Poster Clusters

In order to encourage coordination and further integration of research activities within and across WCRP and its core projects, groups are encouraged to self-organize and submit clusters of posters addressing a specific research topic in one of the existing program sessions. We also welcome any new and exceptionally relevant trans-disciplinary cluster of posters. The following guidance is intended to assist those planning to submit poster clusters.

Qualification for Poster Clusters

A minimum of 10 posters representing the effort of multiple (preferably international) institutions (a cluster of posters from a single institution is not our aim)

Poster clusters must address a Daily Theme, Poster Session, or Parallel Session topic and as such, will be presented during an appropriate Poster session.

Note: The OSC program is very comprehensive. Most, if not all, poster clusters are likely to fit (perhaps not perfectly) under one of the planned poster sessions. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their poster clusters to a planned session. However, there may be some poster cluster ideas with especially innovative and/or creative themes that clearly fall outside of the bounds of the planned sessions. Proposals (including a strong justification for why the topic does not fit into an already-planned session) for including such poster clusters should be addressed to the abstract chair ( who will solicit a decision from the Scientific Organizing Committee.

Submitting Posters for Poster Clusters

Posters in a cluster can be submitted at any time during the online abstract submission, but every poster title in the cluster must begin with 3-4 identical words (to allow posters in the cluster to be grouped together in the abstract tracking system).

During the abstract submission process, please select “Poster Cluster” as a keyword

Poster Clusters must identify a chair to serve as a point of contact. Please send to the abstract chair ( the chair’s contact info, the title of the Poster Cluster, and a two-sentence description of the poster cluster.