Authors |
Title |
Poster Number |
Gael Alory, Thierry Delcroix, Sophie Cravatte, Denis Diverres, Christophe Maes, Rosemary Morrow, Gilles Reverdin, Philippe Techine, David Varillon |
Salinity and Water Cycle: Observations of sea surface salinity in the global ocean from ships of opportunity |
T23B |
Kentaro Ando, Yasuhisa Ishihara, Yukio Masumoto, Yuji Kashino, Iwao Ueki, Takanori Horii, Takuya Hasegawa, Tatsuya Fukuda, Masayuki Yamaguchi, Keisuke Mizuno, Yoshifumi Kuroda |
Tropical Moored Buoy Array: TRITON buoy array in the western Pacific and eastern Indian Oceans |
T33A |
Alfredo Aretxabaleta, Raymond W Schmitt, Joaquim Ballabrera-Poy, Keston W Smith, JÈrÙme Gourrion, Julian Schanze, Jordi Font |
Salinity and Water Cycle - Sea surface salinity changes: Constant or changing trend or mean regime shift |
T22A |
Molly Baringer, Chris Meinen, Silvia Garzoli, Shenfu Dong, Rick Lumpkin, Gustavo Goni, Sang-ki Lee, Renellys Perez |
Sustained observations that contribute to understanding the meridional overturning circulation |
T31A |
Linette Boisvert, Thorsten Markus |
Sea Surface Temperature: High latitude SSTs and their interaction with the Arctic Sea Ice |
T43B |
Bernard Bourles, Lumpkin Rick, McPhaden Mike |
The PIRATA Observing System in the Tropical Atlantic: Accomplishments and perspectives |
T32B |
Jacqueline Boutin, Nicolas Reul, Jordi Font, Nicolas Martin, Joe Tenerelli, Xiaobin Yin, Fabienne Gaillard, Gilles Reverdin, Thierry Delcroix, Joaquim Ballabrera-Poy |
Salinity and Water Cycle: SMOS satellite and in situ observations of sea surface salinity |
T25A |
John Calder, Ignatius Rigor, Andrey Proshutinsky, Eddy Carmak, Igor Ashik, Harald Loeng, Jeff Key, Molly McCammon, Humfrey Melling, Don Perovich, Hajo Eicken, Mark Johnson |
Observations for Climate: An integrated international approach to Arctic ocean observations for society |
T34B |
Kenneth Casey, Craig Donlon |
Sea Surface Temperature - GHRSST and the CEOS Virtual Constellation for SST |
T40B |
Sandra Castro, William J Emery, Gary A Wick |
Assessment of the performance of coastal and open-water buoys for application to satellite SST validation |
T29A |
Toshio Chin, Jorge Vazquez, Edward Armstrong |
Sea Surface Temperature: Wavenumber variability from satellite data |
T47B |
Carol Clayson, Alec Bogdanoff |
Sea Surface Temperature: Diurnal variability and ENSO |
T43A |
Rick Cole |
The Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array, "Bai-Long Buoy" |
T32A |
Peter Cornillon, John Salter, Pierre LeBorgne |
Sea Surface Temperature - Diurnal warming and SST fronts |
T40A |
Meghan Cronin, Matthew H Alford, Seth Bushinsky, Bill Crawford, Eric A D'Asaro, et al. |
Observations for Climate: Ongoing Ocean Station P Time Series |
T50A |
Shenfu Dong, Silvia Garzoli, Molly Baringer, Gustavo Goni, Christopher Meinen |
Observations for Climate: The contribution of the XBT network to climate studies |
T53A |
Christopher Fairall, Daniel Wolfe, Ludovic Bariteau, Sergio Pezoa, Jeffrey Hare, Robert Weller, Frank Bradley, James Edson, Wade McGillis, Detlev Helmig, Barry Huebert, Byron Blomquist |
Ocean Climate Observations: Progress on direct observation and parameterization of air-sea fluxes |
T56B |
Gregory Foltz, Rick Lumpkin, Claudia Schmid, Silvia Garzoli, Verena Hormann, Renellys Perez, Marlos Goes, Gustavo Goni |
