Authors |
Title |
Poster Number |
Javier Acero, Agusin Garcia, Maria C Gallego |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Peaks-over-threshold study of trends in extreme rainfall over the Iberian peninsula |
TH195B |
Ane Garcia Alejandro Cearreta, Eudardo Leorri |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Response of coastal environments of current sea-level rise scenario |
TH196B |
Maria del Carmen Alvarez-Castro, David Gallego Puyol, Pedro Ribera Rodriguez, Cristina Pena-Ortiz |
MedCLIVAR: Mediterranean Climate Variability "Meteorological Database Over The Mediterranean Sea Through Old Royal Navy Logbooks" |
TH230B |
Christof Appenzeller, Isabelle Bey, Thomas Bosshard, Thierry Corti, Mischa Croci-Maspoli, Andreas Fischer, Erich Fischer, Juerg Fuhrer, Sven Kotlarski, Reto Knutti, Anne Kress, Christoph Kull, Mark Liniger, Andreas Lustenberger, Christoph Schaer, Simon Scherrer, Andreas Weigel |
Swiss Climate Change Scenarios: The CH2011 initiative |
TH256B |
Daniel Argüeso, Jose Manuel Hidalgo-Munoz, Sonia Raquel Gamiz-Fortis, MarÌa Jesus Esteban-Parra, Yolanda Castro-Diez |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Evaluation of WRF ability to reproduce mean and extreme precipitation over Spain. |
TH194A |
Judit Bartholy, Rita Pongracz, Brigitta Hollosi, Orsolya Torek |
Projected changes in wet and dry conditions for Eastern/Central Europe using regional climate model simulations |
TH247A |
Martin Beniston |
Impacts of climatic change on water in the alpine part of the Rhone River catchment, Switzerland |
TH244A |
Karine Béranger, Cindy Lebeaupin Brossier, Marie-Noîlle Houssais, Philippe Drobinski, Michel Crépon, Jonathan Beuvier, Romain Bourdall_-Badie, Yann Drillet, Nicolas Ferry, Florent Lyard |
HyMeX - Impact of the wind maximum spatial distribution on the deep convection in the North-Western Mediterranean |
TH214B |
Karine Béranger, Cindy Lebeaupin Brossier, Philippe Drobinski |
HyMeX - Intense weather events and air-sea interactions in the regional WRF-NEMO coupled simulation (MORCE plateform) over the Mediterranean |
TH215A |
Karine Béranger, Cindy Lebeaupin Brossier, Philippe Drobinski, Sophie Bastin, Sylvain Mailler, et al. |
HyMeX - The regional coupled system WRF-NEMO over the Mediterranean (MORCE plateform): impacts of mesoscale coupled processes on the water budget estimation |
TH225A |
Ileana Bladé , Isabel Cacho, Y. Castro-Diez, D. Gomis, P. Gonzalez-Sampériz, G. Miguez-Macho, F. F. Perez, B. Rodriguez-Fonseca, C. Rodriguez-Puebla, E. Sanchez, G. Sotillo, B. Valero-Garcas, M. Vargas-Y?_ez, Y. Luna, M. Brunet (CLIVAR-SPAIN committee) |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Climate in Spain pas, present and future |
TH192A |
Constanta Boroneant, Joan Ramon Coll, Norel Rimbu, Manola Brunet |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Seasonal drought variability over the Iberian Peninsula and its relationship to global sea surface temperature and large scale atmospheric circulation |
TH197A |
Mercè Castellà Sànchez, Brunet India Manloa |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: The unprecedented character of the 2003 summer heat wave over the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula |
TH209A |
Jens Christensen, Fredrik Boberg |
New confidence in regional temperature projections despite model deficiencies |
TH246A |
Jens Christensen, Jens C Refsgaard, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Erik Jeppesen, Kirsten Halsnês, John R Porter, et al. |
Centre for Regional Change in the Earth System (CRES) |
TH179A |
Philippe J Drobinski, Véronique Ducrocq, Piero Lionello, John T Allen, Pinhas Alpert, Emmanouil Anagnostou, Karine Béranger, Isabelle Braud, Noureddine Boubrahmi, André Chanzy, Silvio Davolio, Guy Delrieu, Andreas D_rnbrack, Claude Estournel, Jordi Font, Jim Freer, Miro Gacic, Silvio Gualdi, Vanda Grubisic, Holger Hoff, Victor Homar Santaner, Simon Josey, Christoph Kottmeier, Kostas Lagouvardos, Maria Carmen Llasat, Wolfgang Ludwig, Céline Lutoff, Annarita Mariotti, Alberto Montanari, Emin Ozsoy, Branka Ivancan Picek, Catherine Prigent, Evelyne Richard, Romualdo Romero, Richard Rotunno, Isabelle Ruin, Paolo Ruti, David Sauri, Samuel Somot, Isabelle Taupier-Letage, René Therrien, Joachim Tintore, Remko Uijlenhoet, Heini Wernli |
