Version 1: June 2008 This is an example of how the metadata should be set in a CHFP standard netCDF file. Note in particular the dimensions used for the metadata; the choice of 1950-01-01 as the reference point for forecast start date; and the coordinates of the actual data field (ts in this case). The string "institution" should follow a fixed convention for each contributing centre. A full discussion of the metadata, including the suggested use of cell methods, is given in the accompanying pdf file "CHFP_metadata.pdf". Information on how to name the variables is given in "CHFP_variable_names.pdf". In both cases these document usage in the ENSEMBLES project, which CHFP usage should be compatible with. Comments on metadata usage within CHFP can be sent to Tim Stockdale at ECMWF (T.Stockdale (at) netcdf CHFPtest { dimensions: longitude = 144 ; latitude = 73 ; ensemble = 1 ; string4 = 4 ; string60 = 60 ; string15 = 15 ; time = 14 ; variables: float longitude(longitude) ; longitude:data_type = "float" ; longitude:units = "degrees_east" ; longitude:axis = "X" ; longitude:standard_name = "longitude" ; longitude:topology = "circular" ; longitude:modulo = 360 ; longitude:valid_min = 0. ; longitude:valid_max = 360. ; float latitude(latitude) ; latitude:data_type = "float" ; latitude:units = "degrees_north" ; latitude:axis = "Y" ; latitude:standard_name = "latitude" ; latitude:valid_min = -90. ; latitude:valid_max = 90. ; int realization(ensemble) ; realization:standard_name = "realization" ; realization:long_name = "Number of the simulation in the ensemble" ; char experiment_id(ensemble, string4) ; experiment_id:standard_name = "experiment_id" ; experiment_id:long_name = "Experiment identifier" ; experiment_id:DODS:strlen = 4 ; experiment_id:DODS:dimName = "string4" ; char source(ensemble, string60) ; source:standard_name = "source" ; source:long_name = "Method of production of the data" ; source:DODS:strlen = 60 ; source:DODS:dimName = "string60" ; char institution(ensemble, string15) ; institution:standard_name = "institution" ; institution:long_name = "Institution responsible for the forecast system" ; institution:DODS:strlen = 15 ; institution:DODS:dimName = "string15" ; float sc ; sc:data_type = "float" ; sc:units = "m" ; sc:axis = "Z" ; sc:standard_name = "height" ; sc:positive = "up" ; float reftime(time) ; reftime:units = "days since 1950-01-01 00:00:00" ; reftime:standard_name = "forecast_reference_time" ; reftime:long_name = "forecast reference time" ; int leadtime(time) ; leadtime:units = "days" ; leadtime:standard_name = "forecast_period" ; leadtime:long_name = "Time elapsed since the start of the forecast" ; leadtime:bounds = "time_bnd" ; float ts(time, ensemble, latitude, longitude) ; ts:data_type = "float" ; ts:units = "K" ; ts:unit_long = "Kelvin" ; ts:standard_name = "surface_temperature" ; ts:long_name = "SST over sea, soil temperature over land and ice temperature over sea ice" ; ts:cell_methods = "leadtime: mean (interval 1 day)" ; ts:coordinates = "reftime leadtime experiment_id source realization institution sc" ; ts:_FillValue = 1.e+12f ; // global attributes: :Conventions = "CF-1.0" ; :Generator = "SeasPy v1.1" ; :Created = "Thu Mar 15 14:58:25 2007" ; :Title = "ENSEMBLES project" ; :References = ", rch/EU_projects/ENSEMBLES/experiments/index.html" ; :Comment = "Data interpolated from original model grid into a regular grid. Data restrictions: none" ; }