Observations for Climate: Sustained ocean observing system for tropical Atlantic variability |
T52B |
Silvia Garzoli, Gregory C Johnson, Rik Wanninkhof, Bernadette M Sloyan |
Observations for climate: Expanding to the deep ocean |
T36B |
Chelle Gentemann |
Sea Surface Temperature: Characteristics of diurnal variability at the ocean surface: spatial/temporal distribution from data and models |
T41B |
Chelle Gentemann |
Sea Surface Temperature: Satellite microwave SSTs for climate |
T45B |
Sarah Gille |
Sea Surface Temperature: Upper ocean temperature variability from Argo and AMSR-E |
T47A |
Maria del Carmen Grados Quispe , Alexis Chaigneau, Luis Vasquez, Noel Dominguez, Vincent Echevin, Alice Pietri, Pierre Testor, Gérard Eldin, Marie Le Texier |
The Peruvian Ocean Observing System : A synthesis and challenges |
T27B |
Gustavo Goni, Shenfu Dong, Rick Lumpkin, Joaquin Trinanes, Verena Hormann |
Observations for Climate: Satellite observations for climate studies |
T50B |
George Halliwell, Renellys Perez |
Observations for Climate: The use of numerical models for ocean observing system evaluation and design |
T55A |
Steve Hankin, Kevin M O'Brien, Kevin Kern, Ted Habermann, Michelle Little, David Neufeld, Derrick Snowden |
Observations for Ocean Climate: Using the observing system monitoring center as an entry point in an end-to-end view of ocean observations |
T56A |
Steve Hankin, Heather Koyuk |
Observations for Ocean Climate: A community-wide synthesis of surface ocean CO2 observations -- the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) |
T129B |
Paul Hughes, Mark A Bourassa, Shawn R Smith, Jeremy Rolph |
Observations for Climate: Importance of submonthly variability on monthly mean latent heat flux estimates and impacts on the Oceanic mixed layer |
T38A |
Arnold Gordon, Claudia Giulivi |
Salinity and Water Cycle: The Canary current, its role in the North Atlantic subtropical salinity maximum freshwater budget |
T26A |
Gregory Johnson, Sunke Schmidtko |
Observations for Climate: Multi-decadal warming and shoaling of Antarctic intermediate water |
T39B |
Alexey Kaplan |
Sea Surface Temperature: The role of small-scale and short-term variability in the error of gridded observations |
T46B |
Taiyo Kobayashi, Kenichi Amaike, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Tetsuro Ino, Kenichi Asakawa, Toshio Suga, Takeshi Kawano, Tadahiro Hyakudome |
Deep NINJA: A new profiling float for deep ocean observation developed in Japan |
T29B |
Gary Lagerloef, Raymond Schmitt, Julian Schanze, Hsun-Ying Kao |
Salinity and Water Cycle; Air-sea freshwater balance |
T22B |
Gary Lagerloef, Sandra Torrusio, David LeVine, Monica Rabolli, Yi Chao |
Salinity and Water Cycle; Aquarius/SAC-D Satellite Mission Early Results |
T23A |
Sang-Ki Lee, Chunzai Wang, George Halliwell, Gustavo Goni, David Enfield, Rick Lumpkin, Claudia Schmid |
Observations for Climate: The need for an ocean observing system in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico for improving operational hurricane forecasts |
T54A |
Gustavo Goni, David Lindo, Francis Bringas, Barbara Muhling, John Lamkin |
Observations for Climate: Satellite observations for climate studies |
T57A |
Roger Lukas, Fernando Santiago-Mandujano, Robert Weller, Albert Plueddemann, Chris Fairall, Frank Bradley, Diane Stanitski |