HyMeX - HyMeX: The WCRP perspective, links with GEWEX, MED-CLIVAR and MED-CORDEX |
TH214A |
Philippe J Drobinski, Alesandro Anav, Cindy Lebeaupin-Brossier, Guillaume Samson, Marc Stefanon, Sophie Bastin, Malika Baklouti, Karine Béranger, Jonathan Beuvier, Romain Bourdall_-Badief, Laure Coquart, Fabio D'Andrea, Nathalie de Noblet, Frédéric Diaz, Jean-Claude Dutay, Christian Ethe, Marie-Alice Foujols, Dmitry Khvorostiyanov, Gurvan Madec, Eric Maisonnave, Martial Mancip, Sébastien Masson, Laurent Menut, Julien Palmieri, Jan Polcher, Sophie Valcke, Nicolas Viovy |
HyMeX - Model of the Regional Coupled Earth system (MORCE): application to process and climate studies in the Mediterranean region |
TH224A |
Clotilde Dubois, Samuel Somot, Florence Sevault, Michel Déqué |
HyMeX - Evaluation of the heat and water fluxes over the Mediterranean using observed estimates and regional climate models. |
TH213B |
Maria Jesus Esteban-Parra , Sonia R Gamiz-Fortis, Jose M Hidalgo-Munoz, Daniel Arg¸eso, Maria Hernandez-Martinez, Yolanda Castro-Diez |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Statistical downscaling for winter MiÒo river flow and its potential use to obtain regional climate change projections |
TH198B |
Emmanouil Flaounas, Philippe Drobinski, Mathieu Vrac, Sophie Bastin, Karine Béranger, Marco Borga, et al. |
HyMeX - Evaluation of dynamical and statistical methods for downscaling of extreme precipitation and surface temperature in the Mediterranean region in the frame of HyMeX and MED-CORDEX |
TH213A |
Fabio Fontana, Nando Foppa, Gabriela Seiz, David Lugrin, Marion Meier, Frank Paul, Rolf Philipona |
Satellite-based climate products for alpine studies within GCOS Switzerland |
TH256A |
Didac Fortuny, Bladé Ileana |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Comparing recent precipitation trends in the Mediterranean in models and observations |
TH192B |
Emma Gaitan Fernandez, Jaime J Ribalaygua Batalla, Carmen C Aullé, Javier M° M Garcia-Lopez, Javier J Portoles, Luis L Torres, Robert R Moncho |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Application of a statistical downscaling method in phytoclimatic studies for the Spanish National Parks |
TH184B |
Emma Gaitan Fernandez, Javier M° M Garcia-Lopez, Carmen C Aullé, Luis L Torres, Javier J Portoles |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Influence of climate change in the regions inhabited by the brown bear in Spain |
TH194B |
Marjana Gajic-Capka, Ksenija Cindric |
HyMeX - Eastern Adriatic trend and variability analysis in precipitation extremes |
TH212B |
Sonia Gamiz-Fortis, Jose M Hidalgo-Munoz, Daniel Arg¸eso, MarÌa J Esteban-Parra, Yolanda Castro-DÌez |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Streamflow variability and predictability in the Ebro river basin |
TH208A |
Elena Garcia-Bustamante, Gonzalez-Rouco Fidel, Navarro Jorge, Xoplaki Elena, Jimenez Pedro, Montavez Pedro |
MedCLIVAR: Mediterranean Climate Variability Relationship between North Atlantic atmospheric circulation and surface wind and wind power in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula: uncertainty and long term downscaled variability |
TH231B |
Damià Gomis , Michael N Tsimplis, Marta Marcos, Luciana Fenoglio-Marc, Begona Pérez, Fabio Raicich, Ivica Vilibic, Guy Wöppelmann, Sebastià Monserrat, Gabriel Jordà |
MedCLIVAR: Mediterranean Climate Variability. Sea Level Rise and its Forcing. |
TH242A |
José Gonzalez-Hidalgo Carlos, Martin de Luis, Petr Stepanek, Michele Brunetti, Nicola Cortesi |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: MOPREDAS (MOnthly PREcipitation DAtaset of Spain) a new tool for subregional analyses of precipitation in Southern Mediterranean areas. |
