Joint Scientific Committee Thirty-Third Session
16-20 July 2012
Beijing, CHINA
The local organizer will help with the room reservation. Please fill out the hotel reservation form and return it to Ms. HUANG Yiting (huangyiting@mail.iap.ac.cn) by email preferably by 15 April 2012.
See below for rooms and rates that are available. All the room rates include breakfast and free internet access. Late reservations will be subject to availability of rooms. Please note that each participant is responsible for his/her own hotel payment; a credit card is needed when checking in.
Additional Information
The Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is graciously hosting the meeting and responsible for the local arrangements. Should you require further information, please contact:
Dr Chang Wenyuan
LAPC, Institute of Atmospheric Physics
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing 100029
P. R. China
Tel.: +86 10 6201 2063
E-mails: changwy@mail.iap.ac.cn (and cc your email to hongliao@mail.iap.ac.cn) |