Observations for Climate: Comparison of ocean reference stations observations to the ECMWF-interim reanalysis products |
T35A |
Rick Lumpkin, Molly Baringer, Claudia Schmid, Gustavo Goni, Silvia Garzoli |
Observations for Climate: Evaluating the Global Ocean Observing System |
T36A |
Rick Lumpkin, Silvia Garzoli, Verena Hormann, Gustavo Goni |
Observations for Climate: NOAA's Global Drifter Program |
T49B |
Yukio Masumoto, Weidong Yu |
Indian Ocean Observing System (IndOOS): Progress during the recent decade |
T30B |
Elleen Maturi |
Sea surface temperature geostationary high quality SST data set |
T41A |
Michael McPhaden |
The global tropical moored buoy array |
T31B |
Angelique Melet, Jacques Verron, Jean-Michel Brankart |
Potentiality of Glider Data Assimilation in the Solomon Sea: Control of the mass field in some simple scenarios and estimation of the tidal mixing parameter |
T48A |
Oleg Melnichenko, Nikolai Maximenko, James Potemra, Peter Hacker |
Salinity and Water Cycle: spatial patterns and variability of near-surface salinity gradients from historical CTD, TSG, and Argo data |
T25B |
Liliane Merlivat, Jacqueline Boutin, David Antoine |
Remote estimates of marine primary productivity in the Southern Ocean from Carioca drifters and satellite based observations |
T48B |
Peter Minnett, Malgorzata D Szczodrak, Miguel Angel Izaguirre, Michael Reynolds |
Sea Surface Temperature: Climate data records of sea-surface temperatures |
T42A |
Peter Minnett, Miroslav Kubat, Sareewan Dendamrongvit, Guillermo P Podest· |
Sea Surface Temperature: New algorithms for the derivation of sea-surface temperatures from infrared satellite radiometers |
T44B |
Peter Minnett, Robert H Evans, Kevin R Turpie, Doug May |
Sea Surface Temperature: Sea-surface temperatures from the VIIRS on NPP |
T46A |
James Overland, J.A. Richter-Menge, H. Eiken, H. Wiggins, J. Calder, N. Soreide |
Observations for Climate: Tracking Arctic changes and surprises |
T55B |
Denis Pierrot, Richard Wanninkhof, Richard A Feely, Taro Takahashi, Gustavo Goni, Nicholas Bates, Frank Millero, Kevin Sullivan, Catherine E Cosca |
Observations for Climate: Measurements of surface pCO2 on ships |
T38B |
Andrey Proshutinsky, Mary-Louise Timmermans, John Toole |
The Beaufort Gyre Observing System: Making a contribution to the Ocean Observing System at Polar Latitudes |
T51A |
Tangdong Qu, Shan Gao, Ichiro Fukumori |
Salinity and Water Cycle: Variability of ocean salinity maxima and its related ocean dynamics in a Global GCM |
T26B |
Gilles Reverdin, Jacqueline Boutin, Jordi Font, Fabienne Gaillard, Detlef Stammer, Marta Sena-Martins, José Pelegri, Pierre Blouch, Jean Rolland, Simon Morisset, Nicolas Martin, Joaquim Salvador, P. Fernandez |
Salinity and Water Cycle: Sea Surface Salinity drifter for SMOS validation and surface process studies |
T24B |
Ignatius Rigor, Mike Steele, Wendy Ermold, Mark Ortmeyer |
Observations for Climate: Measuring the Upper Layer Temperature of the Arctic Ocean (UpTempO) |
T39A |
Ignatius Rigor, Mark Ortmeyer |
Observations for Climate: The International Arctic Buoy Programme (IABP) - A Cornerstone of the Arctic Observing Network |
T53B |
Stephen Rintoul |
The Southern Ocean Observing System (SOOS) |
T21B |
Dean Roemmich, Silvia Garzoli, Gregory C Johnson, W B Owens, Stephen Riser |
Observations for climate: Global ocean temperature, salinity and circulation measured by the Argo Program |