TH181A |
Clare Goodess , Agnew Maureen, Hemming Debbie, Giannakopoulo Christos |
Integrated assessment in the Mediterranean: the CIRCE case studies |
TH262B |
Klaus Görgen , Jules Beersma, Hendrik Buiteveld, Gerhard Brahmer, Maria Carambia, Otto de Keizer, et al. |
A joint assessment of regional climate change impacts on discharge in the Rhine River basin as input to scientific policy advice |
TH177B |
Célia Gouveia , Ricardo M. Trigo, Santiago Begueria, Sergio M Vicente-Serrano |
MedCLIVAR: Mediterranean Climate Variability - Drought Impacts on Vegetation Dynamics in the Mediterranean Region |
TH229A |
Andreas Haensler, Susanne Pfeifer, Daniela Jacob |
From regional climate models to climate change impact assessment: data support and demand |
TH243A |
Barbara Hennemuth, the CSC-team |
Climate services for the German society with focus on adaptation |
TH180B |
Jose Manuel Hidalgo Munoz, Daniel Argüeso, Sonia Raquel Gamiz Fortis, Maria Jesus Esteban Parra, Yolanda Castro Diez |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: An analysis of extreme precipitation events over the southern Iberian Peninsula. Trends and atmospheric mechanisms associated. |
TH184A |
Isabel Iglesias, M°de las Nieves Lorenzo, Belen Rodriguez-Fonseca, Juan José Taboada, Moncho Gomez-Gesteira |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Changes in the ENSO signal and their impact on the Southwestern Europe spring rainfall |
TH191A |
Pedro Jimenez-Guerrero, Juan P Montavez, Juan J Gomez-Navarro, Sonia Jerez, Raquel Lorente-Plazas |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Establishing an aerosol climatology for the Mediterranean basin |
TH193B |
Gabriel Jorda, Marta Marcos, Gomis Damià, Alvarez-Fanjul Enrique, Pérez Begona, Somot Samuel |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Atmospheric contribution to Mediterranean sea level variability under different climate change scenarios |
TH182A |
Gabriel Jorda, Gomis Damia, Avarez-Fanjul Enrique, Marcos, Marta et al. |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: The VANIMEDAT-2 project: Generation of oceanographic scenarios for the 21st century for the Mediterranean Sea and the NE sector of the Atlantic Ocean |
TH183A |
Kirsti Jyljä, Pauli Jokinen, Kimmo Ruosteenoja |
Observed and projected future shifts of climatic zones in Europe |
TH246B |
Norbert Kalthoff, Christoph Kottmeier, Ulrich Corsmeier |
HyMex - Mediterranean High Impact Weather on the Convective and Synoptic Scale - Real-world Measurements and COSMO Model Simulations |
TH215B |
Albert Klein Tank |
Combining European climate data records and regional reanalyses |
TH210B |
Franz Kuglitsch, Andrea Toreti, Elena Xoplaki, Paul M Della-Marta, Christos S Zerefos, J¸rg Luterbacher |
MedCLIVAR: Mediterranean Climate Variability - Temperature Data Homogenization and its Impact on Heatwave Changes in the Eastern Mediterranean |
TH230A |
Jan Kysely, Eva Plavcova |
Declining impacts of hot spells on mortality in the Czech Republic, 1986-2009: adaptation to climate change? |
TH211A |
Piero Lionello, Annalisa Tanzarella |
MedCLIVAR: Mediterranean Climate Variability. A project for coordinating and promoting the study of Mediterranean Climate |
TH240A |
Piero Lionello, Claudia Pizzigalli, Letizia Congedi, Ahmed Hassan Fahmi, Ghada Al-Naber, Muhammad Shatanawi, Zohra Lili Chabaane, Mohamed W. H. Al Ashkar, Mohamed M. A. Wahab, Haifa G. B. Mailod |
MedCLIVAR: Mediterranean Climate Variability. Analysis of precipitation along the North African and Middle East shore boundary of the Mediterranean Region. |
TH240B |
Piero Lionello, Letizia Congedi, M. Collins, D. Hemming |
MedCLIVAR: Mediterranean Climate Variability. Flood risk maps on the link between the precipitation data and the flood events in the Mediterranean region. |
TH241A |
Piero Lionello, Marco Reale, Katrin Nissen, Uwe Ulbrich |
MedCLIVAR: Mediterranean Climate Variability. Intercomparison between cyclone climatologies in the Mediterranean region (MR) produced by two cyclone tracking algorithms. |
