Authors |
Title |
Poster Number |
Stephen Ackley, Burcu Ozsoy-Cicek, Hongjie Xie |
Antarctic sea ice thickness distributions derived from surface elevation compared to measured thickness values |
M115B |
Michael Alexander, Clara Deser, Robert Tomas, David Lawrence |
The atmospheric response to sea ice and snow cover changes Induced by global warming |
M138A |
David Bailey, Marika Holland, Daniel Lack, Jean-Francois Lamarque, Mark Flanner, James Corbett |
Potential impacts of 21st century Arctic shipping |
M126B |
Uma Bhatt, Donald Walker, Martha Raynolds, Peter Bieniek, Howard Epstein, Josefino Comiso, Jorge Pinzon, Compton Tucker |
Understanding recent Arctic tundra vegetation changes |
M140A |
Jorge Carrasco, Claudia Villarroel, Gino Casassa, Mark Falvey |
Validation of the climate version of the WRF in the Northern Patagonia icefield |
M140B |
Gino Casassa, David N Briones, Paulina Lopez, Thomas Loriaux |
GLOFs in the Chilean Andes and their relation with recent glacier variations |
M119A |
John Cassano, Shelley Knuth, James Maslanik |
Wintertime observations of air-sea fluxes in an Antarctic polynya |
M141A |
Richard Cullather, Michael G Bosilovich, Sirpa M Häkkinen |
Arctic storm tracks and their relation to sea ice cover |
M116A |
Christopher Cunningham, Jose P Bonatti |
Potential influences on the Southern hemisphere atmospheric circulation of negative and positive sea ice extention anomalies in the Ross sea |
M127A |
Chris Derksen, Ross Brown, Libo Wang, Stephen Howell, Peter Toose, Martin Sharp, Gabriel Wolken, Anne Walker |
New perspectives on the cryosphere from satellite derived datasets developed during International Polar Year |
M124A |
Claude Duguay, Diego Fernandez-Prieto, Hanna Alasalmi, Yves Gauthier, Eirik Malnes, Lars Marklund, Terry Prowse, Laura Rontu, Helmut Rott, Patrick Samuelsson, Rune Solberg |
ESA's STSE North hydrology project: Overview and early results |
M118A |
Dyre Dammann, Uma Bhatt, Jeremy Krieger, Peter Langen, Xiangdong Zhang |
Impact of daily Arctic sea ice variability on an atmospheric GCM |
M121A |
Hajo Eicken, Igor Krupnik, Mark Johnson |
Seasonality of sea ice in the Bering and Chukchi seas from geophysical data and community-based observations |
M136B |
Jennifer Francis, Stephen Vavrus |
Links between Arctic Amplification and Extreme Weather Events in Mid-latitudes |
M123B |
Sebastian Gerland, Angelika H Renner, Mats A Granskog, Edmond Hansen, Christian Haas |
Regional sea ice thickness distribution in the Svalbard region and Fram Strait from airborne and in situ observations |
M129B |
Debjani Ghatak, Clara Deser, Allan Frei, Gavin Gong, David Robinson, Julienne Stroeve |
Does Arctic sea ice melt affect the Eurasian snow? |
M117B |
William Gutowski, Wieslaw Maslowski, John Cassano, Dennis Lettenmaier, Tony Craig, Brandon Fisel, Justin Glisan, Matthew Higgins, Jaromir Jakacki, Andrew Roberts, Chunmei Zhu |
Regional Arctic Climate Model (RACM): Overview and selected results |
M129A |
Guenther Heinemann, Sascha Willmes, Lars Ebner, Susanne Adams, Martin Bauer, David Schroeder, Ralph Timmermann |
How much sea ice is produced in the Laptev Sea of the Siberian Arctic? |
M120A |
Glen Liston, Christopher Hiemstra |
The changing cryosphere: Pan-Arctic snow trends (1979-2009) |
M138B |
Thomas Loriaux, Jose Luis Rodriguez, Gino Casassa |
Areal changes of glacial lakes from the Northern and Southern Patagonia Icefields |
M116B |
Irina Mahlstein, Reto Knutti |
September Arctic sea ice predicted to disappear for 2∞C global warming above present |
M137A |
François Massonnet, Pierre Mathiot, Thierry Fichefet, Hugues Goosse, Christof Kˆnig Beatty, Martin Vancoppenolle |
A data assimilation approach for reconstructing sea ice volume in the Southern Hemisphere |
M115A |
Gregory McCabe, David Wolock |
Recent declines in Western US snowpack in the context of 20th century climate variability |
M128B |
Masayo Ogi, Koji Yamazaki, John M Wallace |
Influence of winter and summer surface wind anomalies on Summer Arctic sea ice extent |
M122A |
Don Perovich, Ralf Doescher, Hajo Eicken, Sebastian Gerland, Alexander Makshtas, Walt Meier, Jinping Zhao |
Observations for climate: Facilitating a collaborative, integrative approach to Arctic sea ice studies |
M124B |
Ola Persson, Amy Solomon |
Impacts of free-tropospheric processes on Arctic sea-ice melt-season transitions and transition trends |
M121B |
Jackie Richter-Menge, Donald Perovich, Humfrey Melling, Sue E Moore |
Observations for climate: Monitoring changes in Arctic sea ice thickness, mass balance and marine mammal activity |
M125A |
David Robinson, Thomas Estilow, Gina Henderson, Daniel Leathers |
Hemispheric snow cover extent variability |
M119B |
Adam Schlosser, Xiang Gao, Katey Walter, Andrei Sokolov, Qianlai Zhuang, David Kicklighter |
Quantifying future changes in high-latitude methane emissions and potential climate feedback under regional climate-change uncertainty |
M127B |
Natalia Signorelli, Ilana Wainer, Juliana Marson, Augusto Pereira, Luciana Prado, Dalton Sasaki, Marcos Tonelli |
The role of Antarctic sea ice on the variability of the Antarctic Intermediate Water |
M139A |
Gunnar Spreen, Ron Kwok, Dimitris Menemenlis |
Trends in Arctic sea ice speed and wind speed during 1992-2009 |
M139B |
Hans Christian Steen-Larsen , David Noone, David Schneider, Max Berkelhammer, James White, Konrad Steffen |
Observing and documenting the snow surface processes creating the isotopic signal in the snow at Summit, Greenland |
M125B |
Julienne Stroeve, James Maslanik, Charles Fowler |
Distribution and trends in Arctic sea ice age and implications for the future |
M117A |
Arild Sundfjord, Angelika H Renner, Sebastian Gerland, Mats A Granskog, Edmond Hansen, Vladimir Pavlov, Stein Tronstad, Ola Brandt, Paul Dodd, Marie Dumont, Harvey Goodwin, et al. |
Studies of processes governing Arctic sea ice development - the ICE-Fluxes project |
M137B |
Timo Vihma |
Interaction of Arctic sea ice, air moisture, and clouds |
M122B |
Justin Wettstein, Clara Deser |
Internal variability in simulated 21st century Arctic sea ice evolutions: Climate forcing and response |
M123A |
Scott Williamson, David Hik, John Gamon, Jeffery Kavanaugh, Gwenn Flowers |
Evaluating the feedback to Land Surface Temperature resulting from changing snow cover |
M118B |
Baisheng Ye |
Hydrological process change with air temperature over the Lena Basin in Siberia |
M120B |
Rodrigo Zamora, Jose A Uribe, Gino Casassa, Mariusz Potocki, Bjorn Grigholm, Paul Mayewski |
Radar surveys of ice thickness and snow stratigraphy at Tupungatito Glacier, a high altitude glacier site in the central Chilean Andes |
M128A |