updates
(K. Trenberth)
SPARC Updates
(J. Alexander)
The South Atlantic Convergence Zone and the Paradigm of SST-driven Climate Variations
(P. Nobre)
Strenghtening of the Agulhas Leakage and Weakening of the Atlantic MOC. Fact or Model Artifact?
(E. Campos)
WGCM Updates
(G. Meehl)
WGSIP Updates
(A. Scaife)
WGNE Activities and Future Actions
(C. Jakob)
Subseasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction Project
(G. Brunet)
WCRP Polar Climate Predictability Initiative
(C. Bitz)
GCOS Updates
(A. Simmons)
IGBP Updates
(J. Marengo)
WWRP Updates
(G. Brunet)
Climate Change and the IPCC
(K. Ternberth)
WCRP Communication and Capacity Development Strategies
(R. Boscolo)