TH241B |
Maria Carmen Llasat, Jessica Amaro, Montserrat Aran, Laurent Boissier, Brice Boudevillain, Jean-Dominique Creutin, Céline Lutoff, Montserrat Llasat-Botija, Olga Petrucci , Joan Rossell_, Isabelle Ruin, David Saur_, Freddy Vinet, Philippe Drobinski |
HyMeX - Contribution on Social Impact |
TH212A |
Maria Carmen Llasat, Montserrat Llasat-Botija, Piero Lionello |
MedCLIVAR: Mediterranean Climate Variability - Plinius 11 Conference on Mediterranean Storms |
TH229B |
Jorge Lopez-Parages, Rodriguez-Fonseca Belén |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Multidecadal Modulation of the interannual rainfall variability over the Euro-Mediterranean region |
TH195A |
Jorge Lopez-Parages, Belén Rodriguez-Fonseca |
HyMeX program: Multidecadal Modulation of the ENSO influence on the interannual Euro-Mediterranean rainfall |
TH227A |
Teresa Losada, Belen Rodriguez-Fonseca, Fred Kucharski |
MedCLIVAR: Tropical Influence on the Summer Mediterranean Climate |
TH242B |
Michela Maione |
ACCENT-Plus: linking science and policy needs in atmospheric composition change |
TH178A |
Viacheslav Manukalo |
Development of climate-related services in Ukraine in the context of climate change |
TH211B |
Maria-Dolors Martinez, Carina Serra, August Burgueoo, Xavier Lana |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Time Trends of Daily Maximum and Minimum Temperatures in Catalonia (NE Spain) for the period 1975-2004 |
TH209B |
Maria-Dolors Martinez, Xavier Lana, August Burgueno, Carina Serra |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Spatial and temporal daily rainfall regime in Catalonia (NE Spain) derived from four precipitation indices, years 1950-2000 |
TH198A |
Maria-Dolors Martinez, Carina Serra, August Burgueno, Xavier Lana |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Trends in dry spells across Catalonia (NE Spain) during the second half of the 20th century |
TH210A |
Marta Marton Martin del Rey, Irene Polo, Belén RodrÌguez de Fonseca, Fred Kucharski |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: The role of the Euro-Atlantic region in the Atlantic-Pacific connection and its impacts |
TH208B |
Suzana P Alcinova Monevska |
Climate change research in Republic of Macedonia in the XXI century |
TH179B |
Hiba Omrani, Philippe Drobinski, Cindy Lebeaupin Brossier, Sophie Bastin, Thomas Dubos, Karine Béranger |
HyMeX-Analysis of the simulated Mediterranean sea water budget variability as a fuction of the horizontal resolution in the Hymex/Med-CORDEX framework |
TH227B |
Christian Page, Celine Deandreis, Philippe Dandin, Lemond Julien, Plieger Maarten, Wim J Som de Cerff, et al. |
Initiatives toward Climate Services in France and in the European Community |
TH244B |
Rita Pongracz, Bartholy Judit, Bartha Eniko |
Analysis of projected changes in heat wave frequency for Eastern/Central Europe on the basis of regional climate model simulations |
TH178B |
Rafael Poza, Sigro Javier, Brunet Manola |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Spatial and temporal comparative of temperature observations (SDATS) against ERA-40, NCEP/NCAR and NOAA-CIRES 20th Century reanalysis, and GCM series in the Iberian Peninsula along nineteen and twenty century |
TH197B |
Jian-Hua Qian, Andrew W Robertson, Vincent Moron |
Interantions among ENSO, the monsoon and diurnal cycle and rainfall variability in the Maritime Continent of Southeast Asia |
TH245B |
Mariana Ribas-Ribas, Gomez-Parra Abelardo, Forja Jesus |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Air-sea CO2 fluxes in the north-eastern shelf of the Gulf of C·diz (southwest Iberian Peninsula)
TH183B |
Mirjana Ruml, Mirjam Vujadinovic, Vladimir Djurdjevic, Ana
Vukovic, Zorica Rankovic-Vasic, Zoran Atanackovic, Branislava Sivcev, Nevena Petrovic,
Nebojsa Markovic, Milan Dacic |
A climate change impact assessment on a small scale: Serbian vienyard regions |
TH177A |
Paolo Michele Ruti, CLIMRUN WPs Leaders team |