T37A |
Christopher L Sabine, Michael McPhaden, Shannon McArthur, Meghan Cronin, Robert Weller, Uwe Send, Douglas Vandemark, Scott Noakes, Steven Lohrenz, Jan Newton, Jeremy Mathis, Andreas Andersson, Eric DeCarlo, Dwight Gledhill, Jorge E Corredor, Bronte Tilbrook, Stacy Jones, Sylvia Musielewicz, Randy Bott, Noah Lawrence-Slavas |
Observations for Climate: High-resolution ocean and atmosphere pCO2 time-series measurements |
T37B |
Raymond Schmitt |
Salinity and Water Cycle: Salinity trends indicate a rapid intensification of the global water cycle |
T24A |
Uwe Send, Bruce Cornuelle, Russ Davis, Dean Roemmich, Daniel Rudnick, Luca Centurioni, William Kessler |
Observations for Climate: Development and implementation of integrated boundary current observing techniques (CORC) |
T35B |
Shawn Smith, Mark Bourassa, Jeremy Rolph, Kristen Briggs |
Observations for Climate: Shipboard automated meteorological and oceanographic systems on research vessels |
T57B |
Alexander Soloviev, Silvia Matt, Atsushi Fujimura |
Sea surface temperature: Modeling of the diurnal cycle of the sea surface temperature and air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide in application to remote sensing techniques |
T44A |
Diane Stanitski, David Legler, John Calder, Candyce Clark, Kathleen Crane, Joel Levy, Gillian Lichota, Steve Piotrowicz, Sidney Thurston |
Observations for Climate: NOAA support of sustained ocean and Arctic research |
T49A |
John Toole, Richard A Krishfield, Mary-Louise Timmermans, Andrey Proshutinsky |
The Ice-Tethered Profiler Program: Making a contribution to the Ocean Observing System at Polar Latitudes |
T27A |
Mark Tschudi, James Maslanik, Charles Fowler, Julienne Stroeve |
Enhanced Albedo feedback resulting from a thinner Arctic sea ice cover |
T30A |
Jérôme Vialard, Jean-Philippe Duvel |
Vasco-Cirene : a process study of air-sea interactions at interannual, intraseasonal and tropical cyclone timescales in the southwestern Indian Ocean |
T33B |
Rik Wanninkhof, Richard A Feely, Molly O Baringer, Chris Sabine, Greg C Johnson, John L Bullister, Calvin W Mordy, Chris Langdon, Jia-Zhong Zhang, Frank J Millero, Andrew G Dickson |
Observations for Climate: The NOAA component of the CLIVAR CO2/Tracer Repeat Hydrography Program |
T54B |
Gary Wick, Sandra L Castro, Helen Beggs |
Sea Surface Temperature: Differences between modeled and satellite-based observations of diurnal warming and their implications for air-sea interactions and climate feedbacks |
T42B |
Josh Willis |
A revised estimate of upper ocean heat content in light of a new XBT bias correction and implications for the global energy balance |
T28B |
Scott Woodruff, Elizabeth Kent, Etienne Charpentier, Craig Donlon, Sissy Iona, Nick Rayner, Shawn Smith, Val Swail |
The CLIMAR Community Initiative: A 10-Year Vision |
T51B |
Cimarron Wortham, Carl I Wunsch |
A 4-dimensional spectral description of ocean variability for uncertainty determination |
T28A |
Pingping Xie, Soo-Hyun Yoo, Arun Kumar |
Observations for Climate: A High-Resolution Real-Time Analysis of Global Oceanic Precipitation |
T34A |
Lisan Yu, Xiangze Jin, Sachiko Yoshida, Robert A Weller |
Observations for Climate: Sustained air-sea flux buoy observations for quantifying/characterizing the changes in global ocean surface fluxes in a changing climate |
T52A |