Climate Local Information in the Mediterranean region: Responding to User Needs - CLIMRUN |
TH180A |
Paolo Michele Ruti, MedCORDEX team |
HyMeX and the Med-CORDEX experiment: new coupled regional projections and tailored impact analysis. |
TH226B |
Jon Sàenz, Ibarra-Berastegi Gabriel, Ezcurra Agustin, Diaz de Argandona Javier |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions Seasonal cycle at the surface of the Iberian Peninsula as represented by a mesoscale meteorological Reanalysis (IPRA) using WRFDA |
TH182B |
Enrique Sanchez, Pedro Galan, Clemente Gallardo, Miguel Angel Gaertner, Cesar Tejeda, Rodolfo Bermejo, Manuel de Castro |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Coupled and uncoupled ERA-Interim regional climate simulations over the Mediterranean basin: A contribution from UCLM-UPM group to HyMeX project |
TH193A |
Enrique Sanchez, Marta DomÌnguez, Raquel Romera, Lluis Fita-Borrell, Jesus Fernandez, Pedro Jimenez-Guerrero, William David Cabos, Giovanni Liguori, Miguel Angel Gaertner |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions: Present and future climate simulations over Spain and surrounding areas through regional climate models in the frame of ESCENA project |
TH196A |
Katrin Schroeder, Gasparini Gian Pietro, Bryden Harry, Sparnocchia Stefania, Borghini Mireno |
MedCLIVAR Mediterranean Climate Variability: Thermohaline variability in the western Mediterranean Sea |
TH228A |
Gabriela Seiz, Nando Foppa, Fabio Fontana, Jörg Klausen, Rolf Philipona |
National Climate Observing System of Switzerland (GCOS Switzerland) |
TH243B |
David M Sexton, Glen Harris |
The importance of time scale for communicating projections of future climate |
TH257B |
Samuel Somot, Florence Sevault, Clotilde Dubois, Michel Déqué |
HyMeX and Med-CORDEX projects: Regional Climate System Modelling of the Mediterranean region at CNRM, a multi-component approach to study climate variability |
TH226A |
Samuel Somot, Florence Sevault, Michel Déqué, Marine Herrmann, Clotilde Dubois, Roland Aznar, Elena Padorno, Enrique Alvarez-Fanjul, Gabriel Jordà, Marta Marcos, Damià Gomis |
MedCLIVAR, Regional ocean climate change scenarios for the Mediterranean Sea: assessing the uncertainties along the 21st century |
TH228B |
Marc Stéfanon, Cindy Lebeaupin Brossier, Drobinski Philippe, Sophie Bastin, Karine Béranger, Fabio D'Andrea |
HyMeX - Representation of heat waves and drought in MED-CORDEX-ERA Interim simulations at IPSL using WRF and MORCE models |
TH224B |
Marc Stéfanon, Philippe Drobinski, Fabio D'Andrea, Nathalie De Noblet, Nicolas Viovy, Martial Mancip, Jan Polcher |
HyMeX - Vegetation/atmosphere coupled processes in heat waves and droughts as simulated with the MORCE numerical plateform |
TH225B |
Andrea Toreti, Elena Xoplaki, Isabelle Smith, Philippe Naveau, Juerg Luterbacher |
MedCLIVAR: Mediterranean Climate Variability Extreme precipitation in the Mediterranean: statistical characterization and associated large-scale atmospheric circulation |
TH231A |
Yves Tourre, Jean-Pierre Lacaux |
Public Health issues in a Changing Climate : The Rift Valley Fever case |
TH247B |
Else van den Besselaar, Klein Tank Albert, van der Schrier Gerard, van Engelen Aryan |
The European Climate Assessment & Dataset (ECA&D) |
TH257A |
Aryan van Engelen |
The role of the European National Meteorological Services in the playing field of Climate (Change) Services |
TH258A |
Hans von Storch, Meinke |
Regional climate services: A case study |
TH255A |
Ralf Weisse, Hans von Storch |
Regional meteo-marine reanalyses and climate change projections: Results for Northern Europe and potentials for coastal, offshore and terrestrial applications |
TH255B |
Martin Wild, Arturo Sanchez-Lorenzo |
Trends of surface solar radiation in a mountain region of Central Europe since the late 19th century |
TH258B |
Rainer Zahn, GATEWAYS Project members |
CLIVAR-SPAIN contributions - The Agulhas Current off South Africa as a Pacemaker of North Atlantic and Southwest Mediterranean Climate |
TH181B |